This is my step by step tutorial on how to get the thunder gun in campaign. So let’s begin
First of all you have to unlock the mission “numbers”. When you start the game you will need to through all your grenades into the nova 6 gas to blow up all the nova 6 gas canisters. Once you have done that you will want to go behind the desk and take the cassette that is in the cassette player. Once you have gotten the cassette you need to proceed to the part where weaver moves the fridge for you. You will notice all the guns on the wall. Normally you would turn to get them but this time you will turn left and put the cassette in the cassette player and just stare at the wall and a thunder gun will appear on the wall before your eyes and you pick it up like any other gun. Hope you enjoyed this post credit on finding the idea goes to “thezombiekiller”