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To me it looks like Alex Manson when it shows the four guys. Stop it and look at the last guy that's Manson. Sad to say no O4 this map. N there's not gunna be a 5th dlc cuz there never is they just started to do 4 with blops I
Mob of the Dead Soundtrack Released
OneHighMexican replied to LiamFTWinter's topic in Mob of the Dead
Where is the Johnny Cash song "Rusty cage"? -
I have watched the hellhound part a couple times now. Too me it looks like it just the hellhounds head sticking out of a wall. It might be blocking the door next to it or she shoots fireballs at u? That's just my theroy tho. Also if u pause it a the right time u get a good look at a zombie...... Looks cool! Can't wait for this map!
has nobody seen the video with one of the new zombie maps in it? it looks Like a town and there is a church there also im surprised no one has posted something about that. and who is the girl holding a shotgun and skull could it be sam? if there r posts about this im sorry im on My psvita and couldn't find anything about the zombie video and this new girl character. if there is a post about this then let me know if not i would like to hear ur thoughts.
I didnt see a topic about the hacking tool or where to find the bowie prolly because this website was down for like 3 days if there is please merge this into that topic. Ok so first off the hacking tool, u can hack the doors for 200, guns for 3000(buy gun 1st or u waste 3000 points) give teamates 500 points, if one barrier is missing u can repair the window and get 100 points, if u repair with the hack tool and a zombie is behind the window u loose points so watch out, and the box this is tricky to do in the two places with out oxygen. but u can hack the box after u try it for 950 u can hack it for 600 and get another try and if u hack it again after that u make it so its a power up and anybody can pick it up also u get ur 600 points back spent to hack it. Now the bowie was hard to find and is also tricky to get. it is located in the 3 story hacking room just above the stairs leading from the 2nd story to the 3rd story in order to get it u have to KEEP THE POWER OFF or throw a gernade at the window but it makes the EE hacking part Hard to do if u break the glass. start at the top of the stairs sprint jump to the corner closes to the bowie and if done right u can grab the bowie at the last sec. Thought i would add that when u start at Area-51 and if u see jugs then next time u go to area 51 it will be speed cola and then after that it will be jugs there and so on. so they just switch everytime u go to area 51. and last off is the radios there r the tapes u gotta find and radios u gotta hit this is for the ones u gotta hit. 1st radio u HAVE to hit this one 1st its in the mule kick area hanging on the end of the crain u must run form 3rd story hacking room to mule kick jump as soon as u get outside and u can hit that radio. 2nd can be 3rd radio as well this radio is in the 1st story of the hacking room as soon as u go into that room look at the window to the right there will be a radio there. u HAVE to break the window to hit it. 3rd radio is in the dark blue room with the m16(Keg Room or crawler room) from the start shotgun side go threw the 1st door open the 2nd door and if u stay there at the 2nd door and look up at the pipes u see the radio but u cant hit it untill the excavator drills threw tunnel 6 because of the low g. i cant find any other radios that play something but there is 3 radios in tunnel 11 and the radios r just talking about maxis and richtofen before everything happened at Der Riese and also richtofen found the pyramid havent heard them much but i think it before richtofen went crazy. sorry for the wall of text just wanted everyone to know what i found so far. thanks for reading. and please post on here if u have found more radios would love to hear what happened to richtofen. and a quick q&a dose anyone know how to get the excavator to dig threw tunnel 6 and 11 for the EE i have seen ppl do the EE on like round 9 but when i do it everything isnt excavated till round 15-20.
@2:15 Where is that? its not a old map and its not the moon! I think you might start out at Area-51 and teleport to the moon because, u can see a teleporter in the background also @2:15. and there not in there spacesuits yet. also @0:15 you see Nikolai NOT in a spacesuit.....I also didnt see Richtofen!
Yes Thank You! This Is what i was saying in a different topic. and if you look at the top left side it has some letters beginning with "MO". what i think is MOON. im not gunna spend 20 mins trying to convience people. if im wrong then im wrong. but why would 3arc show part of ascension on COTD and part of shangri-la because they made those maps or were planning to. so ask yourself why would they have that page back there behind ascension for no reason what so ever. thats like saying shangri-la is before COTD when u clearly see that its after COTD. Believe it or not I dont give a Fudge. we will see whos right Aug 23rd Right? And if its not before ascension then i would say its for Black ops 2 or whatever cod game 3arc makes in 2013 because, sledgehammer games is making the next cod!
I would say its before because, in the loading screen for Shangri-La you can see Call of The Dead, Ascension and to the right BEHIND Ascension another page in the book. I think It takes place before Ascension because of that. Im shure u will still have the golden rod and the stone it just takes place before ascension. because mabey richtofen needs to be in a certain time period to do whatever he is planning on the moon. thats what i think
its a glitch with the shrink ray. when u shoot the zombies with the gun and u walk on them. if one zombie is going from small to big then u walk over him at the right time it makes the zombie invisible. this has happened to me twice 1st time no1 belived me. then the 2nd time it was at the end of a round, n i showed my friend that i wasnt crazy haha. yea its just a shrink ray glitch.
Im pretty shure there is no solo EE! Because u get all 7 perks when u do it and if u go down u keep them. So if u were in solo doing the EE and Got All 7 PERKS that wood mean everytime u go down u would revive yourself making it impossible to end the game so NO there is NO SOLO EE. Its stupid but hey its cool to get all 7 Perks and it was a fun EE. off topic when u complete the EE and everyone is dead rictofen says something and laughs. i did the EE again to help out a friend and had rictofen pick up the stone then i had every go down to c if rictofen wood say something but he didnt. i was thinking there is more to the EE because u have the golden rod and the achievement is for getting the stone not completing the EE so hey mabey there is more to it. prolly not tho because i hear u can get everyone the 7 perks
Sorry Didnt Mean to Post This On This Page im out of it i was up really late helping people do the EE :geek:
Im pretty shure there is no solo EE! Because u get all 7 perks when u do it and if u go down u keep them. So if u were in solo doing the EE and Got All 7 PERKS that wood mean everytime u go down u would revive yourself making it impossible to end the game so NO there is NO SOLO EE. Its stupid but hey its cool to get all 7 Perks and it was a fun EE. off topic when u complete the EE and everyone is dead rictofen says something and laughs. i did the EE again to help out a friend and had rictofen pick up the stone then i had every go down to c if rictofen wood say something but he didnt. i was thinking there is more to the EE because u have the golden rod and the achievement is for getting the stone not completing the EE so hey mabey there is more to it. prolly not tho because i hear u can get everyone the 7 perks
Didn't know if anyone has seen it yet but there is a new zombie trailer on the xbox live video marketplace. Sorry I dont have a link. Its isnt even on youtube yet. Check it out its so freakin awesome!!
if he switched guns then y is there only 175 shots left in his clip get over it its not a new gun lets start talkin about something useful like will we be able to use the pitch fork or dual shotguns or if we can have a special melee with buffy or get Dual Machetes at start. did any 1 c any new guns to buy off the wall? what the new perk dose and it dosent put a scope on ur gun mabey they upgraded the rpk so it has a scope now cuz it highlights sniping in this map. or mabey u can pap a gun 3 times. o n did any1 c that pic of a upgraded m16 on round 2 whats with that?
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