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Posts posted by heavy_hitter

  1. You can release the orb with just 2 people. They just have to have the gersch, dolls, thunder gun, and ray gun. They don't have to be upgraded either.

    We did it with 3 of us shooting one night and made the third guy go stand at the lander by speed cola. We hopped on the lander and he called it to the speed cola machine.

  2. You can glitch the pap room and upgrade your weapon before you connect the pads and launch the rocket. The pap doesn't appear after the rocket, it is there. There is no secret lander and there is no secret room.

  3. I just wanna point something out came across my mind.

    Ascension....... When you save the mystery man, He ascends into the air....

    What if SAM could easily me? somebody ascend me?

    This is just a thought lol :mrgreen:

    And what if before you obtain the death machines your too throw a black hole on the lander, have somebody call it so its a flying black hole, And it could possibly suck him back into it?

    I read most of your stuff and for the most part is pretty interesting. You are reaching now. At the end of the day this mode is about slaughtering zombies.

  4. I don't post on here much. Frequent this site every day to read and take things in.

    New discovery that I haven't seen. Just saw this on You Tube. Someone that had read code on here said that the finish would take place in the Centrifuge room if there was one. Sam "Come find me" face in Centrifuge room?


    Seems very interesting indeed as a finish to the Easter Egg.

  5. I only thought it would be cool because both gaming systems would unite and put aside there rivalries to solve the mystery. Wow that was corny

    It wouldn't put aside any differences. I have both systems and would still feel the same. The better players are on XBOX. XBOX is the better of the two for gaming. PS3 is a great blu-ray player. PS3 is great for free internet porn on the Big Screen.

  6. Was thinking while in the shower this morning. Has anyone tried shooting the orb with the Upgraded Ballistic Knife? It can revive other players maybe it revives the Orb and you can see the person's body. I don't know, just thinking.

  7. Here is what I believe. Once you get the death machines the Easter Egg is over because you did something wrong. There is nothing after the death machines.

    I believe that there is a missing step somewhere that no one has found.

    1. Maybe you have to launch the rocket at a certain point in the easter egg either blowing or not blowing it up.

    2. Maybe the final step isn't throwing the gersh device and shooting into it. If you do that it ends the easter egg and you get death machines. I know the howling wind is there, but maybe that isn't it.

    3. Maybe the batteries have something to do with the easter egg. But maybe it isn't shooting at them. Maybe it is sucking them into the gersh to get more power.

  8. Johnny, this is FSU Alum that you played with this afternoon. I have a theory and haven't seen anyone try this.

    People talk about sacrificing something to get to the next step. What if you do the last step during the monkey round and sacrifice your perks? Makes sense.

    Why do the monkeys have the capability of falling into the map from another dimension? Or maybe landers from somewhere?

    Why do monkeys expel a power wave when you kill them?

    Everything new is part of the easter egg. Gersh, Dolls, etc. Maybe the monkey are part as well since they are new to Zombies.

    Just a thought.

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