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Easter Egg Guides
Everything posted by Exactice_808
Are all the Thunder references leading to something?
Exactice_808 replied to Tac's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
just blurting out my my thoughts sorry.... Many of the more powerful weapons from the Zombies story have been the Lighting type elemental (DG2, DG3 Wunderwaffe, DG4 shock charges, Storm Bow, Shock Cherry etc). I wonder if its is a specific highlight or nod to the lighting elemental or is TreyArc just liking it for some odd reason. Who knows specifically, but we do see it quite often as a stronger weapon in comparison to many of the other elementals used in the series. As for KT-4 that is some cool info, going to read a little more about it. Funny I was just reading up a little about Muramasa and Masamune, Both famous sword-smith's that had legendary swords crafted, One for good and one for evil. I know lots of Japanese Anime is based on old Japanese Folklore. Masamune of course being one of the more popular ones and many animes showing affinity to many elementals. Gotta research but I would assume there would be some kind of lighting connection. here is just some side note about the 2 swords -
Its funny, it takes a while to remember all the steps, I know I have been watching youtube videos since the release of the DLC, Once you do the full steps, once or twice it gets easier to do. RD 15 for the wolf bow? I would say (no disrespect) that the wolf bow is the easiest to obtain, so you should be able to get it by Rd 6 or 7. Are you properly setting up for acquiring the bow or are you just playing through the rounds and doing small steps for each bow? I know when I do the bow steps with friends we maximize EVERYTHING, Usually we have all bows ready to go by RD 15 on the average, The fastes we ever had it done was RD 12. Outside of that its been tough as I posted in another thread, I am the only person on my friends list that has not completed the EE and its driving me insane, setup for EE versus Rounds is different, especially with the use of Gobble Gums........ But alas......It is what it is!
Points points points, usually we can get the dragons open by round 3, so the bows are are extremely effective, when crowded, other than that knife and pistol works great till about round 10. Before the Panzer shows up, you should have about 3000-4000 in points, from there I decide if I want a perk or a gun, 90% of the time try for the box for a strong weapon, 90% of the time I get something decent that carriers me through the bow upgrading process. Once my bow is upgraded and I dont have to worry about points too much I perk up. 99% of the time its in this order. Juggs Stamina Up Quick Revive Speed cola/Double Tap or Wunderfizz (Shock cherry or Widows Wine) I alternate because most of my guns are upgraded so I have fast mags and the speed cola doesnt really help that much, So double tap is usually more effective if I pull a gun that I have fast mags on already. This is usually my order, so I would say, Rd 15, Upgraded bow, Perked up and either PAP that round or the next round, I should have enough money and ready for the Boss fight.
Not sure why, but it seems to work for me? when the gravity kicks in I think its wonderful as I wall run around the pyramid, they train up quite well below me and I let the BRM rack up points? Never had issues with Zombies smacking my legs are you guys just jumping and not wall running?
All Great tips, I have tried, with my teams and randoms, it just seems like the game doesnt like me, We have gone in with AfterTaste, Phoenix Ups, Head Drama, Killing time........ We have all PAP weapons everything is set.... but some how... something goes wrong, even the guys I play with have done the E.E. multiple times but when they join me to help me complete it as they are are frustrated themselves seeing as I am the only one that has not completed it, its almost a challenge in itself for them to help me LOL! Seriously, not sure what is going on, it just crazy luck, but I will say the 1 consistent thing... A panzer will always DROP on top and insta kill our last remaining guy that either hasnt gone down or has all their perks, without fail..... 8/10 rounds its happened, after we hit the keeper for the second time and its the 3 set of panzer rounds..... its game over.... un real!
Are you kidding me, I swear I am bad luck...... I am the only guy on my "regular" friends list that has not completed the DAMN Easter EGG WTF OVER...... Its crazy, since WaW I have a team that has finished all the easter eggs for the last 4 years, but this one eludes me and more so with the DLC2 coming out Im going to be pissed if I cant get this done, I swear.....we have tried, but we just cant get to the 3rd round of the panzers/keeper, It seems if one or 2 of us goes down, without a fail a panzer will drop on the only guy that has not gone down and downs him..... I think I am 10 straight boss rounds were we are just half step away from killing the keeper and then its a domino, one goes down and then bang bang, panzer drops game over..... !@##^&%&^%*&Y()(*(*^*%&@*)*&#$#, let me complete this GAWT DAMN THING!!!!! whats making it harder, is all the regulars are done and dont really want to do the EE anymore and just going for rounds to level up, so I am finding less and less talented players to complete the damn EE......
Camp Spot- Staircase in Church/Control room Train spot - Undercroft in around the pyramid, I point whore with the BRM wall buy and usually the shield is built down in the undercroft too, so win win, in addition, 900 points for Ammo for the BRM, I can usually make 5-7k in point with 1 run of the BRM.
Simple and Straight Forward Strat For High Round Game
Exactice_808 replied to Hells Warrrior's topic in Der Eisendrache
We use the stair case in the Church/Control Room, by the Wolf Painting, as Long as you dont open the pathway on the second floor that 99% of the people dont open anyways, its one direction of zombies unless someone moves around then they "could" go up the other staircase and come across the walk. The zombies all come up from the stair case and you have the "High Ground" 2 people can effectively stand in the stair case and shoot while the other 2 are behind, creating a barrier, if someone does happen to go down the guys behind can revive and the down person is blocking so no zombies can get past, Great strategy and works for a long time if you conserve ammo or more so have Alchemical GG. Also if ammo is an issue, the 2 guys on the stairs can have their shields out while the guys behind shot agani effectively creating a wall. -
Good point... the question though or more of a statement.... What generation of Characters are they, what I mean is that they have killed so many versions of them, Lets take Veruckt and Kino for example, during that time they didnt trust Richtophen, but with the 3rd generation of the Dr. in D.E. well they must have had different lives and maybe that is why they are getting along and of course per the story, working together to create a better world. Other than that.... Takeo is looking like a BADASS...... LOL!
WHHAHATTTT SOE, had plenty of training spots........ In front fot of the Box by the ruby rabbit (near work bench), Neros Lair is my favorite, The loop in front of the Burlesque and dont forget the easiest is the PAP/portal room. Beyond that, I was a huge fan of Kino.....I think I have my most hours on Kino. But alas, since Xbox One my 360 has not seen the light of day... just waiting for BO1 to be a playable title on the one, so I can fire up Kino again.
Im not going to lie...... We must be doing something awfully wrong. I have NOT completed the EGG yet, due to going to the boss round and never finishing it, I have fought the boss, 4+ times on numerous occasions. We have done the DG4 step 3+ times to no avail...... We have tried bows.... Ray Guns, I had the Bahamut and we get wrecked LOL..... So dont know if the 3rd round thing is true our not......maybe we are just bad luck LOL!
Going to BUMP this post, Bahamut is Deadly for a specific boss kill, To me its way better than the Ray Gun due to the damage you receive. The PAP Drakon will make mince meat out of the Panzer and you can spam the hell out of it against the keeper.
1 MAJOR Flaw, that should be fixed ASAP!
Exactice_808 replied to Ragdo11706's topic in Der Eisendrache
OH, LOL Crap I did not know that..... Holy smokes, Ok well at least they threw a bone for the ranked games......... I guess though that makes sense then for the un-ranked game, if you started with 1 and have the bow steps done but 3 others jump in right before the boss stage and complete the EE. PS if you do a solo unranked and complete the EE do you get the completed challenge? -
P.S. The Gobble Gum Pop Shock is an insta kill, I noticed that its never mention to use, not sure why? If you are solo, you can usually go till round 10 without perks comfortably, by that time should be far along with the EE, at that point Im buying G.G. If playing Co-Op, usually have 1 player with the Pop Shock G.G. Before round 12 anyways....I think you have 6 stabs so that thing last a while, while doing the wisp everyone usually goes straight to the Wundersphere as stated above, or one guy hangs back and deals with the Panzer (pop shock) and trains the remaining zombies in the teleporter area while the rest of the people do the safe unlocking. GL OP!
1 MAJOR Flaw, that should be fixed ASAP!
Exactice_808 replied to Ragdo11706's topic in Der Eisendrache
Holy Crap Ragdo, Im so glad I read through the thread...I was going to give you the obligatory "Suck it Up" but damn your internet situation is tough, I thought mine was bad living in the middle of the pacific ocean, but we got some legit crazy speeds that help, but our latency no matter how you look at it, is the pits. Any ways bro, I do hope you have a chance to work the net thing out. As for the Easter Egg situation I completely understand, I think now, we have to reserve the fact the TreyArch is setting up the game/EE more difficult i.e. 4player E.E. to keep players active and enticed. While it blows for solo, the intent most likely was for 4 players. I know before they did either one, where there was 2 types of EE for solo and co-op, But with all these steps...this one specifically was a 4 player op. -
Hey Brantley_32, Here is a strategy that worked for my group. Player Layout, Player 1 - Ray Gun, Upgraded Swords, Arnies Player 2 - Wonder Weapon, Upgraded Swords Arnies Player 3 - PAP Weapon, Upgraded Swords Arnies Player 4 - PAP Weapon, Upgraded swords, Arnies Strategy- Activate the Civil Protector. 1 Player is designated to use their sword for each flag, for each iteration, bring out your sword and have it on auto cast (sorry forgot the name) Left trigger 1 player is Shadow man detail, his focus is to only shoot and aim for the Shadow man, This is usually the Ray Gun person. The reason the Ray Gun is Shadow man is, the ray gun is the only weapon that can down you, With the WW going off, the monkeys and all the madness its easy to get distracted by meatballs at your feet, shoot twice and you down yourself with the ray gun, NOT GOOD. So usually shooting out at further distances like the shadow many prevents you from inadvertently killing yourself. The other 2 players are spammers to kill anything else. While using the Wonder weapon of course, OK so setup, usually the flags have 3 general entry points for zombies, Monkeys get thrown out in to those directions first when the round starts, then the WW person shoots at those 3 entry points, The random is using their PAP weapon to shoot meatballs and assist the Ray Gun player with the Shadow Man other than that spam, when the monkeys run out throw them again and the WW shoots at the 3 entry points, You can be generous with your weapons as you get a Max ammo after the flag is completed but, be smart with the WW again there are generally 3 entry points, so shooting twice at each is 6 shots per flag step should not need more if the Shadow man is getting wrecked by the Ray Gun. Once the flag is done, Agree on who will drop their sword next, rinse and repeat till all flags steps our done! GL!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf4dKqwdWkg Yes yes yes, see attached video, with Head Drama, he wrecks the panzers in no time!
CoDz Live (Twitch stream) DE Easter Egg Run
Exactice_808 replied to Hells Warrrior's topic in Der Eisendrache
Damn Hells, Last night we ran with a streamer too, 3 of some of the best zombie slayers i have played with in a long time..... Made it so far in the last step but finally went down.... drove me insane!!!! We were so pissed.... I think we are going to try it again tonight though and we have a better strategy. Perkoholics prior to the Keeper room and then after taste. I realized that after taste is per round sooooo, in the keeper room no matter how many times you go down you keep everything in addition you dont need the Phoenix down. Saves a space. GL Hells! -
Side Tip if you have the Pop Shock Gobble gum its an insta kill on the panzer, Equip it for your round and before round 12 make sure you have one to use, Knife the panzer once or twice done and continue on to your bow step! PS Pop Shock works on Margwas too on SOE
Wasnt that similar speculation to SOE, the concern that Nero didnt have a ritual site and used the Spawn as his. Originally the map was larger with the "Downtown" District but was pulled because consoles couldnt handle the size rendering of the map? I wonder if DE was designed bigger but consoles are maxed because FPS rendering would have killed the console?
Ive wondered if it is a connection issue too.... Have you setup your ports and all that Jazz? I play from Hawaii, so connection is critical for me when I get into a public match. I know my settings are perfect so I dont have issues but others that I play with have seen this glitch often and the fix is usually connection setup. 1) Speeds, I am sitting on 300mbps feed (From Hawaii to continental USA, Speeds drop to about 150mbps, but stable) 2) I have DMZ, UpNP and a static IP setup for my Xbox one to my router 3) I have the ports all forwarded on the Static (Xbox Ports & COD Ports) 4) I make sure NAT is open before I start playing. 5) My MTU is set to 1480 to match what the Xbox Network test gives me. My Network Statistics 76.5mbps Down 12.5mbps UP Nat Open 1% Packet Loss 76 Latency 1480 MTU Good luck!
Ive always wondered too, it makes that humming noise like there is something to it.... but alas...nothing yet....
Something weird happen on Der Eisendrache
Exactice_808 replied to BigBadBarclay's topic in Der Eisendrache
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ATd-xVEAM Glitching Queen posted a video, its due to host migration, as Stated above the system thinks you are cheating, Nuts I know.... -
I Think it was just added back into SOE recently, I watched a YouTube....Wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1oReQDGGZo Here you go Speed Cola 2.0 Available in BO1, removed BO2 add back in BO3
Apothicon Servant & "Upgrade_Ready" Quotes *Update*
Exactice_808 replied to Ragdo11706's topic in Shadows of Evil
Hey Ragdo, Shoot I dont know how I missed this thread, Was bombing nightmare in the chat LOL sorry about that, should have hit the source.... Ragdo, Need some clarification, 2 nights ago, playing a round with some randoms, had to use the bathroom around round 20. jumped in the glitch (Canals) and did my business, had my headphones on to hear what was going in and during that time, Ready Upgrade 2: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Uw2AmiIQAe Sound went off, I was not near the screen so I do not know what was going on other than I heard the chanting. We were not actively trying to activate the WW. Points of notes 1) We did NOT have the WW, We were still missing the drop from the wasp/meatballs 2) I had already used my sword to jump on the box, so it was not a sword audio cue 3) I do not think we can hear other peoples sword cues right? i.e, if someone uses their sword and random audio cues play we cant hear it right? 4) I heard only Ready Upgrade 2 audio cue, did not hear 0, or 1 5) All my games this is the First time I recall hearing it, being conscious of it now, but again do not re call hearing at all. Ok so my questions are 1) Do we have to go through the series of 0,1,2,3 to hear the audio cues 2) Have you replicated it consistently? 3) Have we figure out the meanings? I know lots of unknowns but thought I would blurt it out while I remember it to come back on!
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