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Everything posted by LUDRICOUSZ

  1. Maybe shoot it with deathmachines?
  2. Nice find! maybe this we'll be the beginning of the end of the easter egg. but is it possible to shoot all those things with 3 people to the device? do you have enough time?
  3. Well done! Safe tactic also! but i would imagine if you get bored!
  4. Sounds pretty logical!
  5. The lander theory, if you can get in the lander right before you get the death machines (so right after you shot the gerch device) you'll get the death machines while being in the lander. maybe it's an idea? i mentioned it earlier but no one tried it out as far as i know.
  6. yeah who knows? maybe the lander goes to another spot where you need to shoot tons of zombies haha i'm just brainstorming
  7. dont know what to shoot but maybe you'll find something out. i'm a ps3 player so sorry for not trying this
  8. haha i said almost the same in an other topic of this site! maybe shoot the deathmachines in the air? I'm very curious what will happen though
  9. Maybe its an option to go with the deathmachines in the lunar lander. dont go in it during the deathmachine cause you cant hold x then but go in the lander right before you get them. so that when the deathmachines spawn, you are flying in the lunar lander. that's maybe also why you cant hear the sound of the next step in the map, because its in the air.
  10. Maybe its an option to go with the deathmachines in the lunar lander. dont go in it during the deathmachine cause you cant hold x then but go in the lander right before you get them. so that when the deathmachines spawn, you are flying in the lunar lander.
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