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Posts posted by havoc025

  1. "Douche" isn't a bad word...

    And i think treyarch should hop up off they're LAZY bumbs and actually patch it. I'd rather fall off or get glitched off then get INSTANTLY killed. ITS F***ING BULL-S***.....

    Omg, ima get banned cause of that rage.....oh well....

    Not ban. bRaIns [brains] you missed a few letters. I think its dumb that if everyone is on the lander and someone jumps up and they die, fail patch....mega fail. :facepalm:

  2. easter egg is over buddy, I looked at the game code and the last thing that we don't know is the clientnotify class/function, which is a mere single line of code. Which in coding language is practically nothing

    btw, speaking of the rocket. Shortly after you turn on the power, the PA system guy says something like "lunar navigation system activated"

    :o what could it possibly mean?!

    alpha snake has a fairly comprehensive thread on that last part red.

    btw, in the code does anything point to the blowing up part? somebody said it was just a glitch... surely it must not be becaues of the fact that it seems to have its own explosion Efx and destructed parts of the rocket (cud be a glitch if things are dynamicly destructable like BF, but this is cod, and its not)...

    Of course its not a glitch.. you get a 2x for doing it :P

    you get the 2x either way. i can verify that. give it a try if you don't believe me.

  3. What I've honestly noticed is that the centrifuge seems to spin less and less as the game continues, not that it's trigged. If you notice when you start the game it seems to spin often while you're in the room, but as the rounds extend it spins less and less and less..

    I don't believe it's of any result of our own, just the way the game mechanics work to maintain the challenge.. As I usually camp down there and run around it over and over again, the more the game goes forward the less often it seems to spin is all...

    this is one of those if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a noise things. it spins the same amount throughout the game, or at least for me. maybe (if you do laps) your not in the room at the right time?

  4. Oh hi D-Block! didn't know you made a new account!(New members won't get that.) Anyway on to the topic.... No. Just no. The code scripts make ONE orb spawn. Pictures? No? Why what a coincidence that you don't have them.... I've always wondered why when the most amazing/story-changing thing happens, no one has pictures... Oh yeah, and try to make your fake quotes, poker face(well text in this case) and story a little better next time? Maybe have another lander appear from the fog and fly onto another lander pad, which will take you to the last lander pad where you can buy a death machine off the wayy for 15,000? ~Thanks, TheReviewerOfLegends

    the story isn't better because I'm not

    making it up. We had no plan after getting the death machines so I didn't have my iPhone ready to take a pic. I'm going to try it again today the same way that reproduced the 2 orbs. I know what I saw and you can get on live and ask

    me all the interrogative questions you want but me (PiousEyes) and Evilandarkness both saw it. I have no reason to make this up. I'm 26, and I'm a Chair Lift mechanic with a gaming habit. i fix xboxs on the side and know a thing er 2 about electronics. Fuck the code it's not conclusive. We both saw it from 2 differnt angles. And if a Character comes later named Jenny I'm gunna say i told you so.

    Again all i want is someone else to try to reproduce this too.

    Our experience:

    we spelled I.L.U.N.A,

    only had one Ray gun, one thunder,

    we threw 2 gersch devices

    and all three dolls.

    I jumped into the hole, teleported close by then ran back.

    Try that and see if you get the 2 orbs. It

    could have been a glitch but I made this account just so I could let you all know what we saw.

    I'll try it again with my camera ready but the first attempt

    last night didn't get it.. Send me a pm or friend request and I'll talk to you one on one. I'm

    not a little bull shittn kid lookin for "brains" or credit. Just hooked now that we saw something new. I have the day off so im gunna be online.

    wow...kutos and [brains] no need to be a dick danotheegghunter. he found something and posted about it. i think what happened was you used two gersh devices and the weapons you used have splash damage and the dolls spread out so both the devices absorbed the damager and ended up getting enough power.

  5. you can get the death machine in ANY map. it didn't drop often but you could. ascention was the only map it had like a 10% chance. treyark said this in an interview.

  6. after you have unlocked all the doors and run around does anyone else find its easier to run around in the room where you turn the power on? try it with crossbow, you get major points, and try it with mustang and sally (the pistol u start with but pack a punched

    kinda hard to get mustang and sally without turning on the power. you need to use the teleporter to do it. unless your suggesting turn it on but just run around the stage in which case that would be harder.

  7. I also noticed an interesting quote regarding carpenter. Richtofen said "This looks like the work of the masons" or something along those lines. I'm thinking this a reference to the freemasons another secret scociety closely related the illuminati. what do you guys think?

    free masons are a religious society. masons are people who contruct...like lay bricks. kinda like laying boards.... :facepalm:

  8. They patched it... just not like people think.. You still can ride the edge, as it goes up, but as soon as it goes forward you fall.

    I played with a GOOD player last night, we played a few matches then showed me the glitch. It was a let down when he did it, as out-right he's a good player and he'd let this get in the way of him being a player worth knowing...

    agreed. [brains]

    I'm pretty sure there are rules against glitching on this forum.

  9. I opened the first door in Kino (door befrore foyer room and before the square room) the one you can look out over the theater...kinda. Anyway, i killed all the zombies and left a crawler to repair the windows and when i went to the window in the dead end in that room (near the bathroom sign) Dempsey says " and you thought I wouldn't find it" I've had him say it twice. no video, no pictures and i'm not sure how to emulate it. Maybe he says something about having to pee and is now saying he found the bathroom? or i found something else. hope someone can clear this up.

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