For real guys? why does everyone think that this was the end or supposed to be the end?? they are going to keep on making more and more zombie dlc forevever so really the vagueness and little "easter eggs" are just for the die hards. I for one dont want the"story to be "wrappped up"...they leave it to the players imagination which by looking at these forums are pretty huge but that is a good thing. im sure the guys at trey arc laugh at alot of the posts on here if they ever check. everyopne on this site is awesome because we all love zombies. i take the game for what it is and try to complete the easter eggs myself and al;so try to break my records constantly cause this game is fun and leaves ALOT to the imagination.
p.s proper name for this thread would have been "Easter egg oficailly ANNOUNCED done not PRONOUNCED.... [brains]