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Everything posted by havoc025

  1. ...... You do know Mark Lamia is the studio head of 3arc, right? You do know anyone can impersonate anyone on the internet now a days. it was debunked as a fake facebook page.
  2. He said that he was talking to some guy who was owning zombie asses the entire time he was telling the story to my friend got to like lvl 35 or something before the guy timed out i notice omfgwtf in peoples anything and i imediatley disregard any comment they have and label them as child. Liam is correct is saying what he said. there is no "ladder glitch" or secret weapon. if there was kids like you wouldn't shut up about it. its been tested that ladder doesn't move... ever
  3. exactly my game plan. at this point (sometimes) the box is in the theater and i need to get to it to stand a chance of killing hordes. plus i can start doing circles.
  4. I am the eagle!!! Hear me...uh...chirp? I AM THE EGGMAN! THEY ARE THE EGGMAN! I AM THE WALRUS! KOO KOO KA CHU! hate the beatles but had to say it.
  5. [brains] I'm the same way.
  6. You're not wasting time. There is a third one. why would they go from sets of 3 to a pair of 2? Its there somewhere my guess is somewhere in the lobby to dressing room.
  7. Nikolai is the drunk, Dempsey is the Bad-Ass Americam Correct. Dempsey seems messed up because his memory was wiped Also, zorro was a mexican war hero (texas was a mexican provdence when he was around)
  8. see how it goes [word][/word] insert the link inside the brackets like so [word]link[/word] mind you i used word because if i used link or quote or something it would quote or link it. here its your link tho: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7329
  9. anyone ever try that? jumping in as the "soul" is released may bring you to where that soul was aka sam? what about after sam says come find me jump in a gersh? i really wish i could try this stuff but only one of my friends has this map and hes never on to play it. Add me and just say forum in a message and ill add you and we can try my ideas Havoc025
  10. How about sacrifice the death machines. There's a lot of evidence that you need to do something without the death machines but during or after that node. Maybe the wield the iron fist is actually the g force machine it does stop and restart at a later time and doesn't it have a brake or something?
  11. Agreed. Maybe walk into the g-force machine when it spins? one of the only ways to die on that map without zombie filled death
  12. Says the man using a WIKI PAGE. DG-3 is the thundergun per the character sayign so. Also the ray gun is a wonder weapon (you can check the wiki page ) and is part of the DG series. Its part of it because it USES ELEMENT 115 TO WORK. THATS WHAT THE DG SERIES IS ABOUT.
  13. agreed haha
  14. Yea because you can get so much farther with 90 seconds of DMs.... :facepalm:
  15. This theory is the equivalent of Star Wars Episode 3 if it turns out your in a dream. Complete Faith Stomper. Also This theory can't explain the creepers/gas monsters in kino. My explaination for these monsters is when someone killed with nova 6 is reanimated with element 115. This fits perfectly because (example in the campaign) when someone is killed with nova 6 its almost like their skin deteriates (SP) and their eyes explode out of there head. The gas monster (I DUB THEM CREEPERS) don't have eyes (that I see) and wear almost no clothes. They may also be the result of holocaust victums being killed in nova 6 gas chambers and tested with element 115.
  16. 1. It could be underground 2. Rocket (there's one on ascension) 3. To escape the zombie apocolypse 4. Not really 5. It could be different 6. Back to Earth, or Mars. lol The game then proceeds to link into Doom 3 on Mars :P
  17. I have read a few places that the the wunderwaffe was the dg-1 i don't believe they gave the PaP dg-1 a new number. I do know that the dg-2 and dg-3 ARE the thundergun/zues cannon and ray gun/2x ray gun. i forgot which is which but I've read it a bunch of times and I believe on of the characters emntions the thundergun as maxis's dg-03 the doctor that starts with the r, the one from the past who is looking for immortality.
  18. I REALLY REALLY think justin is onto something here. Can someone try this and then look around? also make sure you get the one on the phone pole outside and maybe try the "lightbuld" in the fireplace that was mentioned. If there is one thing I've found out about this game is if you can interact with it, its important. Maybe try the picture thing also? Also, in relation to the gutter slugs, Crawlers and whatever you want to call them. They are NOT the cosmic silverback. End of story. They are however a human that has been affected or killed with nova 6 and was reanimated with element 115. I'm reading alot aobut this and the Germans wanted to have an invincible army and they found element 115 reanimates the dead. After testing nova 6 (much like in the campaign) the bodies were used to for further experiemnts. I also believe there is another radio. pairs of objects doesn't seem to be the black ops way.
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