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Everything posted by havoc025

  1. Well welcome to the forum and your in the right place to find some secrets and to learn about the story link.
  2. Screenshot?
  3. [brains] just [brains] HAHA :lol:
  4. Congratulations! You win the Necro Post of the day award! :facepalm:
  5. i give you props for this. i think there is more but ive never seen the winters howl from the box. also that poster isnt about ascension its about zombies in general. notice the nova 6 zombies. they aren't in ascension for sure.
  6. i'm not entirely sure but i think these are all quotes richtofen says when getting the sodas. i know the prone perk is stamup and boomjuice is phd. i think he says the rootbeer quote when getting the machine or when you idle he sings it.
  7. 2 radios and 3 reels. they all are audio and no video. they are not five radios. personally i think there is a difference. the whole game is based on easter eggs is groups of three or more. there is another radio...somewhere... :roll:
  8. havoc025

    Topic 1000!

    We made it pretty far and to summorize them all we have yet to find anything with the Kashmir Device after death machines. 50% say its over and who know. Theres only 845 Theories out of the 100 posts (or it seems) and the rest are easter egg finds that are minor. I hope this stays on top of the lsit just so we dont get any repeats about death machines and shooting random crap in the level... None the less WE ARE THE MOST AWESOMEST FORUM COMMUNITY EVER. Cheers!
  9. Please watch the language for risk of mods locking the forum.
  10. i think we should shoot the cloud that looks like same and the teddy bear in the sky...i have no idea why but your theory made me think of that. i'm 99% sure ascension is where that cloud is. don't ask me where i have no idea.
  11. this is true in one aspect. there is a radio outside the normal walking area and it is by double tap. it isn't outside the map and this radio is know as radio 2. radio 1 in on the chadeller (WHY CAN NO ONE SPELL THIS F****** WORD) near the stage. if you find number 3 that would be cool. don't get radios confused with tapes. there are 3 tapes with in the rooms you travel to when you teleport.
  12. NOT TURE AT ALL -_-
  13. First off i don't like how you come in here and start being mean to someone you have never met, i had done nothing wrong to you, This thread was to just see if there is a radio or not i just wanted to see other peoples theory's or what not. Second off I'm not a kid, I'm 20 and have had more life experience then you have had most likely. Third l2spell You need spell check imediatley = immediately Thank you for bumping in my thread This is a perfect example of how you are a child. glad you can spell and take the time to read what you wite. unlike me i don't care because i remember one thing ITS A VIDEO GAME FORUM NOTHING WORTH CRYING ABOUT. If you had more life experience you wouldn't care about someone saying something on a forum.
  14. The Raid (stakeout PaP'ed), Hades (Olympia PaP'ed) are pretty nice. they both do alot of damage and Hades does fire damage so its kinda like shooting a grenade. M16 becomes Full automatic and gets a gredande launcher but has kinda weak damage. if your on the Wii the Aug on the stage is the best by far. i don't really use weapons on the wall but it'd be interestign to see what people say.
  15. when you "hack" your xbox they don't just ban your account. they ban the ip address, UDID, and MAC address of your xbox. more or less you lose internet on your xbox for forever...unless you replace network parts.
  16. morse code can also be coded with one beep or two fast beeps. so if the lights go on off on on off on on off then the on on could signify a dash and one on could signify a dot the lights have never actually went on or off though. they are the same the whole time. they are even on when you dont turn the power on, which is kind of weird. but i guess they have nothing to do with the power on the actual map itself. sorry for the confusion i mean the order the ligths are on. from my understanding of hwo he said it it sounds like there are 100 lights(oviously not) and some are on and some are off. so if consecutiv ligths are on its a dask and if ones on and the one prceeding it and before it are off its a dot.
  17. dear god. HAHAHAHAHA [brains]
  18. people have no clpped up there while tunring the power on. it is nothing but a noise being played and screen effect.
  19. morse code can also be coded with one beep or two fast beeps. so if the lights go on off on on off on on off then the on on could signify a dash and one on could signify a dot
  20. the 4th and 5th lander are the same. some people don't count the startings lander (who knows why...) and some do. as for the moron op....yes you can no clip on every console. its just easier on PC
  21. BULL FUCKING SHIT. Your such a liar. you can't even quote it correctly. NONE of the characters say anything like that. they all talk about more enemieS coming with an s. Nikoli=great! more things to chase me. Tank=sounds like more friends coming to the party. EDIT: anti earth is the only one who is using logic. everyone else is blowing crap out their ass just because they want something else to happen. there is no boss round. no one from treyarch has every even slightly hinted about it.
  22. [brains] Wow...didn't think to put that spin on it.
  23. Hmmm...Like i said, the sequence of the knocking resembles the sequence from the last radio transmission. And thx for not giving me neg brains! what you mean the sequence resembles the last radio transmission?
  24. its in the green window in the dressing room it can only be heard there. ive never heard any wierd noises anywhere else except the speed cola machines static and the door creaking. no neg [brains] from me
  25. thundergun you run slower. but when you pap it it increases mobility in result increases speed. [brains] tho for doing that it was a little confusing so heres an easier way. from slowest to fasting running speed: Light machine gun and snipers (and thundergun) Assualt Rifle and shotguns Sub machine guns and crossbow pistols and balistic knife and any other wudnerweapon
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