Hello, so here's my theory about Abracadavre :
"I can fly like a bird not in the sky
Which can always swim and always dry
I say goodbye at night and morning hi
I’m part of you what am I
I follow and lead as you pass
Dress yourself in black my darkness lasts
I flee the light but without the sun
Your view of me would be gone"
Meaning :
Samantha saying by a riddle that she's a shadow following Richtofen.
"I can see the damage that I
Am causing you is so benign
You want me to be gone
But I have just be-gun
I am the only one “undone”
I’m a broken miracle now
In your head
I don’t feel
Like I am real
But I know
It’s all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
Just inside my head"
Meaning :
Samantha knows that she's "killing" Richtofen, but that she think this is benign compared to what Richtofen did to her and her father, Dr.Maxis, she says she's a broken miracle, and that she's undone, because she control zombies, but broken because she's dead. Then she says that she think that all is imaginary, that she's not dead, and it's all a dream.
"I am what men love more than life
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What dead men have and rich require
I’m what contented men desire
You, want me to be gone
But I have just be-gun
You will never know how far I’ve come
What goes up must never come back down
In your head
I don’t feel
Like I am real
But I know
It’s all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
Just inside my head"
Meaning :
Richtofen saying by a riddle that he's nothing, that he know Samantha want him to be dead, but that she'll never know what he did, like the WunderWaffe DG-2, the teleporters, the zombies, and how far he survive to them, and that he will not do his downfall now. Then he say that he "know" that the zombies are inside his head, that he didn't killed Samantha, and he say all was just a dream.
"It’s all inside my head
It’s just inside my
It’s all inside my
They’re all inside my
I see them always but they’re
All inside my head
All inside my head
They’re all inside my head"
Meaning :
Richtofen and Samantha, saying that everything is just a dream.
"It’s killing me
To see I’m killing you"
Meaning :
Richtofen, saying that everytime he remember him killing Samantha and her father, he's dying of regret.
"Death is magic
Meaning :
Samantha, saying that death is magic. (Probably because now she have power over zombies.)
"You see me now you…
Don’t cry when I am gone"
Meaning :
Here is an interresing step, You see me now? That means Richtofen met Samantha. I'll do a post about this meeting. I dont know if it is Samantha or Richtofen, but that explain that now :
Richtofen want Samantha to be gone.
Samantha want Richtofen to be gone
Both will be happy if someone die. They will not cry.
"These shackles they come
With certain opportunities
They won’t let me get away
But they show me we’re the same
We’re the same
We’re the same
They show me that we are the same"
Meaning :
BIG STEP : Samantha, saying that she got an opportunity to kill Richtofen, and that she will not be free until she do it. And she understand why Richtofen killed her and her father, because he was forced to do it. She say that they're the same, forced to kill each other.
This is a big step because now, we know that neither Samantha nor Richtofen want to kill each other, but :
Samantha must kill Richtofen so she can rest in peace.
Richtofen must kill Samantha (Again) so the zombies can dissapear.
They both have to kill each other. Sad.
"I can’t give in
I won’t give in
It’s not a state of mind"
Meaning :
Richtofen can't die now, and he will not die, he will survive it's not a state of mind.
"I’m wretched but I’m powerful and"
Meaning :
Samantha, she's undead, she's wretched between Demonic Samantha and Good Samantha, but she's still powerful.
"I don’t feel
Like I am real
But I know
It’s all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
Just inside my head
It’s all inside my head
It’s just inside my
It’s all inside my
They’re all inside my
I see them always but they’re
All inside my head
All inside my head
They’re all inside my head"
Meaning : Already Analysed.
`So, yeah, that 's my theory ^^