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Posts posted by MaxSyndication

  1. Im sorry Red Russian, but you are incorrect. Do you know who henry langham is, well in his first "thing", it was an animated book. Now, if you go frame by frame, there is a new york adress at the end, and it says "groups of 4 ex soldiers or soldiers needed, no matter race or nationality." now, obviously, the 4 of them were put together at the admission office. The 4 did not know eachother from before. They were, most likely, put in groups of 4 just like the advertisment said. Im sorry, but you are incorrect.

    you are indeed correct.

    Takeo, Dempsey, and Nikolai were all test subjects of Group 935's. It is debatable who's test subjects they were, they could've been Richtofen's or Maxis's.

    the test that were performed on them were Element 115 exposure

    they have succeeded where countless others have been zombified, though they gained strength, they lost all specific memories.

  2. dude...please...if you type everything else out, type out the simple word "to". its not that much harder than typing "2" on your keyboard. But actually, it takes you to a spot that is nearest to the mystery box.

  3. ok. We all know that the zombies cassimier device steps were from the campaign. but, skewer the winged beast? ive got a theory all right :) well think about it. there are plenty of ways to get inside the PAP room without opening the doors. so go in, up grade, get out then launch the rocket and then shoot it with a skewer......that is the freaking crossbow and rocket!

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