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Everything posted by ExtremeKiwi

  1. Come on that wasnt a whale it was god zilla ZOMBIE STYLE
  2. started this thread to days ago and your signiture still says 27 with 3 people
  3. Have you guys tryed putting in the numbers that the one girl says when you first put in black ops, if you don't hit start or your A button listen to the list the girl rattles off then says "ascension" at the end of it. It is some girl talking into the mic smoking a cigerrette
  4. try playing a new game but before you get downed try hitting to two again and see what happends ( dont try it on round 20 incase it kicks you do it as soon as possiable)
  5. ^^^^someone has to much thinking time on there hands :P
  6. image is not showing up for me what does it say
  7. have you tried HIT SAM with a space, i've done some talking over XBL and have been hearing to try that
  8. has anyone noticed that the second and third comic strip intertwin with eachother, you can see the blue prints of the rocket along with the jail cell....
  9. tried it nothing happened
  11. i saw that same thing, i bet it tells you something but i just dont have the smarts to think of it [brains]
  12. What are the best strategies to make it farther in the game. right now i stay in the starting room till round 7, then move up outside till round 9 watching the one window then three friends watching the stairs then we move inside to the upstairs room where the *STAKEOUT* is then we move upstairs to the box at lvl 13 but always die right at 13. any helps/suggestions/ or a completely diffrent way to try it?
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