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Everything posted by Talix

  1. Actually... yes 4. NO OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE: Using offensive language (the bad words that we all know so well), in any context, is not allowed here at COD Zombie Forum. We believe that our intelligent members can make their points and offer their contributions WITHOUT the necessity of vulgarities. Posts containing offensive language will be edited and/or deleted by the Forum Moderators and Warnings will be issued as appropriate. Repeat violations of this policy may result in more severe actions, up to and including Permanent Banning.
  2. i dont really care he can bring it on ill just repost it again and again mods dont scare me well maybe moders Inadvisable. Would likely end in a ban.
  3. I highly doubt it's Pack-a-Punched considering it doesn't have to PaP design on it (All those lines like circuits)
  4. Talix

    Wave Gun PaPed?

    Touche That would be pretty awesome
  5. Talix

    Wave Gun PaPed?

    I've heard a lot of people saying that the dual wield wonder weapons in the trailer are the unPaP'ed/PaPed version of the the Wave Gun. Take a look at the pictures we have a both. Do you see the Pack a Punch texture/camo-thing? I'm putting my money on either seperate Wonder Weapons or something entirely new (Gun Mule maybe)
  6. I get that I was just wondering if there was a reason you had to take it off at all once you had.
  7. Up looks like the spacesuit. Which means it takes time to take it off and put it on. Why would we need to take it off though?
  8. Was that the QED? Also, were those Spikemores? EDIT: I heard Nikolai :D
  9. Great find! How has no one given you brains for this yet?! Here you go Thanks I recently read somewhere that apparently electrified zombies drop Max Ammos more regardless of weapon. Can anyone else confirm this?
  10. They're adding one in Shi No Numa?
  11. your right, der reise does mean the travel. but the map is der riese which means the giant. so im thinking that your a bit off with this. but i dont understand where people are getting the zurück part? My thought on the whole Z use in the word was simply because it was Zombies and as the whole pack is Zombies it ties it together. Yes, Der Riese is the map name, but the Rezurrection poster misspelled it as Der Reise.
  12. Huh, good idea. Poor crew :\ [brains]
  13. I think he was listing different ideas for effects he thinks it could have, kind of like a dice roll. You could score really well or lose out big. All his ideas are potential "rolls" he came up with.
  14. To state the obvious for those who don't know, phasing generally means passing through things (I think)
  15. The guy holding the gun seems to be half zombie actually. Only his face is really zombified.
  16. To everyone talking about new weapons in Moon: yes, there will be new weapons in Moon. HOWEVER, that is not what this thread is about. People are discussing the inclusion of new weapons in the WaW maps that come alongside Moon. I personally don't think they will, but I'll be ecstatic if they do.
  17. Well, if you've bought the other map packs you've been doing the same thing; getting one zombie map. Besides, they ARE different in certain ways (weapons, upgraded graphics, etc...) AND you'll get the soundtrack, so I'd say it's worth it anyway :P
  18. Never seen that. I'll have to watch them next time.
  19. Honestly, I just loved the teleportation mechanic. It made a Juggernog run in the middle of a round a little less dangerous. And it was flat-out fun to randomly appear somewhere on the map :P
  20. I like the spoiler idea. I keep screwing up the chance to figure things out on my own in maps D:
  21. I'm really hoping the Gersch Device will reappear, even though it probably won't :\
  22. Huh. Never heard of that before.
  23. The times I've caused it were Geoge getting pissed and electrifying the zombies with his ground smash. After I lead him down the slide and the zombies return, they seem to have the possiblilty of a Max Ammo drop from the Wunderwaffe.
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