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Everything posted by LiamFTWinter

  1. It was just the Singapore strike force level from E3. jQXfTrxK2kA yXzHnTzOhgs
  2. It's also been floating around since before the game was announced originally showing the incorrect date, now someone has changed the date to the correct one. Still fake.
  3. It's been broken for a little while now, I have no idea what is up.
  4. JbanoFyvi4Y Zombies starts at 2:25, we get a lot of info we already know but there's some new info confirming a theater mode in zombies and wager match styled game modes. The interview is a little unclear, I believe he does say "Maybe" before he starts his sentence. But I think he then says "We're bringing those into Zombies" at the end. UPDATE It took four months but we finally got our official reveal of theater mode on GTTV. You can watch it here. http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episod ... ack-ops-ii
  5. It's not a great question to ask I'm afraid. Delves into Blops 2 which he can't talk about. How do you know this runs into Black Ops 2? We've only seen it in Black Ops 1 so far right? Couldn't hurt to ask Because he's interviewed James already, as well as strwrsbob, I believe the question was already asked and he couldn't say much.
  6. They've already shown Strike Force, and on last years Jimmy Fallon, Spec Ops mode was revealed for Modern Warfare 3 for the first time. It's not likely, but you never know, could show zombies Yep, I know, but I'm supposing they would show it to get it out to the wider audience of Jimmy Fallon.
  7. I'd expect strike force, they wouldn't reveal zombies on a TV show, they'll do something pretty big. :D
  8. I'm guessing the Zombies reveal will be around the end of summer.
  9. It's a photoshopped version of this image.
  10. I'm more talking about the characters, the campaign has been pretty much confirmed quite a few times.
  11. No because then when he tweeted it he would have left a warning like "take the poll here for most anticipated E3 event (or whatever it was), all other information on this page is unconfirmed". Treyarch wouldn't link us to false information. They know what kind of confusion that would cause in the community. Sure Treyarch likes to play with out minds but I draw the line at DIRECTLY giving us false information. But he wouldn't say that because it wasn't information. Information and speculation are very different things, what you read was CVG's opinion not solid information. If it was information it would have been released in multiple interviews, press releases and tons of different articles on large sites. But it didn't, because it isn't info, it's opinion.
  12. On the topic of Reza tweeting out the link, it was because it contains the ability to vote for the game as best of E3 2012 on the first page. The Zombies info is clearly speculation by the use of words and terms like "bound to drop in" meaning "We expect them to drop in", "Expect" and the word "Possibly". Those characters are who CVG expect to be in the game, not who WILL be in the game. The Zombies Campaign on the other hand, is most likely to happen. I'm not saying these characters won't make an appearance, I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up too high because it hasn't been 100% confirmed yet.
  13. Not your bad, I think someone(AHEM STRWRSBOB) may have been a bit too harsh, I posted just to clear things up and then others posted too. Sorry about that!
  14. The initial gamestop leaks were codenamed eclipse, there's files on the CoD site named eclipse and an image of the multiplayer lobby revealed today showed a gamertag called "Eclipsetest1". I'm pretty sure it's just the internal codename for Black Ops II
  15. It has NOT been confirmed. It's all complete speculation and that's why words like "Expect" and "Possibly" had been used.
  16. Eclipse appears to be the codename for Black Ops II
  17. Haha, I have no idea why everyone posted it at once. :lol:
  18. Let's clear this up. Oliver North HAS NOT been confirmed to be a character. The CVG article is complete speculation and we have no confirmation on who will appear in the Zombies game mode.
  19. The image is of David Mason, I can just manage to make the name out and I can also tell the difference in their faces now. :D
  20. The time for info at E3 has essentially been and gone and in all the interviews Mark Lamia has stated "We're not ready to talk about Zombies just yet"
  21. It is not confirmed to be set in brunswick. The image of the diner is a reference image, no location has been confirmed yet, cuba is looking likely though.
  22. I think we'll be thrown off the difficulty levels of more open maps with the introduction of new enemies. I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet if I was you.
  23. The images of the diner were just reference images so they could get the feel of an authentic diner. It does not confirm it's in that location.
  24. He states the "MAP" so that means only one map, looking more and more like an open world. This could be insane.
  25. Check out the Black Ops II Strike Force gameplay on our new homepage by clicking right here! http://callofdutyzombies.com/wordpress/ ... -gameplay/
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