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Posts posted by chupalaguagua

  1. dude i think u have gone mad... i mean 6th dimension? i dont think treyarch made an easter egg that only a physicist could answer i think its something much more simpler... just a thing with the number 6. could be the 6 115 weps the nova6 crawlers the 6 power boxes etc...

  2. Well i have been seeing certain posts saying about this theory that if you let the PaP machine "swallow" all 6 weapons that have 115 in their name after pack-a-punching them... well i did it and guess what? nothing happened :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :x :x :x :!: :!: :!: :!: im not saying that the creators of the theory are stupid. in fact i would never have think about that... any way, im telling this for you to dont do it cuz is a waste of time

    another thing that left me with a doubt was that the original post of the theory was that an alarm went off after PaPunching the G115 (put a name) well i did it with all 6 but i didnt started with the G155 i started with the (put a name)115 resonator (RPK) and the only alarm that i heard was 1 single noiseless bell toll :/ so idk if this has some respecive order of pack a punching them. if someone heard a REAL alarm (i mean biu biu biu or buu bii buu bii buu bii or uuuaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuaaaaauuuu lol) pls let me know so i can have another try cuz money isnt my problem with the strategy i got ^^

    any way... great theory i still dont know if its real [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :(:(:( :evil: :evil: :evil:

    My best round?

    round 43 solo kino

  3. good theory but im afraid you failed :/ i tried with all 6 weapons that had 115 on their name

    (hk21, RPK, G11, Dragunov, L96A1 & MP5K) and nothing happened :/ lame, i thought it was going to work. but i still cant figure out why 6 weapons have 115 in their name, something has to mean. its still a mystery

  4. Ok. so i have visited other guides and i dont like them very much is like /round 1-5 just go and kill em all/ wtf? So i have made a strategy that goes step by step (NOTE: THIS STRATEGY IS FOR SOLO. I RECOMEND SOLO BECAUSE THERE AL LESS ZOMBIES AND YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE ZOMBIES OF YOUR TEAM). 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

    Round 1: just knife the zombies, let them break in, dont kill them if they are at the other side of the window. So if you are lucky you could get a power up ^^ (Note: knifing will always give more score, Never buy olympia, m14. AND rember to always reach the max. of barricades available to repair or later you WILL need score/money. DONT BUY REVIVE UNTIL YOU HAVE REACHED THE THEATER AND KNOW THAT YOU WILL GO FAR).

    Round 2: Ok now its a lil' bit tougher. what you will have to do is shoot 5 pistol bullets in the chest and then knife em. never count with an incoming power up cuz is not very probable to get one in round 1-2. the good part of this stategy is that is all calculated so you will never miss bullets or score if you do things right. So if you shooted 5 bullets per zombie AND knifed them when they are finished you will be out of ammo and out of zombies :) IF YOU DO IT RIGHT (NOTE: remember to reach the max. of barricades repaired, what do i mean with this? that each round has a limit of barricades to repair, after you reach the limit you will not earn score/money but you will be able to repair it)

    Round 3: Now without ammo and good amount of money head upstairs and open both doors until you reach room 3 (upstairs) buy MP40 if you dont have the money required u did something wrong :) Now with MP40 you will not have so much problem but here is what you need to do to maximize its power. In round 3 shoot 2 bullets in the chest and knife. you have to be really quick cuz now there are much zombies and little space. if you do it right you will end with tons of money (NOTE: Remember to reach the max. of barricades repair. even tho is not so necesary in round 3-4 cuz you will be very busy fighting zombies)

    Round 4: Same as round 3 just go around the 3rd room shooting and knifing, but now you shoot 3 bullets in the chest of the zombies and then knife them. its hard, but with practice its pretty easy. If you think you are very surrounded just open the next 2 doors and get to the stage BUT DONT ACTIVATE THE POWER the stage is the biggest place of the map so you wont have problems with space if you do it right you will be able to get the jugger-nog without any problem in round 5. (NOTE: Take in count to open the 2 doors ONLY if you have the enough money to do it all in once).

    Round 5: Activate the power, Buy the jugger-nog, activate the teleporter, before the zombies start appearing. Now you have unlimited space with the stage and jugger-nog now just run around the STAGE collecting zombies. DO NOT SHOOT THEM. I will show how to recolect zombies across the stage with a vid i will upload. its like a doing a cotton candy :D when you have all the zombies at you back just turn around 180º and light em up with your MP40

    How to recolect zombies in the stage: In zombies, the map has a limit of zombies inside, if the limit is reached they will stop appearing, once they are killed, zombies will appear again, until they are all dead. So what you have to do here is run around the stage leaving the zombies behind but never move out of the stage, dont go to the small rooms (lobby, dressing room, alley, etc.) so you will have to find the gaps between the zombies to keep running across the stage. once you notice they have stopped appearing turn 180º and light them up. if they are too much shoot the crawlers so they deploy nova 6 and kill the normal zombies see my vid at the end to see how its done.

    Round 6-9: as soon as you have 3000 buy the bowie knife, it is beside the jugger-nog. Now you are inmortal untill round 10. knife them all just like in round 1 you will be a millionare doing this. try not to make big groups of zombies because its hard to kill a mass of zombies with a knife, by the other side, 1 by 1 its very easy.

    Ending of round 9: leave 1 zombie alive and find the mystery box. you should have like 10k+ of money in that moment. enough to buy lots and lots of mystery box. dont buy mystery boxes untill this moment, or you wont have the money for jugger-nog or doors. Just buy and buy and buy, here the luck takes part you need 1 light machine gun (RPK, HK21) AND the thunder gun. if you didnt got it just kill the last zombie and keep going. (Note: I prefer HK21 than RPK because has more bullets and shoots slower so you can keep more bullets)

    Round 10+ without LMG/THUNDERGUN: keep runing around knifing creepy crawlers if you find 1 in your way because they have less life than normal zombies. just do the same in round 5 run and light em' up. and win money with that so you can buy more mystery boxes. if you keep having bad luck and cant get the thunder gun/LMG just start over if you think you cant fight zombies with only MP40

    Round 10+ with LMG/THUNDERGUN: keep runing like in round 5 with your LMG/THUNDER GUN and recolect zombies at the stage then turn 180º and shoot with your LMG to win money. If you dont have LMG just shoot with your MP40 and keep your thunder gun. and buy more mystery boxes until you have both, now you can buy revive. Doing that you will be able to get to round 40 during that time go buying the other perks.

    If you are out of ammo start activating traps.



    a good advice is to pack a punch the thunder gun to zeuzcannon when you are almost out of ammo so you have a max ammo when you pack a punch. With the LMG pack a punch it when you think it doesnt work very much killing zombies. also buy double tap to make it stronger and buy speed cola.

    Maximize the utility of thundergun ammo with the following tips:

    -when you are going to blow the mass of zombies try doing it with 1 single blow by grouping the zombies

    -if you get trapped dont worry wasting 1 TG blow, but try not getting trapped :)


    if insta kill appears knife if you think you're doing ok

    if 2x appears grab your LMG and light them up, you will earn 2000 per sec with double tap :D

    if you die, no prob just dont get hit and run for jugger nog and revive. you need the money enough for so, so earn money while you are alive with the LMG's :D CLEAR YOUR WAY WITH THE ZEUZCANNON/THUNDERGUN

    thats all and good luck playing zombies!!!!! check out the vid to see how its done.


    round 1: kinfe

    round 2: 5 bullets and knife

    round 3: open 2 upstair doors buy MP40 and shoot 2 bullets of mp40 and knife

    round 4: shoot 3 bullets and knife, you may open the 2 doors left

    round 5: activate power, buy jugger nog and activate power and run and light em up

    round 6: buy bowie knife and knife until round 9

    round 9: leave 1 zombie alive and buy mystery boxes

    round 10: with TG/LMG run and blow themç

    round 40: do the same but activate traps if you're out of ammo (leave 1 mag of ZC to prevent getting trapped)


    ROUND 1-5




    ROUND 10-40


    Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy

    Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy

    strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops

  5. Ok. so i have visited other guides and they really SUCK!! So i have made the BEST strategy 4 me idk if 4 you (NOTE: THIS STRATEGY IS FOR SOLO. I RECOMEND SOLO BECAUSE THERE AL LESS ZOMBIES AND YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE ZOMBIES OF YOUR TEAM).

    Round 1: just knife the zombies, let them break in, dont kill them if they are at the other side of the window. So if you are lucky you could get a power up ^^ (Note: knifing will always give more score, Never buy olympia, m14. AND rember to always reach the max. of barricades available to repair or later you WILL need score/money. DONT BUY REVIVE UNTIL YOU HAVE REACHED THE THEATER AND KNOW THAT YOU WILL GO FAR).

    Round 2: Ok now its a lil' bit tougher. what you will have to do is shoot 5 pistol bullets in the chest and then knife em. never count with an incoming power up cuz is not very probable to get one in round 1-2. the good part of this stategy is that is all calculated so you will never miss bullets or score if you do things right. So if you shooted 5 bullets per zombie AND knifed them when they are finished you will be out of ammo and out of zombies :) IF YOU DO IT RIGHT (NOTE: remember to reach the max. of barricades repaired, what do i mean with this? that each round has a limit of barricades to repair, after you reach the limit you will not earn score/money but you will be able to repair it)

    Round 3: Now without ammo and good amount of money head upstairs and open both doors until you reach room 3 (upstairs) buy MP40 if you dont have the money required u did something wrong :) Now with MP40 you will not have so much problem but here is what you need to do to maximize its power. In round 3 shoot 2 bullets in the chest and knife. you have to be really quick cuz now there are much zombies and little space. if you do it right you will end with tons of money (NOTE: Remember to reach the max. of barricades repair. even tho is not so necesary in round 3-4 cuz you will be very busy fighting zombies)

    Round 4: Same as round 3 just go around the 3rd room shooting and knifing, but now you shoot 3 bullets in the chest of the zombies and then knife them. its hard, but with practice its pretty easy. If you think you are very surrounded just open the next 2 doors and get to the stage BUT DONT ACTIVATE THE POWER the stage is the biggest place of the map so you wont have problems with space if you do it right you will be able to get the jugger-nog without any problem. (NOTE: Take in count to open the 2 doors ONLY if you have the enough money to do it all in once).

    Round 5: Activate the power, Buy the jugger-nog, activate the teleporter, before the zombies start appearing. Now you have unlimited space with the stage and jugger-nog now just run around the stage collecting zombies. DO NOT SHOOT THEM. I will show how to recolect zombies across the stage with a vid i will upload its like a doing a cotton candy :D when you have all the zombies at you back just turn around 180º and light em up with your MP40

    How to recolect zombies in the stage: In zombies, the map has a limit of zombies inside, if the limit is reached they will stop appearing, once they are killed, zombies will appear again, until they are all dead. So what you have to do here is run around the stage leaving the zombies behind but never move out of the stage, dont go to the small rooms (lobby, dressing room, alley, etc.) so you will have to find the gaps between the zombies to keep running across the stage. once you notice they have stopped appearing turn 180º and light them up. if they are too much shoot the crawlers so they deploy nova 6 and kill the normal zombies see my vid at the end to see how its done.

    Round 6-9: as soon as you have 3000 buy the bowie knife, it is beside the jugger-nog. Now you are inmortal untill round 10. knife them all just like in round 1 you will be a millionare doing this. try not to make big groups of zombies because its hard to kill a mass of zombies with a knife, by the other side, 1 by 1 its very easy.

    Ending of round 9: leave 1 zombie alive and find the mystery box. you should have like 10k+ of money in that moment. enough to buy lots and lots of mystery box. dont buy mystery boxes untill his moment, or you wont have the money for jugger-nog or doors. Just buy and buy and buy, here the luck takes part you need 1 light machine gun (RPK, HK21) AND the thunder gun. if you didnt got it just kill the last zombie and keep going. (Note: I prefer HK21 than RPK because has more bullets and shoots slower so you can keep more bullets)

    Round 10+ without LMG/THUNDERGUN: keep runing around knifing creepy crawlers if you find 1 in your way because they have less life than normal zombies. just do the same in round 5 run and light em' up. and win money with that so you can buy more mystery boxes. if you keep having bad luck and cant get the thunder gun/LMG just start over if you think you cant fight zombies with only MP40

    Round 10+ with LMG/THUNDERGUN: keep runing like in round 5 with your LMG/THUNDER GUN and recolect zombies at the stage then turn 180º and shoot with your LMG to win money. If you dont have LMG just shoot with your MP40 and keep your thunder gun. and buy more mystery boxes until you have both, now you can buy revive. Doing that you will be able to get to round 40 during that time go buying the other perks.

    If you are out of ammo start activating traps.



    a good advice is to pack a punch the thunder gun to zeuzcannon when you are almost out of ammo so you have a max ammo when you pack a punch. With the LMG pack a punch it when you think it doesnt work very much killing zombies. also buy double tap to make it stronger and buy speed cola.

    Maximize the utility of thundergun ammo with the following tips:

    -when you are going to blow the mass of zombies try doing it with 1 single blow by grouping the zombies

    -if you get trapped dont worry wasting 1 TG blow, but try not getting trapped :)


    if insta kill appears knife

    if 2x appears grab your LMG and light them up, you will earn 2000 per sec with double tap :D

    if you die, no prob just dont get hit and run for jugger nog and revive. you need the money enough for so, so earn money while you are alive :D CLEAR YOUR WAY WITH THE ZEUZCANNON/THUNDERGUN

    thats all and good luck playing zombies!!!!! check out the vid to see how its done.


    round 1: kinfe

    round 2: 5 bullets and knife

    round 3: open 2 upstair doors buy MP40 and shoot 2 bullets of mp40 and knife

    round 4: shoot 3 bullets and knife, you may open the 2 doors left

    round 5: activate power, buy jugger nog and activate power and run and light em up

    round 6: buy bowie knife and knife until round 9

    round 9: leave 1 zombie alive and buy mystery boxes

    round 10: with TG/LMG run and blow themç

    round 40: do the same but activate traps if you're out of ammo (leave 1 mag of ZC to prevent getting trapped)

    Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy for kino der toten Strategy

    Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy Black ops zombies strategy

    strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops strategy for zombies black ops 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

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