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Everything posted by blackfire561

  1. Yes but the card reader doesnt work like someone said the bridge is the other place where the denizens dont attack you why???
  2. Nice I forgot about the bridge my team will check on this tomorrow along with the video.
  3. No dont worry man I believe you Group 247 is going to check this out tomorrow and we will let you know what we find. I dont believe its the avogadro spawning and I dont believe it was the rock respawning I am not sure what to make of it. You can never rule anything out unless you are 100% sure. I will let you know if we find anything tomorrow even if we dont I promise you tomorrow I will post on this letting you know what happened.
  4. Ok it just hit me thanks to -Armageddon- we were talking about a hidden place a navcard could be hidden then he said there would have to be a workbench for you to construct other parts. BOOM that just made this idea pop in my head. Now under the pylon there is a hidden place for you to add the part for the navcard reader machine. Now there was nothing there it was blank unless you had a part then it asked you to build. That could be what were missing. There could be a another invisible workbench say in the fog or by the church. Anywhere and we could combine parts used to make the other objects to make a working navcard. Now this invis workbench could be anywhere. If you think about it the only way we found the option to build under the pylon was because it was so odd there had to be something there. Now treyarch wouldnt have made it out in the open for another one of these they had to put it where no one would find it. I haven't seen 1 single person mention this. My team Group 247 is making a vid about this tomorrow talking more in depth about this for now I leave you with this. What do you think. It would be nearly impossible to see. PS -Armageddon- we will thank you in our vid tomorrow for making this idea pop in my head this could be the missing step.
  5. Yeah its odd for it to be there and have 0 purpose at all.
  6. I keep imagining someplace we are missing on the map like the bank vault but more hidden where we could grab the navcard I can picture it and I want it to be true soooo bad.
  7. Go to the third post for all the parts but yeah there are things that are not found yet such as the navcard. That is not the same texture as the one by our points. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=25986
  8. Yeah I read his tweet right when he posted it saying he got the doors opened I freaked out. Too bad its not like a legit thing it was a glitch of course. The textures and everything you could tell the map wasnt loaded properly.
  9. Yeah and still someone posted on here the day before yesterday the texture of a navcard that doesnt look like the one's on the side of our points. It looks like a SD card to be exact. Scroll to the third post for what I am talking about. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=25986
  10. haha yeah I am not sure but I am almost 100% sure you have to do something with the navcards in order to put them in the machine. Maybe this whole laundromat thing will lead to us doing exactly that. Who knows time will tell.
  11. yes it has been done by Group 247 and NGT
  12. Yeah me and my team Group 247 are all over this we will update with another post on how it goes.
  13. All I really have to say is this
  14. Now im not sure if leaked things are allowed such as coding for the game but anyway I am just going to talk about it for the heck of it. So somebody found out the coding and I know what your thinking already but I want to talk about one thing specifically. The navcards in the coding posted in the description of a video by MrJoeTrocious it has the coding for campaign multiplayer and zombies. Now the thing I am here to talk about is the part with the navcard. In the middle of the page you will see in the coding it says. Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to take Navcard Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 to insert Navcard That is the incorrect navcard! The navcard was accepted successfully My team Group 247 is doing everything we can do get this but its in the coding so the navcard can be accepted. I dont want to get into anything else because thats all I wanted to post if you want to check it out your going to have to find MrJoeTrocious's video. PS: sorry for the spelling and no periods I want to get this out there I will edit it later.
  15. Sounds like a lazy response. Did you watch the video it explains something I didn't put in the post??
  16. I have noticed this for a while as may most of you but they havent really looked into it. Well since moon we all know rictofen is now in control of the zombies. Not the hellhounds though. The hellhounds dont have blue eyes in black ops 2 or at the end of the moon EE. Now do you think its possible there is another person controlling the hellhounds or what.
  17. Hey I saw many questions wondering if Rictofen's lights work for the Laundromat easter egg. Yes it does we just did Rictofens EE and went to the Laundromat building to test it out. Few things to note though. 1 you don't need to shoot at the door handle. We activated it by aiming down our sights and not even shooting it. 2 the times the light doesn't appear it comes from directly behind you and goes into the bank. It goes fast but we put our sensitivity to extreme, and we saw the tail end of this beam zoom past us. Just wanted to provide a quick update with that info hope it helped.
  18. Well you know the radio/T.V at the farm that gave coordantes to a place claled jackass flats. Well as many of you know the coordnates led to nevada and its seconds from nuketown. Well I am pretty sure we found it. Watch the video to see what I am talking about. I havent seen one video with someone talking about this. I am sure its been seen but there are no videos about it currently.
  19. I think in the future they will make it like the original maps that were used to but make some transportation. No fog or anything just keep the size of tranzit and the atmosphere of say shangri la or der riese.
  20. Yeah the boat idea and train idea are most likely. There is some pretty cool evidence as to why we think that as we show in the video, much like they did with Ascension.
  21. Here are some good theories as to what we could expect from more tranzit modes in the map packs.
  22. Bump I would really like someone to answer this for me??
  23. Hi I was watching NGTZombie's stream and I noticed something. On this video at 2:15:10 look at the legs of the pylon. They are glowing orange then purple then orange then purple a pattern. What I am confused is how are they getting the same colors at the same time?? Now before any of you say its because they completed both EE No no. I completed maxis and Richthofen EE today and only one of them glows, its not both the same colors. Whats going on here can someone help me figure out why they would both be glowing????
  24. K send me a msg on xbox
  25. Hi we are starting a zombie team much like NGT who look around for anything and solve the EE and do the EE basically just like the ngt zombies team. We have 3 people including me, and we are looking for 1 more person who is on zombies half the time and is looking for a team like NGT. We are working on the name but you will need to be on most of the time. Almost like a 4 player zombies clan dedicated to looking for EE and solving them. MSG my GT BLACKFIRE561 if your interested. This is xbox only
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