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Everything posted by HammerFace

  1. HammerFace

    Gas Mask on Moon

    sorry man but its probably not just a gas mask. that maybe our method to surviving in space. our helmet. although I have heard it as the P.E.S.
  2. yours sounds more logical IMO
  3. actually in the inside the xbox video im pretty sure they did have like god mode on because it didnt look like they took any damage at all and im.positive they got hit a couple of times
  4. I figured im not alone... you obviously didnt get the joke.
  5. haha thanks. the only reason I even brought this up was just rub that it was CODZL in cheezy's face after his temper tantrum on his other thread that led to him giving nega brains to people who said it was CODZL instead of ZCODL. a feature that has been removed. it was locked so I had to post it here.
  6. I think he is referencing Der Riese, when you look at it there are red dots on the moon. 5 I believe
  7. dude calm down. seriously.
  8. how did you get no splash damage?
  9. maybe you should read thread before you post on it. this thread was made before the video came out Take it easy on the guy, he did just sign up today. He wasn't even here a week ago when this thread was made. but still he should look through a thread first. i did mention I brought this thread backup, also one should always look to see when the OP had posted their thread. also his reply seemed kind of snarky for not really checking his facts first. but yeah I shouldve gone a little easier on him. sorry man.
  10. maybe you should read thread before you post on it. this thread was made before the video came out Take it easy on the guy, he did just sign up today. He wasn't even here a week ago when this thread was made. but still he should look through a thread first. i did mention I brought this thread backup, also one should always look to see when the OP had posted their thread. also his reply seemed kind of snarky for not really checking his facts first. although it was a little harsh and I'm sorry man
  11. you're only the third person to bang their head against the wall because they give up on me. the others were my math teacher, my psychiatrist, my mom, and my uncle tobias.
  12. maybe you should read thread before you post on it. this thread was made before the video came out :facepalm:
  13. it was AOTS it was on the feed. :facepalm:
  14. if you look at what it shoots it's like some tiny little ball of light. that probably isn't just water propelled. If you look at radaustin's original video where he gets pretty close to it, it looks exactly like water and less like a ball of light. yeah I remember seeing his video it was where I first fpund out about this, but i watched it a long while ago. can you give me a link so I can check it out.
  15. I only used syndicate because it was the first one I saw. and if you watch the stream below the ball stops touching the top.of the temple. as the ball of light goes.higher. so it cant be a blast of water as that would be continuous until.the ball left view.
  16. if you look at what it shoots it's like some tiny little ball of light. that probably isn't just water propelled.
  17. thanks and honestly I just used science since it's the closest thing I could relate theories to haha. but yeah he is quite the troll but what can we do? let's just ignore him, if he posts somehing useful then we acknowledge him. that will be his prize.
  18. dude calm down. I kind of hate claymore too, but don't stoop also I'm pretty sure the stuff you said had already been discussed. so this thread should merge with another. also thas hw regular thepries work in scientific communties they are put through intense criticsm and people try to poke holes in them and dsimiss them. because theories aren't facts until prvn otherwise. and so with the poking and criticising we're really tying to see if this theory is fact by seeing of it will stand up to the scrutiny. and this was honestly probably an unneeded speech and half of it is probably unable to be read due to my iPod and my tiredness.
  19. oh hey turns out it is CODZL. I only brought this thread back up to say this mainly because I couldn't on your locked thread.
  20. can't be order if they mention ascension on cotd. and then cotd on Shangri la.
  21. old news man. sorry, also shouldve posted this in Shangri La.
  22. still the fact is theories have to go under intense criticism, just like a real scientific community. it's how things get proved and disprved
  23. P.A. ? and dude if we see green point color and hear richtofens voice then richtofen is probably there.
  24. Sam part doesn't exist
  25. that's not the original nacht. and you're thinking of verruckt. also apparently five and ascension took place at the same time and you can hear gun shots when you pick up a red phone in Five and in ascension when you pick the same type of phones you hear the characters of five.
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