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Everything posted by Undead

  1. Orrrrrrr you could just troll with a shotgun and rush it each round and hope for the best. You're guarenteed to either have a really shitty game. Or get behind everyone and take out most if not all of the other team.
  2. Another one of Jay's signature "Personal Preference" threads I see. I'm a creature of habit. Once I find the right position that works, I can last forever and I never breach the wrong hole. However, on the few occasions I've tried to change it up, it's game over.
  3. Okay, now you're all fucking with me. Little do you know the medals are rigged to blow. *Joker laughter*
  4. Went for gold on my Balista sniper. Now I quickscope like a pro again. Ahh, the memories.

  5. anal = buttsecks. Nuff said. Trolling your last two crawlers and not only killing one but the one you killed was equipped with a nuke and your unintentionally fuck up the whole "keep a crawler" plan and die the following round.
  6. I've also noticed interest in some kind of water map like Atlantis mentioned here and there. That would be cool to have some kind of Bioshock themed map.
  7. Chernobyl would be cool. Plus opens doors for more scare factor like Verruckt to be reintroduced as reference to the horror movie. Eerie, rustic and straight up paranormality. I'd love a map that's meant to mess with your mind.
  8. It would be pretty cool if zombies got some spotlight during 2xp weekends. I like the idea of these daily "specials" as well.
  9. *cracks fingers* time for debate! I don't want to be biased or anything because I tend to have an automatic attachment to the original thing I'm used to. I started off my CoD career with WaW, and played the campaigns of 1,2 and 3 before I ever had XBL. BUT, I don't see why exactly it always has to be futuristic to be original and creative. I quite like the ideas of the main CoD campaign having some kind of steampunk/fallout theme to it. I used complain how CoD used to be related to real historical events and that these modern/futuristic games are starting to peel that fundamental from CoD. But hell, if they are already creating their own stories of events that haven't happened, set in the future, I don't see why we can't be as creative with the past. Zombies is a perfect example of that; plenty of unreal and groundbreaking discoveries of technology and advanced weapons that obviously never existed in that era. I'm not saying we completely throw in the towel with storylines relating to or based off real history, but there's plenty any of these CoD developers could do with the past and still introduce things that were non-existant then or even today. It's the theme, the grungy-noirish type of old school theme that I personally miss. Let's see some Bioshock/Fallout-theme meets CoD or something, and you could easily twist that around something historical and base it off that.
  10. I would like to personally share one experience where I got lucky in more ways than one... Let's just say playing "Strip Zombies" with the box being the gambler worked in my advantage once or twice before. EDIT: Oh right, uhhhh.... I've ran a suicidal direct path straight through large hordes of zombies unscathed several times before. That never happens without jug. Funny thing was, I was attempting suicide. I failed Suicide. Lucky or unlucky?
  11. How about just add the freakin medals already
  12. Here's one for the "Clocked" medal: And "Brainiac" Medal: And "Pixelated" medal:
  13. Teleporter sounds good for entering the chat room I think. Then I also second Nightmare's suggestion for exiting the chat room.
  14. lol I just played Blops 2 most of the weekend. Went from 38 9th prestige to 34 10th. First game I've ever actually made it to 10th and it's not even technically the last prestige anymore lol.
  15. Well. Shaddup
  16. Does that include all CoD games? Or just Ghosts?
  17. Wanna make CoDz a better place? http://i.imgur.com/J5g7CCG.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lenne


      If I could share my UotM cookie with you I would do that... except for Jay cause he is evil. :P

    3. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      If you look up Evil in your thesaurus, my nude photo will show up.

    4. Undead


      True story. Phantom even campaigned with me last month.

  18. The thing that bothers me most is how far we've stretched the non-fiction of the CoD universe to the point where these last few games are purely sci-fi instead. And while IMO, the campaigns and missions (particularly in Ghosts) are pretty interesting, I'd like to take a few steps back and peek back into the historical related events again. There's still SO much they could do. I feel Black Ops covered that perfectly as an example, it was still the past, but not your typical WWI or II shooter we saw in the first three CoD games or WaW. Then Black Ops II did a good job at linking the past to the future, but CoD aside, EVERYONE is doing sci-fi or modern shooters. Wishful thinking here BUT, If they don't at least do another game similiar to Black Ops era wise, it would be nice to at least give the historical CoD side of things a reboot. Do some sort of "Call of Duty Remastered" that features the best WW maps from CoD 1, 2, 3 and WaW.
  19. Given I had a thread about this very thing not to long ago, I'm all for the idea. It would be nice if Survival was a little bit more involved and had challenges much like Extinction per round and the freedom to customize and unlock things for you very own Survivor.
  20. I think we've all learned something out of this controversy within the "rape culture" thread and have a general consensus among ourselves that this could be handled properly and maturely in threads of a similar nature to come. In the nearly 4 years I've been here, we've lost too many great members because of differences in what's okay and what's not here on CoDZ, and I certainly would like to think we're not going to lose MMX permanently over a controversial topic and a couple NSFW photos. We've all voiced our ideas, opinions and concerns on the matter, at this point, it's up to the staff to decide exactly how we're going to handle adult themed threads. Let's not have to force their hand into putting all these restrictions on discussing adult topics in a forum that should be filled with adults. We should all be more aware and understanding of our audience and be able to have a civil discussion about whatever we wish to discuss. Adult themed threads aside, I'd like to personally watch out for rising conflicts and solve them before they escalate out of hand, even if it means taking it to them privately to butt heads to come to and understanding or agree to disagree. The way YOU decide to handle things will speak for the maturity in and of itself. If you - CoDz as a whole - value your privilege to have a place to discuss such topics, then let's not waste it with petty heated reactions. Now that being said, let's steer things back on track here and continue to discuss ways we can improve CoDz, put this in the past and use it as good reminder and example from now on.
  21. God knows how long it's been since I actually did anything inrcredible, but I do remember a few things: Favorite map: Der Riese Favorite Weapon: Trench Gun/Commando/SCAR-H Highest Solo: 69 SNN Highest Co-op: 30's-40's? Notables: Clutched 4-player Co-op, mid 30's at start of round given my whole team of randoms got pinned and died, pulled them through to the next round followed by applauding and friend invites.
  22. I'm holding you to a thread about sex now, @
  23. Either no one believes I actually attempt to play CoD because I never accepted their invites, OR I just need to start bribing you guys...

    1. Undead


      One free toaster for every 5th invite. Limited time only.

    2. Naitrax


      If you see me on something and not in an actual game (like, I mean a match) just send me an invite. I'm down to wreck zombies with someone.

  24. This makes me wonder if they've made any Pop Vinyls for Zombies yet...
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