Hey, I'm Dom A.K.A. DeckchairsFTW (before it was; Doms lube tube) and i basically enjoy playing zombies and trying to find out the secrets of it by looking round the maps and stuff.
I was the founder (if you can call it that!) of a small clan of zombieists called Z115. It's not really a proper clan, basically me and a mate decided to make a clan, and i suggested the name, so we had it. Then all his COD playing friends nicked the clan tag, and it spread from there! You will oftn find me and him, and two other random frends playing on zombies. My favourite map is Kino, and on WAW it was extremely close between SNN and Der Riese. I have every single achievement off of every COD title since MW1 apart from the last 2 from MW2 including the 0g ones.
And that's all folks!