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Everything posted by ZombieCarnage3

  1. That's funny because I always shoot the shandeleir ( srry not the best at spelling) but not as many times plus I shoot a light bulb or two
  2. Good cause I thought my computer was screwd up
  3. 2. we can try it ourselfs ( only if u have ps3) and if it does something what does it do Plus if that doesn't work I have other things
  4. A guy said something about garbage bags and those papers idk why but I always try to look at it but it's blurry so I blow it up
  5. Moving on what the heck is that it's huuuuuuuuge .
  6. In the main room right as you telport in if u go up to were the box would be and if you turn around as if your looking for the box. If you look real close you can see it's bolted on to something and it opens . What is that?!?
  7. Nice
  8. I just said that
  9. its later in time so his illness is getting worse
  10. So were is the trailer
  11. What if it's just a scientist that was involved with 115 and stuff
  12. I agree some of this stuff is so confusing.
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