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#include animscripts\zombie_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; #include maps\_ambientpackage; #include maps\_music; #include maps\_busing; #include maps\_zombiemode_audio; init() { PreCacheModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" ); PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" ); PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" ); PreCacheModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" ); PreCacheModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" ); flag_init( "target_teleported" ); flag_init( "rerouted_power" ); flag_init( "switches_synced" ); flag_init( "pressure_sustained" ); flag_init( "passkey_confirmed" ); flag_init( "weapons_combined" ); level.casimir_lights = []; level.lander_letters[ "a" ] = GetEnt( "letter_a", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "e" ] = GetEnt( "letter_e", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "h" ] = GetEnt( "letter_h", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "i" ] = GetEnt( "letter_i", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "l" ] = GetEnt( "letter_l", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "m" ] = GetEnt( "letter_m", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "n" ] = GetEnt( "letter_n", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "r" ] = GetEnt( "letter_r", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "s" ] = GetEnt( "letter_s", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "t" ] = GetEnt( "letter_t", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "u" ] = GetEnt( "letter_u", "targetname" ); level.lander_letters[ "y" ] = GetEnt( "letter_y", "targetname" ); keys = GetArrayKeys( level.lander_letters ); for ( i=0; i { level.lander_letters[ keys ] Hide(); } teleport_target_event(); reroute_power_event(); sync_switch_event(); pressure_plate_event(); lander_passkey_event(); weapon_combo_event(); level notify( "help_found" ); monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" ); monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_off" ); } play_easter_egg_audio( alias, sound_ent, text ) { if( alias == undefined ) { return; } sound_ent PlaySound( alias, "sounddone" ); sound_ent waittill( "sounddone" ); } activate_casimir_light( num ) { spot = GetStruct( "casimir_light_"+num, "targetname" ); if ( IsDefined( spot ) ) { light = Spawn( "script_model", spot.origin ); light SetModel( "tag_origin" ); light.angles = spot.angles; fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fx_zmb_light_floodlight_bright"], light, "tag_origin" ); level.casimir_lights[ level.casimir_lights.size ] = light; } } teleport_target_event() { teleport_target_start = getstruct( "teleport_target_start", "targetname" ); teleport_target_spark = getstruct( "teleport_target_spark", "targetname" ); level.teleport_target = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_start.origin ); level.teleport_target SetModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" ); level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_start.angles; level.teleport_target PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); teleport_target_spark = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_spark.origin ); teleport_target_spark SetModel( "tag_origin" ); PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["switch_sparks"], teleport_target_spark, "tag_origin" ); level.teleport_target_trigger = Spawn( "trigger_radius", teleport_target_start.origin + (0,0,-70), 0, 125, 100 ); level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_teleport_loc_check; flag_wait( "target_teleported" ); teleport_target_spark Delete(); level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined; level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg1_success", "vox_gersh_egg1", 1 ); } bhb_teleport_loc_check( grenade, model, info ) { if( IsDefined( level.teleport_target_trigger ) && grenade IsTouching( level.teleport_target_trigger ) ) { model SetClientFlag( level._SCRIPTMOVER_CLIENT_FLAG_BLACKHOLE ); grenade thread maps\_zombiemode_weap_black_hole_bomb::do_black_hole_bomb_sound( model, info ); level thread teleport_target( grenade, model ); return true; } return false; } teleport_target( grenade, model ) { level.teleport_target_trigger Delete(); level.teleport_target_trigger = undefined; wait( 1.0 ); time = 3.0; level.teleport_target MoveTo( grenade.origin + (0,0,50), time, time - 0.05 ); wait( time ); teleport_target_end = getstruct( "teleport_target_end", "targetname" ); level.teleport_target Hide(); playsoundatposition( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_out", grenade.origin + (0,0,50) ); wait( 0.5 ); level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_end.angles; level.teleport_target MoveTo( teleport_target_end.origin, 0.05 ); level.teleport_target StopLoopSound( 1 ); wait( 0.5 ); level.teleport_target Show(); PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "black_hole_bomb_event_horizon" ], level.teleport_target, "tag_origin" ); level.teleport_target PlaySound( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_go" ); wait( 2.0 ); model Delete(); flag_set( "target_teleported" ); } reroute_power_event() { monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" ); location = GetStruct( "casimir_monitor_struct", "targetname" ); monitor PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" ); trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", location.origin, 0, 32, 60 ); trig wait_for_use( monitor ); trig delete(); flag_set( "rerouted_power" ); monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" ); monitor StopLoopSound( 1 ); level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg2_success", "vox_gersh_egg2", 2 ); level thread activate_casimir_light( 1 ); } wait_for_use( monitor ) { while(1) { self waittill( "trigger", who ); while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) ) { if( who UseButtonPressed() ) { flag_set( "rerouted_power" ); monitor PlaySound( "zmb_comp_activate" ); return; } wait(.05); } } } sync_switch_event() { switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" ); success = false; while ( !flag( "switches_synced" ) ) { flag_wait( "monkey_round" ); array_thread( switches, ::reveal_switch ); self thread switch_watcher(); level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" ); } level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg3_success", "vox_gersh_egg3", 3 ); level thread activate_casimir_light( 2 ); } reveal_switch() { button = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); button SetModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" ); button.angles = self.angles + (0,90,0); button PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); offset = AnglesToForward(self.angles) * 8; time = 1; button MoveTo( button.origin + offset, 1 ); wait( 1 ); if ( flag( "monkey_round" ) ) { trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", button.origin, 0, 32, 72 ); trig thread wait_for_sync_use( self ); level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" ); trig delete(); } button StopLoopSound( 1 ); button MoveTo( self.origin, time ); wait( time ); button delete(); } wait_for_sync_use( ss ) { level endon( "between_round_over" ); level endon( "switches_synced" ); ss.pressed = 0; while(1) { self waittill( "trigger", who ); while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) ) { if( who UseButtonPressed() ) { level notify( "sync_button_pressed" ); playsoundatposition( "zmb_push_button", ss.origin ); ss.pressed = 1; } wait(.05); } } } switch_watcher() { level endon( "between_round_over" ); pressed = 0; switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" ); while (1) { level waittill( "sync_button_pressed" ); timeout = GetTime() + 500; while ( GetTime() { pressed = 0; for ( i=0; i { if ( IsDefined( switches.pressed ) && switches.pressed ) { pressed++; } } if ( pressed == 4 ) { flag_set( "switches_synced" ); for ( i=0; i { playsoundatposition( "zmb_misc_activate", switches.origin ); } return; } wait( 0.05 ); } switch( pressed ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: for ( i=0; i { playsoundatposition( "zmb_deny", switches.origin ); } break; } for ( i=0; i { switches.pressed = 0; } } } pressure_plate_event() { area = GetStruct( "pressure_pad", "targetname" ); trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", area.origin, 0, 300, 100 ); trig area_timer( 120 ); trig Delete(); level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg4_success", "vox_gersh_egg4", 4 ); level thread activate_casimir_light( 3 ); } area_timer( time ) { clock_loc = GetStruct( "pressure_timer", "targetname" ); clock = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin ); clock SetModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" ); clock.angles = clock_loc.angles; clock PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); timer_hand_angles_init = ( 270, 90, 0 ); timer_hand = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin + ( -1, 0, 12 ) ); timer_hand SetModel( "t5_weapon_ballistic_knife_blade" ); timer_hand.angles = timer_hand_angles_init; step = 1.0; while ( !flag( "pressure_sustained" ) ) { self waittill( "trigger" ); stop_timer = false; players = get_players(); for ( i=0; i { if ( !players IsTouching( self ) ) { wait( step ); stop_timer = true; } } if ( stop_timer ) { continue; } self PlaySound( "zmb_pressure_plate_trigger" ); time_remaining = time; timer_hand RotatePitch( 360, time ); while ( time_remaining ) { players = get_players(); for ( i=0; i { if ( !players IsTouching( self ) ) { wait( step ); time_remaining = time; stop_timer = true; timer_hand RotateTo( timer_hand_angles_init, 0.5 ); timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_deny" ); wait( 0.5 ); break; } } if ( stop_timer ) { break; } wait( step ); time_remaining -= step; timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_egg_timer_oneshot" ); } if ( time_remaining { flag_set( "pressure_sustained" ); players = get_players(); temp_fx = undefined; if ( IsDefined( players[0].fx ) ) { temp_fx = players[0].fx; } timer_hand playsound( "zmb_perks_packa_ready" ); players[0].fx = level.zombie_powerups[ "nuke" ].fx; level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::nuke_powerup( players[0] ); clock StopLoopSound( 1 ); wait( 1.0 ); if ( IsDefined( temp_fx ) ) { players[0].fx = temp_fx; } else { players[0].fx = undefined; } clock Delete(); timer_hand Delete(); return; } } } lander_passkey_event() { flag_init( "letter_acquired" ); level.lander_key = []; level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "s"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "r"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "e"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "y"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "a"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "i"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "m"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "h"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "u"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "t"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "n"; level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "l"; level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" ); level.passkey_progress = 0; level.secret1 = array( "h", "i", "t", "s", "a", "m" ); level.secret1_progress = 0; level.secret2 = array( "h", "y", "e", "n", "a" ); level.secret2_progress = 0; thread lander_monitor(); flag_wait( "passkey_confirmed" ); level.lander_audio_ent StopLoopSound( 1 ); level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg5_success", "vox_gersh_egg5", 5 ); level thread activate_casimir_light( 4 ); wait(1); level.lander_audio_ent Delete(); } lander_monitor() { lander = getent( "lander", "targetname" ); level.lander_audio_ent = Spawn( "script_origin", lander.origin ); level.lander_audio_ent LinkTo( lander ); level.lander_audio_ent PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); while ( !flag( "passkey_confirmed" ) ) { level waittill("lander_launched"); if ( lander.called ) { start = lander.depart_station; dest = lander.station; letter = level.lander_key[ start ][ dest ]; model = level.lander_letters[ letter ]; model Show(); model PlaySound( "zmb_spawn_powerup" ); model thread spin_letter(); model PlayLoopSound( "zmb_spawn_powerup_loop", .5 ); trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", model.origin, 0, 200, 150 ); trig thread letter_grab( letter, model ); flag_wait("lander_grounded"); if ( !flag( "letter_acquired" ) ) { level.passkey_progress = 0; level.secret1_progress = 0; level.secret2_progress = 0; } else { flag_clear( "letter_acquired" ); } trig delete(); model Hide(); model StopLoopSound( .5 ); } else { level.passkey_progress = 0; level.secret1_progress = 0; level.secret2_progress = 0; } } } spin_letter() { level endon( "lander_grounded" ); level endon( "letter_acquired" ); while (1) { self RotateYaw( 90, 5 ); wait( 5 ); } } letter_grab( letter, model ) { level endon("lander_grounded"); self waittill( "trigger" ); flag_set( "letter_acquired" ); playsoundatposition("zmb_powerup_grabbed", model.origin); model Hide(); if ( letter == level.passkey[ level.passkey_progress ] ) { level.passkey_progress++; if ( level.passkey_progress == level.passkey.size ) { flag_set( "passkey_confirmed" ); } } else { level.passkey_progress = 0; } if ( letter == level.secret1[ level.secret1_progress ] ) { level.secret1_progress++; if ( level.secret1_progress == level.secret1.size ) { } } else { level.secret1_progress = 0; } if ( letter == level.secret2[ level.secret2_progress ] ) { level.secret2_progress++; if ( level.secret2_progress == level.secret2.size ) { } } else { level.secret2_progress = 0; } } weapon_combo_event() { flag_init( "thundergun_hit" ); weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" ); focal_point = Spawn( "script_model", weapon_combo_spot.origin ); focal_point SetModel( "tag_origin" ); focal_point PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 ); fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], focal_point, "tag_origin" ); level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", weapon_combo_spot.origin, 0, 50, 72 ); level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_combo_loc_check; flag_wait( "weapons_combined" ); level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig Delete(); level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined; focal_point Delete(); for ( i=0; i { level.casimir_lights Delete(); } } bhb_combo_loc_check( grenade, model, info ) { if ( IsDefined( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) && grenade IsTouching( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) ) { trig = Spawn( "trigger_damage", grenade.origin, 0, 15, 72 ); grenade thread wait_for_combo( trig ); } return false; } wait_for_combo( trig ) { self endon( "death" ); self thread kill_trig_on_death( trig ); weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" ); ray_gun_hit = false; doll_hit = false; crossbow_hit = false; players = get_players(); array_thread( players, ::thundergun_check, self, trig, weapon_combo_spot ); while ( 1 ) { trig waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, dir, org, mod ); if ( isDefined( attacker ) ) { if ( mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" && (attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "ray_gun_upgraded_zm" ) ) { ray_gun_hit = true; } else if ( mod == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" ) { if ( amount >= 90000 ) { doll_hit = true; } else if ( attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm" ) { crossbow_hit = true; } } if ( ray_gun_hit && doll_hit && flag( "thundergun_hit" ) ) { flag_set( "weapons_combined" ); level thread soul_release( self, trig.origin ); return; } } } } thundergun_check( model, trig, weapon_combo_spot ) { model endon( "death" ); while (1) { self waittill( "weapon_fired" ); if ( self GetCurrentWeapon() == "thundergun_upgraded_zm" ) { if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, weapon_combo_spot.origin ) { vector_to_spot = VectorNormalize( weapon_combo_spot.origin - self GetWeaponMuzzlePoint() ); vector_player_facing = self GetWeaponForwardDir(); angle_diff = acos( VectorDot( vector_to_spot, vector_player_facing ) ); if ( angle_diff { flag_set( "thundergun_hit" ); RadiusDamage( trig.origin, 5, 1, 1, self ); } } } } } kill_trig_on_death( trig ) { self waittill( "death" ); trig delete(); if( flag( "thundergun_hit" ) && !flag( "weapons_combined" ) ) { level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6p1_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_fail2", 7 ); } else if( !flag( "weapons_combined" ) ) { level thread play_egg_vox( undefined, "vox_gersh_egg6_fail1", 6 ); } flag_clear( "thundergun_hit" ); } soul_release( model, origin ) { soul = Spawn( "script_model", origin ); soul SetModel( "tag_origin" ); soul PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_soul" ); fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], soul, "tag_origin" ); time = 20; model waittill( "death" ); level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_success", 9 ); level thread wait_for_gersh_vox(); soul MoveZ( 2500, time, time - 1 ); wait( time ); soul Delete(); wait(2); level thread samantha_is_angry(); } wait_for_gersh_vox() { wait(12.5); players = GetPlayers(); for ( i=0; i { players thread reward_wait(); } } reward_wait() { while ( !is_player_valid( self ) || ( self UseButtonPressed() && self in_revive_trigger() ) ) { wait( 1.0 ); } level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::minigun_weapon_powerup( self, 90 ); } play_egg_vox( ann_alias, gersh_alias, plr_num ) { if( IsDefined( ann_alias ) ) { level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb::play_cosmo_announcer_vox( ann_alias ); } if( IsDefined( gersh_alias ) ) { level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb::play_gersh_vox( gersh_alias ); } if( IsDefined( plr_num ) ) { players = get_players(); rand = RandomIntRange( 0, players.size ); players[rand] maps\_zombiemode_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "eggs", "gersh_response", undefined, plr_num ); } } samantha_is_angry() { playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_earthquake", (0,0,0) ); playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_whispers", (0,0,0) ); wait(6); level clientnotify( "sia" ); playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_scream", (0,0,0) ); }
I smell a lie.
Man, got to round 44 last night took 5 hours, wow I just want to say for those who have gotten to at least 30 well 40 is a whole different story zombies are way stronger and your forced to run and use traps BEST GUNS to get to 40+ = portersx2 and zeus cannon along with gersch devices and a good plan, Add LegendaryCurse if anyone feels like getting on KINO or FIVE later, cant touch ascension yet till leaderboards are fixed.
Glowing Objects = Final piece of the puzzle (Confirmed) ?
LegendaryCurse replied to LegendaryCurse's topic in Ascension
Theyre not lights, why would there just be 4 random lights on the rocks and on the ground ? and I havent herd of using a PaPd sniper to shoot them as a theory before. why dont you give it a go with the death machines then rally in the final result ? -
Glowing Objects = Final piece of the puzzle (Confirmed) ?
LegendaryCurse replied to LegendaryCurse's topic in Ascension
Well its 6:19AM here and I havent slept yet :shock: Haha but I am going to get on right now briefly and confirm all the locations of the final power nodes to hit with the death machine, if you want you can get on now and we could both look to make it faster and easier I know where 2 of them are FOR SURE though. -
Glowing Objects = Final piece of the puzzle (Confirmed) ?
LegendaryCurse posted a topic in Ascension
Yeah, well you remember looking through the one window where you activate node 2 if you look way out there you see a shiny object propped on a rock (piece 1) oh hey you also remember taking the lift back to the starting room and looking over where C flag might be if you look on the ground you notice that shiny piece (piece2) oh yeah and by the pack a punch machine if you look out there off by like a pipe object and a rock should be piece number 3 piece number 4 I believe is either by the stamin up or by the generator or rocket I cant remember, well just go hit all of them with your death machines tell me what happens after that guys. Im not saying this is a theory for the fact that usually a glowing object symbolizes an objective based intel object and if you notcie THEYRE BRIGHT AND STAND OUT ! also another blunt point theyre the only thing you havent activated yet !!!!!!!! PLEASE DO THIS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, I dont have 3 reliable players to help me with it ! Judge away flame away your not getting a video or pictures because you can see them pretty much everytime you pass by those spots ! -
We might be a little stupid *URGEANT!*
LegendaryCurse replied to LegendaryCurse's topic in Ascension
Damn =/ I was searching for it but couldnt find it .. well I give credit to whoever posted it first. -
How could we be so blind the letters we need together are "LUNA" doesn't "LUNA" mean moon, Also I went onto Ascension to clarify and if you look on the moon you'll see a shape similar to a teddy bears paw ? I dont know CODZ, the moon could be the final part of the puzzle ..... Someone care to check this out later ?
Step 1: GERSCH DEVICE REQUIRED Go near the lander near Dr. Flopper and look outside, down the stairs. There will be a glowing generator outside. Throw a gersch device at it, and it will be sucked in. Step 2: Go to the lander near the stamin-up machine. Under the stairs in this room, there is a TV with static. Walk up to it, and press X. This is the first power node. Step 3: On a monkeys round, position one player at each perk machine excluding quick revive. There will be a button to press at each, a whistling sound will be made to help you locate it. Have each player press a button simultaneously. This is the second power node Step 4: BALLISTIC KNIFE REQUIRED Go to the area under the rocket cleared out by launching it. There will be a clock on the wall with a ballistic knife, have all 4 players stand next to it. Stand there for a full minute, watching the clock. When the minute is up, a nuke will go off. THIS WILL KILL ANY CRAWLERS YOU HAVE This is the third power node. Step 5: Riding a lander will now result in you activating a letter, based on which ride you do. THE CORRECT WORD IS 'LUNA' So people can help out more, im putting a list of letters and where to call the lander to get them. Note: A is the symbol for the PhD flopper lander, B for the one by the sickle, and C for the one by stam-up. Middle means spawn. b to a= Y a to b= S b to c= A c to b= H a to c= R c to a= M b to Middle = I c to Middle = U a to Middle = E Middle to c= L Middle to a= T Middle to b= N This will activate the final power node. Step 6 THEORY: Upgraded Thunder gun and Ray Gun required There will now be a whistling projector by the staminup lander. The projector will point to a spot on the ground. Throw a gersch device at this spot, then shoot it 4 times with the thunder gun, 10 times with the ray gun, then jump through it. This will give a message about the kessinger device. Credit to NGT for the help.
Telixion's hint to us? (Solution to the generator puzzle)?
LegendaryCurse replied to Strwrsbob's topic in Ascension
Hmm this certainly is a run for your money, and I might add a very amazing theory as well, it seems pretty legit to me but kind of seems cheesy at the same time =/ any more details should be added to the original thread to keep us updated on this. -
Okay so I've been hearing a lot of talk about the "Mechanism" and "Generators" and all this good stuff, But where is the generator(s) or the mechanism ? Few things : How/where do I find the pieces ? Do you need the gersch device for all of them ? Do you need a sniper rifle for them ? Do you need to blow up the rocket for any purpose ? Anyone who clear's this up will get brains ;)
PM me back or reply if you find any results man, thanks.
Also thanks for the post man I was looking for this earlier. @DYZFUNCTI0NAL Obviously it's legit, there is video proof.
Just wanted to throw something out there about the generator theory, Has anyone ever thought about using one of the lifts then just whipping out a gersh device outside of the map to see if you can get any results with the black hole it creates, who knows you might uncover a new piece of the puzzle...
Just kidding, It's still Carbons site just wanted to see this thread get noticed. But hello everyone I'm LegendaryCurse and I come from themoderngamers forum and well not enough zombie stuff there, so I come here to get info from you guys as well as submit posts myself, I hope there are some cool people on here but yeah this about sums up my welcome so I hope to be active and have fun, see how I wrote allot of that and didnt make sense ? I do it allot get used to it
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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