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Posts posted by havoc025

  1. why is it lately when i do the solo easter egg, when i get the Wunderwaffe DG-2 the Demonic announcer says either "I dont know what to do with all this Power" or "What shall i do with all this power"?

    ive done it several times now and ie had 2 different variations on the demonic announcer, and its definitely not Samantha, wierd thing is, out of the countless times ive done this easter egg, this is the first time ive started to hear this as of today

    troll... :facepalm:

  2. My theory is that Treyarch has completely given up on the Zombie storyline. They think gameplay is more important than the story behind it. They thought "Everyone wants a Wunderwaffe, so lets give it to them!" But it got destroyed in Der Reise. It couldn't be in Call of the Dead if it had anything to do with the storyline. Treyarch probably knows that people will make up a backstory that if just barely related to all the work that the put into the WaW plot. So whatever anyone says could be right, but none of it will be what Treyarch intended. Because not even they know how it would get there if a storyline existed in Black Ops.

    This probably sounds like flamebate, but it isn't intended to be. It's just my opinion on they way they plot works in Black Ops.

    yeah... they are stealing all our ideas because we are smarter than them. once you become a big video game company i hear you lose the ability to imagine and be creative.

  3. maybe the same blinking rock i see on the boat in one of the "cafe" seats? its the room under the power room. seat closest to the mp40 and the boat you can move to get to mp40 for 1000 points.

  4. Not sure why no one likes Robert Englund. I've honeestly only got Sarah and she alright and Robert. i think Roberts funny when hes out of ammo. "You know how much ammo i have? 1 less than 1!" I laugh everytime he says that because he kinda sounds like shaggy from the old scooby doo haha

  5. off topic for one question. why the hell were you reading the bible? :lol:

    as for the finds. nice finds but wouldn't that mean the gun would be a jesus gun because jesus had the power and not lazarus? all this relates to is that George is Lazarus and the VRIL is Jesus and i'm pretty sure you can't walk on water with the VRIL :lol: [brains] tho :P

  6. Because when your empty thread shows up on the Codz homepage it takes up valuable space for someone else's post that could be much more important and interesting. Plus I'm sure Carbon doesn't have unlimited forum space because I know there was problems keeping the site up at times. A thread trolling for views and likes on youtube is pointless in my eyes.

    If you want people to know your high rounds then put it in your signature and start commenting on more posts here and people will see. Stick around the forum awhile, it's a great place!

    Now mods please lock this thread so it gets off the homepage!!

    [brains] ooooUNKNOWNoooo Please view the rules of the forum.

    EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=5978

  7. hey everyone - i'm newly signed up to the forum but have been checking in here quite regularly for months.

    anyway,a few questions and thoughts.

    -has it been out and out proven that the gas the creepers emit when shot dead (stab killing bypasses this, as i'm sure you know) is nova6 and where has it been proven? from all i've read it's more or less assumed it is.

    if not then we can rule them out of the "beware the 6" theory.

    -wouldn't it kill the player?

    -why does it kill zombies that run past?

    -why after the test subjects were exposed to it did they lose their eyes and gain massive sets of teeth? assuming they were human. remembering we have seen the effects of nova6 on humans in campaign.

    -why do the creepers come from the roof when you turn on the electricity?

    really i mean, what were they doing up there before you hit the power? and where were they hiding? i have no proof, but it seems to me like they try to avoid the sun?

    the 6 x 115 guns is a great theory and definitly something to explore more.

    -who is the man screaming in the stakeout room?

    -who or what is the aether projectionist?

    you can see it on the main site,aether projecionist is a part of the mechinism called "The Bell"

    Holy necro post batman! :lol:

  8. when you complete the Stand-in achievement(send our boys to paradise, sure you can find tutorials for solo all over the internet), you get the Wunderwaffe DG-2, many already know that.

    but i decided to do some searching on this, so i played COtD, sent them to paradise, got my DG-2, and i found out this:

    You can't PaP it.

    Max Ammo gives you ammo for it.

    and this one SERIOUSLY helpful for the higher rounds !

    when you kill George after doing the easter egg, you get a perk, and a death machine, right?

    that death machine is the DG-2!

    so do the easter egg, get the Waffe, use your ammo(it doesn't affect george almost anything, he doesn't get that much hurt from it unfortunately), and kill george with your Ray-gun and Scavenger or whatever, and get the DG-2 all over again :D plus a perk!

    i got 4 DG-2's in one game, just because of George!

    So this should make the map alot easier for us solo players! :D

    hope everyone try it out, and RAPE som zombitches with teh Wunderwaffe

    - Kennymann95

    Nice! i haven't done anything on solo yet, mainly because this map is to freakin huge, but its nice ot know there is an awesome secret at the end. [brains]

  9. i bet its treyarch merging ascension to call of the dead. in call of the dead you can freeze and blue ice collects on your screen in the icy water. probably going to add the ship in the back of ascension at some point...

  10. Thanks for checking. but more to the point i meant it might b in the hole in the square room. i also believe that is the room under stairs in the lobby where the fire trap is. also the zombie baracade on top of the stairs is very...strange. its too big to not have something in it it seems.

  11. That was for Call of The Dead though.. not ascension.. so no... and I think I speak for everyone..

    No one knows where your going with that vague statement.. im not sure you know either, or you would have stated what is so clearly obvious? haha


  12. I think they need to have new special achievements that can only be earned by skilled players

    Ex: most kills/no deaths/no downs/ most headshots/untouched till round ##/took most beating etc.

    These are just examples.

    Achievement unlocked:

    Runner (Most distance traveled in first 15 rounds)

    • Half price pack a punch, traps, turrets and free rides on Lander

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • Stamin up standard until 5 downs

    Commando: Most Points first 15 rounds:

    • Can draw LMG with high probability/Extra Claymore/frag each round.

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • Speed reload standard until 5 downs

    Beast: Most kills first 15 rounds:

    • Can draw Ray gun with high probability/Sickle standard

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • PHD standard until 5 downs

    Captain: No downs 25 rounds straight/ revive entire team at least once

    • Can draw thunder gun with high probability (1 in 5 tries) /Gersch standard.

    • Juggernaught and Quick revive standard till 5 downs

    Ground rules:

    • Each achievement can only be obtained once i.e. after first 15 rounds.

    • Your achievement is lost if you go down before you get to pro.

    • You can’t be a pro if you go down.

    • After you become pro you will retain your achievement until 5 downs.

    • A pro can have the standard perk until he goes down 5 times.

    • Standard = free perk/item after being revived

    • You have to give up your previous achievement before you accept captain-ship.

    I remember my first blunt. Cute imagination. It'd never work tho.

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