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Everything posted by ArchAngel

  1. I am very impressed sir. I think it's save to say you are the god of zombies. Or at least better than the "King of Zombies" Syndicate :facepalm:
  2. There is more than 1 time zone in the world Ya I understand that, but there is not much of a gap between the zones unless you are living in China. 2:00 am-6:00 a.m. in the morning is still relatively early. But whatever.....off topic
  3. You posted this at 2:00 am in the morning and then at 7:00am. We're not nocturnal mate :)
  4. Apparently you haven't played World At War. Activision is the enemy here. Not Treyarch...
  5. Stop it. Please. Just stop. I've had enough of the playthegameco. We don't need more fuel for this 'war' between us. Would be nice if this was deleted.
  6. We really over analyze things quite often
  7. Still don't see why we consider the VR-11 a wonder weapon....
  8. I tried that actually. It would kill them like a normal zombie when you use the lander. It's like when zombies get too close and you use the lander; they disappear.
  9. Umm actually, the map is VERY easy on solo, especially if you perform the correct strategy. All you need to do is open both those barriers near juggernaut, and run a full circle, until you have rape train going. These barriers can be found right under the stairs by the defcons. Its a perfect circle, and it's just screaming rape train. Not mention that there are televisions screen blocking the way, making it easier to maneuver around zombies coming one way. I got to round 28 solo, using this strategy. And I believe this map isn't the worst, it's just something different. And I also recommend keeping your pistol to pack-a-punch it. It helps in the future. Use this strategy and tell me how you do ;)
  10. , I can speak English, French, Latin, Spanish and very little German but sadly, I do not speak troll :|
  11. But how does this help us? We already know the steps to the easter egg. I mean, I can compare this to my every day life..... Secure the keys - Take my keys before I leave my house Ascend From Darkness - Turn on my porch light Rain Fire - When its raining, I take my umbrella Unleash the Hoard - Let my dogs out and take them for a walk Skewer the Winged Beast - Crumble my paper planes I have stacked under my bed Wield a Fist of Iron - Pick up my mechanical iron pen Raise Hell - Play Rebecca Black - Friday on full blast Freedom - High School is over See what I did there?
  12. ok, but the why would treyarch go out of thier way to include a new radio in black ops that specifically mentions time travel when they first traveled forward in time from der riese to kino, which is set after SNN....or as I said is it? We all know treyarch makes edits, hell der riese was supposed to be alot bigger but wasnt, so whats to say they didnt edit the story so to include a modern setting. Ok now mosts peoples argument will be about the wunderwaffe DG2, saying they go to SNN to get the DG2, well that I can now counter that, if indeed SNN is set after call of the dead, we get the wunderwaffe in call of the dead, so if it proceeds it, theres the link there I just don't think Treyarch would give us the SAME map. Cmon man, think about it. Why would we pay an extra $15 for the SAME map. I also dislike the fact that just because there is leaves or some type of tree in the picture, we automatically assume it's Shi no numa. I'm pretty sure if Treyarch had made another jungle/forest map, we would all assume it's that as well. And the reason Treyarch puts extra radios in the black ops maps is because they want to strengthen the story and make it so the maps are periodically correct. If they refurbished the maps, changed the lighting, changed the zombie's movement, changed the mystery box items etc, why not add an extra radio? And also, COTD is set after SNN because COTD is set in the PRESENT. And even though the characters time traveled, it was still AFTER Shi No Numa. In COTD Dempsey quotes "This better be more rewarding than Gersh. Stupid Gersh" while trapped in the room. From this we can assume that the events at COTD took place after Ascension When we go to Ascension we hear Dempsey while Pack-a-punching ""Richtofen, I dont like him, I think ive seen him BEFORE shi no numa, but I cant quite remember, infact, I cant remember much at all about before." This shows that Shi no numa is before Ascension, therefore being before Call of the Dead Sooooo.... Shi no numa > Ascension > Call of the Dead Makes sense? Shi no numa is still a probability but, what would they do there, why would they be there, where would they go from there? Why would they go back to Japan?
  13. That makes no sense. Why would Treyarch bring us to an old map? What more could they bring to the table? If we wanted to play Shi no numa AGAIN we could pop in the W@W, or play the black ops version. And there's a difference between a swamp and a jungle. And the elephant noises in the COTD says otherwise (as it gives us hints towards the next map); and I don't think we find elephants in swamps/Japan. Honestly I think that would be stupid on Treyarch's part. They never done it before with the other maps, so why should they do it now?
  14. Richthofen is obviously going through time, picking up certain things that can help him build some sort of machine. In Call of The Dead, I think the only reason Richthofen "accidentally" went back the future was to retrieve that golden rod, that we give to him at the end of the Easter Egg. His plans will probably be revealed in the last two maps or so. He probably planned all of this well..... Only time will tell
  15. Can we please stop spamming topics and utilize the search button. There are 4 other threads like this..
  16. Wait, let's think outside the box. What if the voice actor that played Takeo was not able to record anything for Escalation, so to cover it up, they made the other characters speak over him, so to not give him any real (script) lines. All that could be heard from Takeo is sound effects which does not need to be recorded by a set person. It probably has nothing to do with the real zombie storyline, and could just be.....a real life problem maybe :geek:
  17. Actually in the Call of the Dead Trailer, when they are being launched from the catapult, a reflex sight can be seen on the HK as well as a drum-roll attachment. Look and pause around 1:27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Cx82OFXM0 You can actually see the attachments on the HK as well as the Famas...
  18. Ok, so we all saw the trailer in COTD and on Inside Xbox. Multiple times in the video, some sort of attachments were seen throughout the video, whether it be the scope or the sliencer. Now what I want to know is "What Happened"?? Why aren't they in the game. I understand that Treyarch sometimes puts things in for promotional reasons like the Ascension poster (Wunderwaffe, Thundergun, Winters Howl, ray gun) or the COTD poster (Ak-47); but seriously, why have it in there. Did they decide to just take it out last minute. Why? It was already featured in the trailer so.... What the hell. I was really looking forward to the attachments and how we were actually able to customize our gun. Treyarch has REALLY disappointed me on this one. (Same with the sickle, double-barrel shotguns machetes, but at least they weren't shown in REAL gameplay footage). I'm sorry I sound like a little 12 year old girl, but its bloody annoying when someone leads you on to something, only to find out its a hoax. That is until someone acutally finds a way to get attachments, in which i will disregard all I have said, but I doubt that would happen. So I digress. Appreciate it 3arc
  19. Let me spell this out for you guys. Y O U G E T T H E W U N D E R W A F F LE F R O M C O M P L E T I N G T H E E A S T E R E G G I N T H E F O R M O F A D E A T H M A C H I N E P O W E R U P I T H A S U N L I M I T E D T I M E A N D R U N S O U T U N T L Y O U H A V E 0 A M M O In order words.....its NOT a HACK. Enough people. Actually finish the easter egg yourself and see the results. There is already video up proving other wise. I thought you people would be HAPPY Treyarch put the wunderwaffe in the game again. Jesus guys..... :facepalm:
  20. Oh God..I love you guys. This song made me SO happy in the pants.
  21. I definitely agree with you. Since George Romero is there from round 1 and pretty much follows you around the whole time, the silencers might prevent you from coming under his radar. It wouldn't make sense for the silencers to work on zombies because the zombies automatically know where you are, and are drawn to you Maybe Romero knows where you are based on the gunfire you make when you kill the zombies. Silencers = less likely for Romero to catch up to you or find you. My guess is that Romero is a separate AI from the zombies and acts on its own. This can differentiate the effect of the silencer between the zombies and Romero
  22. There's no winter's howl... Treyarch always put 1 power weapon and 1 raygun in each map. We already have the VR-11 so why would we have the winter's howl. Our weapons would be too overpowered.
  23. My favorite perk is probably *Double Points* I usally conserve my ammo very well so Max Ammo isn't a necessity. Nuke in my opinion is useless because it just steals points and can screw you over if you want to make a crawler. Carpenter is the same as well because it only prolongs the round. Instakill is probably second on my list though... As for a new powerup, I mean, theres nothing else treyarch could put in there without making the game extremely easy. So no new powerups for me.
  24. That still does not explain the drum mag on the RPK as well as the silencer attachment seen several times throughout the video. The RPK also gains a sight as well. It is seen in the Inside XBox Edition of Escalation when they are being catapulted into the air. I guarantee there will be attachments in the game....and the attachments don't HAVE to be gained by the new perk. It can be bought like Claymores. Maybe the attachments may even replace claymores...who knows? This isn't confirmed, by the way, but it doesn't mean it's not true.
  25. Rank 100: Chuck Norris.
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