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Everything posted by nhcre8tv1

  1. I guess I lose. But Activision is just one big bag of monkey poop.
  2. They have control over pricing, and when the content is released. I believe EA asked Activision to push back the MW2 map pack for BC2, I do believe. But that's not the main point, my point, Activision don't give a hoot or a hollar about the consumers, I would LOVE to see an ending to the egg on PS3, PC or just a patch for all versions, but Activision controls what goes out, I believe, and another patch that adds something new people will play the game more for? They gotta put a price tag. That's one of the reasons why they aren't putting the WaW maps out for DLC, because people still buy WaW for the zombies (coughMEcough), and they then have to buy the DLC's for it aswell, WaW is still 20 bucks, plus the three DLC's which are thirty dollars total, bringing the price tag up to 50 dollars. Unless you want to pay 50 bucks for maps you already had, then, that arguments over. Anywho, the point here Activision are Assbags.
  3. nhcre8tv1


    I was thinking about this today, actually, and I thought of something interesting. The multiplayer map Launch is based off the Campaign mission Executive Order, so that must mean that Ascension is technically based off Executive Order as well, but only a small part of the mission is based around it, and the map is basically a more compact version of the first area thingy. I was trying to explore the campaign mission for clues, but no dice. I have yet to check the multiplayer map though, I think the logo of Ascension can be found, but it'd be interesting to see if anything else comes from exploring.
  4. Even with the teddy bear laughing? Yeah. It is an easter egg that is rumored to give you more powerups, but I don't belive it. Pretty sure it moves the box, actually.
  5. That whole patch thing is a silly idea IMO, that seems a bit far fetched, being, ya' know, coughgreedyvisioncough. As long as there's a dime to be made, ok, they'll think about it. But, I either think there's alternative ways to do it, or that's it. Look at the Monkey Furnace egg, The Hide and Seek egg, the Shi No Numa music egg, these decently complex Easter eggs that to be honest, are done, and no one made this much a ruckus about it (besides the Type 99 theories). I bet there's a way to do it with less than 4 people, like there's a way to do it with 1 person or 2 people or 3, but if it's not that, than so be it. Something to back up my point is no matter how much time it took to figure those eggs out, they still be done with 1 person.
  6. Just a map that all of the rooms are those rooms that you travel to in the Kino teleporter. *shutters* Dear God oh please no.
  7. Prob US time being that Treyarch is in the US.
  8. I thought Five was during the Missile crisis. That's why they were talking about it in a cutscene.
  9. Good luck on that one, bro.
  10. Dude, the Nazi Zombie storyline actuelly happened. :shock: Wait wat :shock: Oh yeah, did anyone else notice the ROOM RIGHT ABOVE THE CENTRIFUGE WITH THE SPEAKERS ASJKSHDJLKSHLJW. Sorry, but caps is necessary being I've never seen anyone think of this.
  11. These forums get off topic a lot, don't they?
  12. How about the marines no one cared about from NDU and Veructk, eh? Since they can teleport back in time, maybe in the next map there could be a teleporter that sends you to a random map, it's a stupid idea, yes, but it would fun.
  13. Lol and the LAW with rapid fire XD Steve Blum is full of win, agreed. Anyway we could see the fan art so we can all feel warn and fuzzy aswell?
  14. It's a legitimate strategy. And comedic relief is good sometimes.
  15. What? You got a unicorn? Unfair, all I got was a giant duck. :/ You have a problem with ducks? :evil: DON'T COME AT ME BRO!
  16. Mind=blown. Trying it soon, f I can get all my buds ready.
  17. What? You got a unicorn? Unfair, all I got was a giant duck. :/
  18. I know there's like a billion Der Riese Easter Eggs no one found.
  19. So, once you have the death machines, you kill the crawler you most likely have, then you kill a bunch of zombies, then save the princess, win the internet, and die. \Joke thread.
  20. It's a launch trailer for PS3 and PC. IMO.
  21. That pictures freakin' weird dude, can I tell you that? And about the Clarke theory, I never thought of it that way, but, I don't understand how it would relate to the Five side story, if it is a side story.
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