Trying to figure out this achievement has been driving me crazy. My friends will not help me try anything out. They only want to play HC TD. I have read everything on here and finally felt compelled enough to make my very own post. Maybe this stuff has been tried before, but I have not seen it mentioned.
"Skewer the winged beast"
1. Shoot the MF'ing launching rocket with the big ass rocket launcher. After all, that is what the weapon is intended for in name. Hell, lets shoot it with 4 rocket launchers. In the normal game, those launchers will lock onto any aircraft. Will they lock on to the rocket as it takes off? Probably not, but sounds fun to try.
2. Shoot the MF'ing launching rocket with the dang crossbow. I would consider a crossbow "harpoon-ish". If you had every weapon in ascension available and told me to pick one for skewering (sp?), I am picking the crossbow every time. Maybe we should shoot the rocket with 4 crossbows and it will carry us to the hidden moon zombie level using magical invisible tethering cords. Well maybe that is going a little too far...
3. Shoot the MF-ing lander with any combination of weaponry while it is taking off. Why not? Revenge for all the times the damn things have landed on me ending a solo zombie game. I would start with PAP'd Crossbows, PAP'd Rocket Launchers, etc. Will a Launcher lock onto a mid-flight lander?
4. Start stabbing random ass $hit with the sickle/scythe/hooking-thing-a-ma-bob. Landers? I am game. Anything else with "wings" that can be found. Butterflies? Unicorns? Tinker Bell herself? Y-E-S! I have wanted to stab many quasi-homo objects in real life as well, btw. Just never had 3000 coins to spend and can't find the world's largest bass fishing hook ever assembled at a decent price on ebay. From what I understand on tv, maxi pads have wings now. Isn't there a character names MAXIs? Let's skewer him and all of his feminine products. Sorry, got distracted again...
I just cannot believe that we would do all of this crazy stuff all for 90 sec DM's. What is the point in that? I know we will find out soon, but I want to know right now. I think that my ideas are not crazy. I also think that there are Nazi's on the moon, the Earth is hollow, and Bush secretly LOVES black people, though.
One last thought incase anyone actually read this entire diatribe, there are 4 90 sec DM's and 4 lander pads. Coincidence? Probably. Whatever the next step is likely involves 4 objects and those 90 sec DM's. Why else would they give you those? That will not even get you through an entire level above 25.