So Mayday has been out for over a week now and we haven't found any easter eggs yet. (Probably because no one has been looking)
The past 2 maps have had easter eggs and while they were fairly small they were still fun to solve.
I'm guessing the trigger is somewhere within the starting area like the last 2 maps, but nothing stands out to me apart from one thing (well, technically 4 things).
There are yellow valves scattered all around the starting area that look like this.
Most of them are a fairly dull yellow colour, but I've noticed 4 that are MUCH brighter than the rest.
All of them are in the starting area, 2 up the ramp in the first room and 2 are in the room where you fight the tentacle.
Here is a pretty good example of just how much brighter these 4 valves are.
I've tried a few things with them, knifing them, pressing X to interact, and shooting them. It does nothing, all they give off is the usual spark that shooting something metal in CoD usually gives.
In the past 2 easter eggs, the triggers always had some sort of sign that you had activated 1 step, in the LOL easter egg the light bulbs exploded and in the ZAP easter egg the canisters exploded.
I just thought I would post this just in case anyone was interested enough to search for the egg (if there even is one). I doubt many people will respond to this thread but I think it's interesting enough to at least do some searching even though the outcome might not be great.