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Okay, I apologize for making the post title sound a bit misleading, but I noticed the Galil packed a punched (Lamentation) comes with the red dot that has a reticle that resembles the Chinese letter "凡" which means all, any, every, or common and ordinary. I have no idea why Treyarch put that in there, so tell me what you think. :D
Alright. So I was pretty mad that the forum just somehow deleted my draft right now. (Actually, really mad, I just spent a lot of times typing it!) So I’ll just get right to the point. First of all: It’s good to be back, head first into the new zombie Treyarch had offered. I haven’t come back in a while, so I guess I wasn’t as dedicated as I thought. After some playthroughs and watching a few videos, I came here to talk about my thoughts and what I discovered from the experience. P.s. if I made a mistake, or posted this on the inappropriate place, mentioned things that some other users had already contributed, etc. feel free to leave a comment. Tranzit My thought Looks good, with the feel of the post-apocalypse setting, and the nice little interactions here and there such as the bus and the ability to craft things ( I seriously freaked out making the turbine) Interesting things I noticed The characters, some wear biohazard suit, other did not; might suggest a hospitable environment even after the missile fallout. The environment and the zombies: I took a really wild guess here, which is a continuation from my previous theory: viewtopic.php?t=18949, if the advancement of humanity, in this, I guess, a “parallel universe” stopped at the 1960s (notice the campaign is the opposite, where humanity continue to thrive into the 2025), then where did all the futuristic machinery came from? The guns, the equipment, the terminator bus driver? Nuketown My thought Looks like the fan-favorite map from the first black ops is coming back for more zombie killing. The map is surprisingly easy for a zombie map despite being the smallest official zombie map yet. The atmosphere and the destroyed feel of the place seemed a bit cheesy for me. Interesting things I noticed The zombies- notice their appearances, and compare with the Op 40 and Spetsnaz team from the BO nuketown. A little resemblance? I will come back to this later. Take place before the completion of moon easter egg- very easy to find out since Sam still act as the announcer, the yellow eye zombies and the missile that were coming at the end of the match. The mushroom cloud- A mushroom cloud in the background of the map. Now look at this: (sorry , bad quality, really all I could find right now). The player character, in biohazard suit, same with some of the zombies. So from some of the above evidence I pieced together a certain little interpretation of my own: After the nuke was dropped in BO, the remaining survivors of nuketown incident turned into zombies. But how? Certain theories on this forum pointed out that Area 51 contained large amount of element 115, and nuketown was located in Nevada, hmmmmmmmmm, a little test to see what happens if they use a 115-infused bomb, maybe? And now that the bomb exploded, maybe they should send a survey team in to investigate? Equipped with biohazard suits and everything? And maybe, things got out of control, and now that most of the survey team is either dead or zombified , maybe except a certain few *cough* you *cough* ? I don’t know, this seems like a far-fetched guess, but at least I have something to go on with, and I can always come back to make amend to it. And that’s just pretty much summed up my experiences in this new installment of COD Discuss if you will, comment and criticize if you must, thank you for taking your time to read this. -Leoguy115
It took place around the same time as moon. The yellow-eyed zombies (still under Sam's control) and the missile that hit the desert at the end of the match proven that.
The other day I was playing some good 'ol zombie with my friends. We played moon , Ascension, and such, laughing at the one-liners the characters shout from time to time. Then I noticed something awfully weird: the profanity. In WaW maps like der riese and shi no numa, profanity, as some might love or hate, is evidently present in the character's line throughout the gameplay ( except Takeo abd Richtofen, I never heard them curse) , but as they progressed towards the moon, the profanity seems to vanish and became almost non-existent, and some of the lines even seems...childish. Is it just me? Or I haven't stay alive long enough to hear them curse more? Or is it...Samantha? :shock:
A good theory indeed. Sounds like Treyarch is going to hit us with something big...
My guess on the future of Zombies
leoguy115 replied to leoguy115's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I guess that Treyarch implanted zombie at first as a last -minute idea, so many of the first few maps have many re-used elements from other maps, but I believe that after the commercial success of the zombies, Treyarch is more willing to devote more of its resources into creating unique zombie maps. -
Well certainly laziness might be a possibility, but a pretty small one I might add. Treyarch came up with contents for every map, each with its distinct look, details, and etc(also mind you that the zombies from different maps before moon, like Shangri-La and Ascension, each zombies came with its unique looks, so what's the point of re-using the models from Five? There's gotta be reasons). Also I have to mind you that the banner in the hanger on Area 51, "welcome to Groom Lake" was well written in a type of characters familiars to the 1960s era. But of course i wouldn't make any assumption based on small details like this, this is merely a theory I came up with, anything is possible and the exact time and date when Moon takes place would still remain a mystery, at least for now.
Ok, so here's my second post on this forum...here we go.... This is barely my opinion and thought on the future of zombie storyline, judging from my feeble knowledge and understanding of the zombie lore, and most of the idea presented here is mere assumptions composed by me, so if you wish to obtain cold, hard facts then you should probably just leave now. Also, for Admins: if you decide to move this somewhere else just do it. I am a net noob and can't found a forum or post where I can post my theories. 1. This one is my favorite. "We Must Go Deeper". Brrrrooooooooonnnnnn Brrrrrrroooooonnnn (singing Inception theme) Ok I should stop now. So most of us think Earth is blown up, ja? Some might beg to differ, but my first theory expand from here. So the Earth was blown to pieces , and the rockets believed to contained 115-infused Tsar bombs probably didn't help much in eradicating Earth's zombie populations either. So here's my take: I believe the 4 characters is going back to Earth. Now why would they go back to a blown-up piece of rock? Now before I typed I have read the theory of Hollow-earth somewhere, where it was believed to be the inhabitants of the Vril-ya , so I think the craters, which result from the rocket explosion, would create a new entrance to the Hollow world, for the four characters, and of course, the armies of undead. New map anyone? Fight, in the ruins of the cities of Vril-ya? Harvest the Vril energy, to eradicate the zombies once and for all? I don't know if that sounds wild but it sort of made sense to me. 2. "The Final Frontier" Space. The Final Frontier, with endless possibilities, heck why not a zombie map? How about a zombie map for each of the star? Ok now I sound insane, but space, as everyone believes, is a almost definite possibility for our next theater of war against the undead. Maybe they will go on a planet previously inhabited by the Vrill-ya Aliens? (Correct me if I am wrong but I think they are extraterrestrials) They can find out a way to finish the undead. Then how does the undead get there? Multiple MDT or a large-scale teleportation (what is the pyramids for again?) Just a wild guess thrown out there. (Also if you heard the song by BENN, called "Ascend" , shown here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNHLfO0NI58 ,listen to the chorus: "I'll find out that what death is like, on Jupiter and Mars " Possible new map? Just an attempt to make the song rhythm? I don't really know. "The Worst Outcome" So what if Treyarch decided to put us down? Now I would never want that to happen, but it might be a possibility as well, what if they became the ultimate troll, and just left us with the four stranded on moon, or like Infinity Ward, who gave us over-priced, blank-and-plain map packs? I definitely don't want that to happen, it would be the biggest let-down ever. Or maybe they would released that "Capitalism" Paris map, who were replaced by Moon? Only time will tell. Well, that's pretty much all folks, I got a lot more, maybe like shift of perspective to other characters, etc. But most of them is just plain wild imaginations and wouldn't have fit on this thread. Discuss if you will, Comment and Criticize if you must. Thank you for taking your time to read this.-Leoguy115
A great theory indeed...so if the fact that Earth was not destroyed was true, then the new burst of 115 condensed sround the atmosphere of Earth can alter all organisms that contacts it...mutated plants, animal , new batch of human zombies under Maxis control? A possible theory. I also highly doubt Richtofen's grand scheme ends with the Cryogenic Slumber Party...he's too much of a mad genuis for that maybe a zombie war raged between Maxis and Richtofen? A ulitimate quest for the four to fight for the survival of human race(or what was left of it?) I just come up with a another take on the possible future of zombie, so we'll see...
Well, I have been doing some thinking about Treyarch's next big step with zombies as well, and I believe that I've seen someone mentioned about the result of Grandfather's paradox: A possible universe would've been created which the Grandfather would not exists in. While it might be a vague answer as I forgot most of the details and I cannot find that post (please help me find it please), I believe that the by making this paradox, another universe was created- where the Earth stays permanently destroyed( :?: ) and since it's different from our universe now it would've mean that Treyarch can do whatever they want with the storyline, without the limits bound by our own history, which might can explain the "second" earth everyone was discussing about (Our Earth in our universe). But anyway this is my guess I don't think it makes sense but I will try to compile and organize my ideas into a post sooner or later, and personally I found your idea interesting, going back in time and have complete change of events, and maybe this time they are going back to set thing back to how our "original" history goes... Oh and I don't think Ed and Sam are going to switch bodies soon, and I found Samantha quite amusing :)
First of all I would like to thank Ehjookayted, who advise me to come here and introduce myself Hello there, I am a pretty dedicated zombie fan, and not just on Call of Duty zombies either, I am interested in almost all kinds of zombie-associated materials. I was first introduced to this site by some web browsing for I was bored from just the surface gameplay of the COD zombies and decided to explore deeper into the zombie lore, and I am pretty glad I clicked this site when I first saw it on Google-not only because the abundant amount of information that puts my zombie knowledge to shame, and also I have finally encountered many other dedicated zombie fans as well. Well I guess that's all for now I mean I don't think personal information is quite necessary for this thread , so anyway, thanks for everyone who give me such warm welcome to this site, I will see you guys around P.S. I really like blue, and if it's possible it will be my color of choice for anything.
Well the MP zombies would've rotted out completely...that's my guess, and also I was looking more into the timeline and theories from the other users (especially those with pretty and colorful usernames ). Also thanks guys I mean wow I never expected that much welcome from you guys and thanks to you I finally understand how brains works :)
Hello here, I am pretty new here, so if someone can help me around here it would be much appreciated. So, despite I am a total newbie, I am a dedicated zombie fan and I would like to discuss on something I found pretty weird: (Before you read: I have no idea if anyone mentioned this theory before, but if so can you send me a link thanks) Ok, so I was hoping that everyone here understand the Grandpa paradox theory. No? Ok fine let me explain to you in brief. Pretty much Grandfather paradox states that if a time traveler went back in time to kill his own grandfather, and if the time traveler succeeded then he would never been born, thus never went back in time, then his grandfather would be still alive, then the time traveler would've been alive, then he would've gone back in time to kill his grandfather. According to my interpretation, it would create a whole new timeline where the grandfather was dead, and so on (sorry for my lack of research) Ok, so here goes my theory: So if Call of the Dead took place sometimes in the modern day (exact date does not matter) , the crews were tasked to set free the original four characters (the easter egg) , then at the end of the easter egg teleported them to Shangri-La, where they go on to complete their zombie-slaying quest to the moon, and proceed to blow up Earth. But have anyone wondered when moon took place? I believe, judging from the uniforms of the Military Polices zombies located in Area 51, I believe it took place in the 1960s. So in the timeline, they blew up the Earth around the 1960s, thus implying that Earth would never existed after the 1960s, which means the crews in Call of the Dead would never been born and the events in Call of the Dead would've never took place, which means the crews would've never gotten out of that little room, and they would've never go up the moon and blew up the Earth, then the Earth would be intact, and then the crews from Call of the Dead would've been born, then they would've freed the original four characters, and so on...I believe Treyarch left this little thing right here so we can bend our minds around. Discuss if you will, comment and criticize if you must, thank you for taking your time to read this. -Leoguy115
Hello here, I am pretty new here, so if someone can help me around here it would be much appreciated. So, despite I am a total newbie, I am a dedicated zombie fan and I would like to discuss on something I found pretty weird: (Before you read: I have no idea if anyone mentioned this theory before, but if so can you send me a link thanks) Ok, so I was hoping that everyone here understand the Grandpa paradox theory. No? Ok fine let me explain to you in brief. Pretty much Grandfather paradox states that if a time traveler went back in time to kill his own grandfather, and if the time traveler succeeded then he would never been born, thus never went back in time, then his grandfather would be still alive, then the time traveler would've been alive, then he would've gone back in time to kill his grandfather. According to my interpretation, it would create a whole new timeline where the grandfather was dead, and so on (sorry for my lack of research) Ok, so here goes my theory: So if Call of the Dead took place sometimes in the modern day (exact date does not matter) , the crews were tasked to set free the original four characters (the easter egg) , then at the end of the easter egg teleported them to Shangri-La, where they go on to complete their zombie-slaying quest to the moon, and proceed to blow up Earth. But have anyone wondered when moon took place? I believe, judging from the uniforms of the Military Polices zombies located in Area 51, I believe it took place in the 1960s. So in the timeline, they blew up the Earth around the 1960s, thus implying that Earth would never existed after the 1960s, which means the crews in Call of the Dead would never been born and the events in Call of the Dead would've never took place, which means the crews would've never gotten out of that little room, and they would've never go up the moon and blew up the Earth, then the Earth would be intact, and then the crews from Call of the Dead would've been born, then they would've freed the original four characters, and so on...I believe Treyarch left this little thing right here so we can bend our minds around. Discuss if you will, comment and criticize if you must, thank you for taking your time to read this. -Leoguy115
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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