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Everything posted by ALL-STAR_WELSHY
rule #8008135 dead people only get dead again if the living stay living. rule #8008136 being revived is an intimate thing and if the coast is clear the favour can be returned. rule #8008137 points mean prizes is not my quote but rings true so dont steal from windows they need points too. rule #8008138 REPRESENT - no matter what character you are you are now working for "GROUP" 935 rule # something always wear a seatbelt
i have been reading posts on kino for a long old time now and there is much conspiracy about the third radio. we all know there are three film reels and that there are definately two radios. is there any valid proof or theories about where this radio is, if it is there at all. normally i am pretty quick at finding stuff and found all radios and teddies after the flytrap on der riese no problem i also found afore mentioned reels radios and element 115 without needing to read threads like this but i am beginning to believe there is not a third radio. try to be helpful rather than argumentative guys cheers ASWelshy.
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
not going to wreck your irrefutable evidence as every bit of info points somewhere but maybe that was an iage to show a disrupted berlin. think about it... a monumental tower from central berlin shows we are in berlin construction could be re-construction which would show disruption but hell guys we are all gonna have different theories until people like me cant make a counter point so lets just get used to the non linear aether realm or whatever it is. ps i only go the alley way if i cant see the box from the speed cola room to avoid turning the power on if its not in the middle bit. but hey thats just me -
der riese and kino are linked NEW FIND
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
i think you are along the same lines as me. off point as i lived in germany for many years in this context it is damned not dead however this are two similar words meaning very much the same. also richtofen kinda says theatre of the damned at the loading screen -
There are varying types of Ebola strain Zaire Sudan and Sebov are the three major strains. Symptoms of the Ebolavirus. Zaire and Sudan Ebola: • Abdominal pain • Fever • Headache • Bloody vomit • Maculopapular rash • Malaise • Joint and muscle pain • Inflammation of the pharynx • Coagulopathy • Chest pain Sebov: • CNS involvement • Sore, dry throat • Hemorrhagic diathesis • Hiccups • Non-bloody diarrhoea • Vomiting • Purpura • Petechia • Sclerotic arterioles • Low blood-pressure Treatment. There is no standard procedure for Ebola as its effect largely depends on the infected person. If the infected has strong plasma cells they are more likely to survive. The treatment for ebolavirus infection is largely supportive and includes • Minimizing invasive procedures • Balancing electrolytes (patients are often dehydrated) • Replacing lost coagulation factors to stop bleeding • Maintaining oxygen and blood levels • Treating complicating infections Convalescent plasma may be used as treatment to the disease in the future Experimenting. • In monkeys administering of the previously mentioned coagulation (rNAPc2) treated 33% from a lethal infection of SEBOV. This inoculating however is ineffective in human recovery. • Research into a drug called morphilino antisense has proved 75% effective amongst rhesus monkeys. However it is not used in human medicine as it is unsure of consequences. • Stable Nucleic Acid Lipid Particles (SNALPs) that prevented reproduction of the disease in monkeys. This is just a small fraction of my research, with a little bonus if you want to highlight. and when you do dont comment asking me if i realised what ive just found cause i know what i found, and how it ties to ascension lol any way enough said cause i know you guys like to keep figuring stuff out for your self
der riese and kino are linked NEW FIND
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
and quoting the guy above by the way... ... you got me lol i meant to say LIKE hyenas in the way they act hunting the dead and all that jazz not literally hyenas... my bad. -
hi guys and gals, right i dont wanna get shot down for this cos of the whole abanded theatre thing that everyone sticks to but i believe after a bit of research that kino may have been used for something slightly worse than performing on stage. if anyone has read the post kino der toten is not 1960s that was also by me however that is still up for debate this post however is a questionable theory okay so bare that in mind... so i will now list a variety of things that make me believe kino was not a comercial theatre ...the nazi flags everywhere. ...the pictures of group 935. ...the turret guns seem to be in place for an escape from the stage. ...the podium on which the turret gun is placed in the theatre. ...the actual setup of the theatre strikes me as odd as the boxes are located at the rear of the auditorium where there is normally a balcony rather than down the sides. ...a few destroyed chairs left in the rubble appear to have shackles or straps on the arms. not all ...my best piece of evidence raises many questions and answers very few. WHEN I SAID EARLIER BARE WITH ME I HOPE YOU ARE STILL HERE. cos now it gets interseting i cant get the picture into this post however i can easily explain where you will find it. from the main menu>der riese>bulletin boards. easy enough. now scroll to the second picture where you shoud see four little pictures on a cork board. the one closest to the top is slightly right of the centre and this is what i want you to look at. now to keep you guys in suspense i will not divulge to you anything about this picture. but when you do go you will realise that as der riese is set just after WW2 then this picture seems out of place. my theory is that kino der toten was actually a brainwashing facility where the re-animated corpses where strapped to chairs and made to watch nazi propaganda or teletubbies or something to make them behave the way the nazis wanted them too. but as always when you deal with living dead it went tits up. not sure what happened maybe one got loose and the others snapped out of there trance and follwed this pied piper of the flesh craving dead. whatever happened it happened. more than likely though sam had something to do with it well anyhow these zombies cause havoc wrecked everthing the turret guns were activated as Dr's fled the stage. people running everwhere. at this point we digress to another theory gas zombies- i believe that these zombies were a backup plan for the events i am describing they were HYENAS NON LITERAL SO STOP YOUR POSTS AND GET ON TOPIC with a dormant form of nova 6 in them waiting with element 115 to re-animate these crawlers (electronically activated) explaining there presence after power activation. now as we know HYENAS often prey on other predators kills. in other words eat the dead. the scientisis thought they could release these zombies if ever the dead tried to attack and there primal prey would be the zombies. again however something went wrong the dead hyenas no longer wanted to eat the dead. that would destroy there kind as they would eliminate themselves. no they craved the living and joined the hunt for humans. humans reached the lobby and had left messages to any future investigators to warn them. and in the presence of element 115 the zombies are still animated so cannot leave the theatre. any way the picture was the main thing so head on over to carbonfibah's post and see for yourself. guys please feel free to debunk my theory. as all we have are theories to link with other theories until we have a giant theory without any condescending shizzle.
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
The ak 47 almost it made into ww2(a few months), the 74, dragonov and some others are based on the 47's operating internals b/c its a good design. Just like the 47 the G11 gave birth to the famas and ACR, the out side of the gun may look very different but how the guns internals work is almost the same. Look up the history of the G11. Now it would be way out of line if there was an ACR in here. Also you say ak74 was put into production in the 70's, special forces had guns in the 60's that didn't get put into production until the 80's and so on. If we had an electric car in zombies you'd say oh no thats not possible. Well the first electric car that still works to this day was finished by 1934. Before that was years of research and trial and error testing. What is not known to you does not exist in your world, so please bare with us all and accept that there are many many things all of us will never know or comprehend, things that may not ever occur to any of us. This is why we talk here, not to shout down a person's opinion/question simply because you don't understand. erm quite simply- who the fuck are you and what input did you have to this thread other than to shoot me down and tell me off for shooting others down you hypocritical fuck -
okidokey just to clear up the arguments about kino der toten i am british by the way my father served 22 years in the Army and i lived in germany for many years. i was taught german in a german school privately by a fluent english teacher. he explained to me that german words when translated to english are adaptable pretty much the way if i said "the cat was disgusting" you could go get a thesaurus and say "the cat was grotesque" both mean the same my point being that cinema and theatre are adaptable words through translation. read though "theatre of the damned" then "cinema of the damned" childish opinion " theatre sounds scary" adult opinion why would they drop "theatre of the damned" into richtofens speech if the map is actually called "movie theatre of the people that were people but now arent people they are zombies" it doesnt make sense but anyway i think if we all stop getting hung up on silly things like a translation and focus on what threads are about then maybe posts would read alot smoother. and be easier to follow. and yes i know that i have just posted probably the longest post about the translation but it needed to be said because there is a german that doesnt realise how to translate fluently to english. no arguing he is right but like i said it is an adaptable title.
i live in the uk and got it at 3 o'clock its now 4.30 and only 17% of the way through with 366 minutes left jeezus my router is shite lol but cant wait. just a shame im on lates tonight till 1a.m and up at 5.30a.m tomorrow oh well available in store on game and on XMB store by typing first strike in search area to find it quick just a thought as there are a list of the 6 different downloads is it now possible to gameshare this map pack with overseas friends with a different BLES code on their discs. cos i think its a fuckin rip off at £11.49 if you cant. bought it though so i hope i can save some wonga for my friends.
i honestly love this but i have to question one thing, if they are hyenas then why do they wear pants? or some sort of lower body piece of clothing. well obviously with all the dead meat around they got quite randy and the scientists were ashamed of themselves so covered up the hyena so they did not have t see giant penises lol. no tbh i dont know. i was trying to tie the HYENA password in ascension to kino but got a bit crazy. maybe they were just kamikaze bombs to be sent at rouge zombies. as they do kill them
i had a theory on kino and ascension tying in but its not solid. it is to do with the HYENA code that people have started talking about and the nova 6 zombies. i believe that kino was a brain washing facility for the nazis and the illuminati. to brain wash the dead soldiers. and a form of element 115 and nova six was capsuled and left dormant in the skin of these crawler things. now i know they dont look like hyenas but nova 6 disfigures whoever it comes into contact with. so maybe the scientists in kino were using these crawlers as a back up keeping them caged on the roof and with an electric signal would release the capsuled 115 nova and they would come in and attack the zombies. this ties in with the door that is at the top of the ladders. and also shows why they crawl down the wall. well back to the hyena bit which gets confusing but im a confusing person. the crawlers are disfigured hyena. hyenas prey on the dead that other predators have killed. the scientists were going to use these to kill the living dead in an emergency now the reasons this didnt work. primary survival instinct would not let you destroy your own race therefore the crawlers rather than eat zombies eat humansand this plan backfired against the scientists. up until this post i thought thie beware the 6 message may have had something to do with this however this post works alot better
Kino der toten power on early Yes or NO
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
dont take this as patronizing cos i dont mean to be its just my personal thoughts on surviving the dogs. spread out. try to make sure you distinguish between the dogs attacking you and the dogs attacking your team mates. cos theres nothing worse than being bunched up and all shooting the first two or three dogs then all of you having to reload. if you only shoot dogs coming at you then you may find it easier. key word was MAY everyone is different -
Kino der toten not a comercial theatre?
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
yes that was exactly the point i was trying to get across. have you heard the zombies moan. its like a deeper and gruffer eh-oh with out the pause between eh and oh lol no that was just for fun but at least you read the whole post -
hi guys and gals, right i dont wanna get shot down for this cos of the whole abanded theatre thing that everyone sticks to but i believe after a bit of research that kino may have been used for something slightly worse than performing on stage. if anyone has read the post kino der toten is not 1960s that was also by me however that is still up for debate this post however is a questionable theory okay so bare that in mind... so i will now list a variety of things that make me believe kino was not a comercial theatre ...the nazi flags everywhere. ...the pictures of group 935. ...the turret guns seem to be in place for an escape from the stage. ...the podium on which the turret gun is placed in the theatre. ...the actual setup of the theatre strikes me as odd as the boxes are located at the rear of the auditorium where there is normally a balcony rather than down the sides. ...the few destroyed chairs left in the rubble appear to have shackles or straps on the arms. ...my best piece of evidence raises many questions and answers very few. WHEN I SAID EARLIER BARE WITH ME I HOPE YOU ARE STILL HERE. cos now it gets interseting i cant get the picture into this post however i can easily explain where you will find it. from the main menu>der riese>bulletin boards. easy enough. now scroll to the second picture where you shoud see four little pictures on a cork board. the one closest to the top is slightly right of the centre and this is what i want you to look at. now to keep you guys in suspense i will not divulge to you anything about this picture. but when you do go you will realise that as der riese is set just after WW2 then this picture seems out of place. my theory is that kino der toten was actually a brainwashing facility where the re-animated corpses where strapped to chairs and made to watch nazi propaganda or teletubbies or something to make them behave the way the nazis wanted them too. but as always when you deal with living dead it went tits up. not sure what happened maybe one got loose and the others snapped out of there trance and follwed this pied piper of the flesh craving dead. whatever happened it happened. more than likely though sam had something to do with it well anyhow these zombies cause havoc wrecked everthing the turret guns were activated as Dr's fled the stage. people running everwhere. at this point we digress to another theory gas zombies- i believe that these zombies were a backup plan for the events i am describing they were HYENAS with a dormant form of nova 6 in them waiting with element 115 to re-animate these crawlers (electronically activated) explaining there presence after power activation. now as we know HYENAS often prey on other predators kills. in other words eat the dead. the scientisis thought they could release these zombies if ever the dead tried to attack and there primal prey would be the zombies. again however something went wrong the dead hyenas no longer wanted to eat the dead. that would destroy there kind as they would eliminate themselves. no they craved the living and joined the hunt for humans. humans reached the lobby and had left messages to any future investigators to warn them. and in the presence of element 115 the zombies are still animated so cannot leave the theatre. any way the picture was the main thing so head on over to carbonfibah's post and see for yourself. guys please feel free to debunk my theory. as all we have are theories to link with other theories until we have a giant theory without any condescending shizzle.
viewtopic.php?f=53&t=7280&p=72607#p72607 this is a link to a post of mine helping new guys get to round thirteen with army mentality rather than the mentality of a knife wielding thug. it is organised and thorough however one mans posts were slightly annoying as i specifically said it was a walkthrough for noobs... anyway i would like to make this poll to gather the thoughts of every player and please feel free to comment giving your reasons for or against power but guys keep it friendly and explain yourself only. dont shoot others down.
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
yeah very good points guys it does look like the ferseh...turn...umun....sehehrertumtum or what ever that thing is. it also could well be the berlin wall but you backed my weapon evidence with you famas and other weapons. so we are gonna dispute this all day or possibly come to the conclusion that it is at a random date and treyarch are putting in little things like this to throw us off and make us debate like this. also with the death of hitler in 1945 it is a bit of a long time for nazi flags to still be hung in a theatre dont you think but anyways. in one way we are all right. there is evidence of the date being anywhere in the 1900's and the loading image only shows a select few dates of the 1900's but it does not highlight a final date. off point i have been trying to come up with a theory about the nova 6 crawler zombies but i just dont get it i cant remember the campaign plot so cant think where nova 6 originated. but if it was germans who first started to test the zombies and try to make the ideal army of the already dead then they must have been thinking that these crawlers could be kamikaze bombs. also i have only ever let myself die by them once just to test if it took longer for it to kill me (still two strikes with no jugger) and it died instantly after. this may have been a one off but this could support my theory of it being a kamikaze bomb with legs. if anyone else has a new and bizarre theory please comment. as i am trying to keep this thread as an ongoing plot solver if possible. and then i will print the info and post the combined evidence in a new thread. thankyou. -
Four reasons for why Kino is set in the mid-late 60's...
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to Eco_Maiden's topic in Kino Der Toten
yes yes yes tower berlin wall blah blah blah try the fact that a weapon called the AK74u is available in the game and that didnt come out till ???????? 1974. the wall was actually up until 1989 so thats no proof and the Fernsehturm you say looks like its in mid construction. is that not possibly because a structure like that in a time of threat for germany could be getting damaged constantly. -
ALL-STAR_WELSHY replied to ALL-STAR_WELSHY's topic in Kino Der Toten
matuz i dont mean to be rude when i say this but what you have said is very vague you dont know for sure that this is the tower that everyone talks about im pretty sure that between 1961 and 1989 there were plenty of towers built in germany and that to me actually looks like a regular wall so there is again no certainty that it is the berlin wall. the only certainty is that the AK74u is in the game and now to support my evidence eltigre223 has found some papers dated 1975 therefore the idea of treyarch not researching their weapons is out the window as the AK74u is infact a weapon in use from 1974 onwards -
right a little bit about me first. im 18 have played CoD since it came out i love weapons there we go i have told you enough about me now to the important part right alot of you guys are probs like me. enjoy playing zombies a bit too much and just want to understand it fully. well just to help the rest of you guys out i can tell you that kino der toten should either not have the AK74u or be set in or after 1974 have you guessed why yet? well its quite simply because the AK74u was put into production in 1974. therefore when people say it is set in the 1960's they either found something to support that or are just reading what one guy said and taking it as truth. this however is truth. the AK74u or as i call it the problem weapon was not around in the 1960's. if anyone can find a reliable website to tell me otherwise then i apologise. if however the evidence about the radio tower being finished in the late 1960's is true then the fact that it is still under construction outside the map does support this evidence to a degree. i however have not seen the construction workers making it whilst i have been playing so there could be a demolision of the tower going on but i digress. what i am trying to say is that either treyarch set the whole plot for the 1960's and didnt research their weapons thoroughly or kino der toten is set in 1974 cheers for reading guys and if any of you have overwhelming evidence to put me to shame then i urge you to tell it as all i am trying to do here is open up the story with the rest of the zombie killing freaks on here
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