•Shangri la is a gartha, A gartha is a planet within a planet, its what is said to be the center of the earth a Gartha is said to have the perfect race and when hitler was in power the nazis tried and travel to the center of the earth and have the perfect race . Shangri la holds the fountain of youth which is said to be underground in the center of earth .
We now that the fountain of youth has to be around shangri la because the 31-79 JGb215 makes zombies
Smaller and in a baby like form do there's no doubt that the gun was probably made from the fountain of youth mixed with
115 to enhance the powers of the water. I can't post a picture due to me being on my mobile device but on the shangri la loading screen On the bottom left hand corner on the ground you can see a black sun drawn on the ground with grass.
Well in real life the symbol of the black sun is what is said to power the Gartha what makes the earth withing out earth have power.
And that is my theory