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Everything posted by JuggernautSoda

  1. I don't think so. Nice try though :)
  2. Optimism guys, optimism
  3. It would make sense that Richtofen is the nephew and is taking over. After all, he is wearing a space suit. :o
  4. The new eastrer egg I found on SNN is actuelly there in WaW, just nobody found it until I got the classic maps.
  5. If you could get a gunship, wouldn't you just leave?
  6. The easter egg isn't the machine, it was the note.
  7. Dude, you need to use puncuation. In all of your posts you never do. I'm not sure if what you are saying is a statment or a question, or even the next sentance. Anyway, the theory is good, it has a lot of backup because all zombie maps are based of a multiplayer or campain map. NDU - airfield verruct - asylum SNN - knee deep I think.. Der Riese - night fire I think it's called, But as for Knio,FIVE and ascenion, I have nno idea. Off topic all you had to do was send me a private message. :?: :?: :?: It wasn't off topic, I was talking about the theory
  8. Dude, you need to use puncuation. In all of your posts you never do. I'm not sure if what you are saying is a statment or a question, or even the next sentance. Anyway, the theory is good, it has a lot of backup because all zombie maps are based of a multiplayer or campain map. NDU - airfield verruct - asylum SNN - knee deep I think.. Der Riese - night fire I think it's called, But as for Knio,FIVE and ascenion, I have nno idea.
  9. I was just playing SNN on WaW and it is there. Looks like everybody just missed it :D
  10. For those of you who don't know french, he said: It's not a knife. Tonight I saw a sword... honestly
  11. Der Reise is in the day, it's a solar eclipse, which means the sun is out but the moon is blocking it.
  12. Finding a match isn't the hard part, finding a match with all people having mics is the hard part..Even if one person is without a mic, I back out and try again. Since release, I have only found two good random lobies on ascension. Sigh, life is hard :|
  13. Sorry what should be up high on the wall? The generator thing
  14. When I opened docters quarters I got quick revive, after a while of playing I bought it three times and it disapered. And under it there was a note. it reads : ...Might be powering EAARB...but it comes with a risk... And where it says EAARB, it might say EAARE. It was kind of hard to tell if the last letter was a B or an E. Sorry if this has already been found/posted
  15. Yeah, if you walk out the upstairs door from the centrifuge area and look right, it should be high up on the wall.
  16. This should be in the teammate finder section. BTW, why are you mocking yourself?
  17. A few commas or periods wouldn't hurt
  18. Dude, the Nazi Zombie storyline actuelly happened. :shock:
  19. For raise hell, has anybody tryed spelling out HELL in the sky?
  20. Glitch? Hint? Next step? Who knows
  21. :facepalm: This was only posted three years ago....
  22. To me the article reads because the centrifuge spins randomly it was in use as the break out happened and the zombies killed the person inside at the time Well, if that were true wouldn't it be opened from the zombies killing the guy? And the break out starts when you're on round 1. (I think anyway :? )
  23. but these aren't real lunar landers, real lunar landers don't expose the riders to the elements of the outside environment As I said in a above post, it's called terraforming.
  24. In treyarks little post about ascension, http://www.callofduty.com/intel/443 ^that^ They say the zombies interrupted a cosmonaut in there high-G tollerance. So they basicly said the a person was in the centrifuge. Maybe the guy we free in the casimir device easter egg? So we actuelly are freeing that person from the centrifuge maybe? I dunno, but that would be awesome!
  25. isnt it because the map takes place at a launch facility? Yes, but you don't fly lunar landers on earth, you fly them on the moon. That is there main purpose.
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