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Everything posted by mrverse

  1. I thought Id watch it again. I must be a new one, I spotted QR and its the same so why would jugger and double tap change the machines. The truth will be revieled soon.
  2. Do you read any other threads? This has been established. As its red I think its a soviet upgraded looking jugger machine. IMO
  3. Can anyone answer if they will be up for d/l?
  4. Shame. I would do it for free bigman but I'm a puss3 user! Good luck
  5. After reading it seems you can and can't gameshare the d/l maps. I'm looking for a kind PS3 user to give it a bash with me. I have a few move games (Tumble, top darts and Hustleking) Battlefield1943, premier manager, NHL 3 on 3 and a few others I cant remember at the moment. This would be very helpful as black ops is stuck in my ps3, it wont eject. So I cant even play WaW anymore. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
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