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Everything posted by JuggernautSoda

  1. Now I can't snipe with my PTRS-41... :(
  2. Wow dude that sucks. Ha, rage quitters are so annoying.
  3. Marathon pro + Ghost pro + ballistic knife = beast
  4. Guys, don't hate on campers. If you see a camper, just kill him. And camping is a stratagy, much as run and gun, and sniping are stratagies. It's something you can never change, so deal with it.
  5. Rage quiters. You all have seen them. You might have evan done it a few times. But this time, rage quitting has gone much too far. I was playing domination on Hotel. It was a pretty good game. I was using marathon pro, warlord and ghost. I took out my AK74u red-dot + rapid fire (don't hate, it's a good combo) and my ballistic knife. With my AK I got like a 8-9 killstreak STANDING IN ONE SPOT (lol) and then I took out my ballistic knife and started running circles around the enemy spawn (thank you Ghost) and ended up with a killstreak of somewhere in between 25-30. It was an awesome game. So I thought, when I die I will record this using theatre mode. But just as the game ends and the final killcam is me getting a head shot, It says on my screen that the connection is interupted. So afterward, I never get to see my scoresheet thing and can't view it on theatre mode because somebody rage quit. Now nobody will get to see my epic knifing spree. Sigh...
  6. The Tunguska map was Shi No Numa
  7. There was supposed to be a fourth for W@W but never was. There BETTER be four for BO
  8. Somebody needs to print all these out and see if they can make a book. I can't though because my dad would kill me for using that much ink :?
  9. This, a thousand times. Yeah I could buy a stupid code of ebay, or go re-buy the game and get the special edition, but why should I? Release the classic map pack already! They were released at launch, with the hardened/prestige edition. You just didn't buy them.
  10. Is it just me, or does the V-R11 look just like a flattend portal gun (from Portal/Portal 2, obviously)? I want to know your opinions. btw Now we all get to know what the portal gun looks like down sight!
  11. I don't think it means anything.
  12. Okay, I've seen like ten topics of people trying to get a easter egg team, there is a team-mate finder section you know. So please stop making easter egg team topics. :)
  13. I threw a grenade at it and it made a funny noise Seriously, it really did.
  14. It doesn't matter if you do it on co-op or solo, If you do it on either the drop will always be a DG-2
  15. Actually in the Call of the Dead Trailer, when they are being launched from the catapult, a reflex sight can be seen on the HK as well as a drum-roll attachment. Look and pause around 1:27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Cx82OFXM0 You can actually see the attachments on the HK as well as the Famas... Oh I see now. But it's only on the exterier view, not first person which is really wierd.
  16. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I went back and watched gameplay from before the release and the only attachement was a reflex sight on the upgraded FN FAL.
  17. If you listen carefully you can hear Nikoli ask Takeo for a dance. (lol)
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