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Everything posted by Scorpion

  1. OMG you are onto something here!!!!! Unfortunately, I also think that the "egg" (I really don't know why it's called an easter egg . . . ) is over. But we could still try this, you're just going to have to lure the monkeys into that room with the lander when they are near Stamin-Up.
  2. I would prefer my Russian comrad to fight with me against the zombies in another map with Mason, Woods, Hudson, and/or Weaver. Just a thought though. And this was hilarious, many people thought this was a clue to something!! :lol:
  3. I think that Firing Range will be part of a new map for zombies that may deal with more than one floor, as in Five. What I mean is that it may become part of the Area 51, Groom Lake map that we may or may not see happen. My thought is that players will start either in the desert and go inside the base, or from within the base and outwards to the desert, perhaps to escape? I'm not sure, but that's just a quick thought as to how Firing Range could become part of a zombie map.
  4. Welcome!!! I still feel new myself . . . I like that you're thinking, but perhaps it's too out of the box. 1 - I don't know why you would mention monkeys or zebras in a winter setting near a lighthouse, even if we had monkeys in a map before. I think you're right about the place losing power and getting dark for these "boss" rounds. 2 -I hope not either. That would just ruin the game and kill off everybody since the players would become the enemy and they would have to die after that round. 3 - I'm not sure what you mean for this thought, but it sounds as if it were a regular "boss" round. 4 -Would be nice if more people could play . . . 5 -This is thinking way out of the box. Perhaps for a real Call of Duty Zombies game? Unless you meant that there would be teleporters and while using them, the player(s) would see images of the past, supposing that we are not in the past already in the map's time. About the leveling system, are you proposing that the Zombies mode should let players have ranks as in Multiplayer?
  5. All of this is nonsense, besides about the point that the Illuminati were a group of scientists! I think that the past Illuminati and the present "Illuminati" of which we refer to are entirely different. And about the Nova 6 deformed zombies, I have no clue as to how they got to that form and how they exists with the gas within them. How they were created, perhaps we'll find out soon. It is implied that the Nazi made them because they made the discovery of the Nova 6 gas and of bringing the dead back. And about the two presidents, one got lucky and the other got a great amount of support, then they either promised too much and/or made the wrong decisions. We can pretty much say the same about every president since none were perfect.
  6. Someone mentioned an old scuba diver that looked like BioShock's Big Daddy, that would be a nice boss. It could work exactly like a Juggernaut from MW2, except without the gun.
  7. Omg!!! Yesssssssss!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Now I can't wait for the map in France, and to fight off zombies in or around the Eiffel Tower!!!1 There's a few things though . . . is part of the Discovery map in this one? You know how they like to include pieces of Multiplayer maps in a zombie map? And another thing, I hope that we see resaonable characters in this map. Hearing that those four actors will be in this map actually disappoints me.
  8. Well, it's a lighthouse. And it seems as if there is snow around as well . . . And it's called Call of the Dead, not Aufruf der Toten because it doesn't have to be in German. Some people are just too stupid . . . :facepalm:
  9. The radios in WaW seemed to have some important info and sort of the mystery vibe to it. The ones in Kino were boring, not much, and the Ascension ones were overly dramatic because of Yuri who sounded like a Russian Richtofen. Five was a great map, and I thought it did tie into the story. Even if it was "fun", it set the time period for the new Zombie maps and it gave clues as to what's going on in the world. They even have maps of places that could be future maps. It gave us the Winter's Howl, and showed us what the U.S. has done with element 115, most likely hinting to more outbreak sites. On the playable-zombies part, I wouldn't like it. There are only four people you could fight against, and they would easily die. Maybe for a modded game? But not for something official, because we know how rare it is for Treyarch to drop a map for zombies. One for every map pack and we only get 3. I have a feeling that Call of the Dead is going to suck, that is if it has characters that do not relate in any way to CoD or the Zombie storyline. I would prefer Mason and the CIA crew rather than Trejo, Gellar, and those fools. Yes, fools.
  10. centuries later . . . :cry: That's just an exagerration, but it should be a month later, and on a Tuesday if they want to follow the PSN updates date.
  11. Very true!!!!!! Maybe its another girl, like the names of the girls in Kino???
  12. If so, then can you explain Ascension? It should have been in Russian, no?
  13. I don't know if this is an awkward thought, but I'd like to have a Teddy Bear, a Monkey Bomb, Fluffy, and a Space Monkey as playable characters somehow. This would become part of Samantha's imagination or way of playing by possessing these and manipulating them to act like people. Would definitely want to be a Kick-Ass Teddy Bear with a Sickle and Ballistic Knife lol. Lol at you guys as characters. I would have liked a WWII era up to the 80s era of the most well known singers since they have the government party in Zombies. I would have Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and . . . I'm not sure who else, I would say Bob Marley but I don't know if that would fit, also with MJ, he would be way off in time. Imagine though, being MJ in Zombies lol, he should be wearing his red jacket from the Thriller music video.
  14. I too would love to see more map packs, but I don't think they've given themselves enough time. If they were going to put out 4 they would of had to have released First Strike a month earlier. As it is now MP4 would be released alongside whatever COD releases in November and thats why Kino was scrapped for W@W I don't think zombies is going to end any time soon. As a matter of fact I'd be willing to bet we'll be seeing a stand alone Zombie game come out in the next few years. maybe even with 3Arc's next entry. That's what I'm thinking about Call of the Dead, it may end up being the Zombies' game title, and it may be a game you can download on PSN and Xbox Live.That's my thought though. Perhaps it'll be released during the summer of 2012? They have so much to cover and to end it with just one map pack left? Nah, they can't do that to us, at least they shouldn't. I hope these new characters don't go too out of hand, they better not introduce vampires. I swear if they do, i'll . . . :evil:
  15. I thought you were Samantha for a second . . . I'm onto you. :evil: Lol jk, cool game, wonder how many people will actually listen though, I can't manage to do that sometimes.
  16. Oh, ooh! Cans I add to that please? Please??!!! Ok!!! (lol) Umm, how many zombies have you killed? 8-) Oh, and hi, I'm also fairly recently new here.
  17. Ok, well I want to start by saying hi. So, Hi! Ok, now onto the point here, I was just roaming around the web thinking of Black Ops when I saw a picture of Liam Neeson and he somehow reminded me of Reznov. Then this got me thinking, he would be cool for a Black Ops movie role, even though that wouldn't happen. So I came here to make this topic: Who in real life looks familiar to a Black Ops character? And, if they were to make a movie, who would fit the role of a character? I already know that someone is thinking of Ice Cube and Ben Stiller . . . :lol:
  18. Thats what people thought when Map packs were coming out for WaW, but it didnt happen. *weeps* Hopefully we do see this happen, about four map packs. Im wishing that Treyarch would release two zombie maps, that would justify the price on them, who agrees? . . . Plus, this might be the end game for Zombies according to some. :cry:
  19. It might be hinting to a whole new series of Cod Zombies that I thought they would do for two purposes, money and the fans. I thought that Call of the Dead seemed like too broad of a name so I thought, hey, maybe it's going to be the start of a zombies only game? Just my thought though, I could be completely wrong. Edit: We may also see more Easter Eggs, dialogue, perhaps more interactive things, maybe a cutscene???
  20. This is interesting!!! They should make a map in Cuba for zombies, this fits as a radio transmission! Nice writing!
  21. Cpt. Price would then probably be Cpl. Price?!!! That would be interesting, I've been thinking about how Black Ops would tie into Modern Warfare somehow. I was thinking that we might see Shepherd also, but probably not. And about Mason, Weaver, and Hudson escaping to South Africa. We know that Woods is alive, so that brings back the four-man party/team of Black Ops. Then we have Reznov who is the supposed man on the other end. Would be interesting to see the outcome of this. But has anyone thought what if this ties into Zombies? What if there was a new map where you'd have Mason, Weaver, Hudson, and Reznov in South Africa???
  22. It doesn't really matter what you say, you're always WINNING. lol lmao!!! Yeah, at least you can still be WINNING.
  23. Awesome!! Then I'll jump in to say "PTG sucks"! Now I feel much better! :P
  24. Takeo: "Maybe what was is no more, but shall be again!" The blanked out portaits in Kino? Perhaps call of the dead means more than just a few words . . . And another thought, does anyone think that Call of the Dead could be hinting to a separate Call of Duty Zombies game? Call of the Dead does sound like a zombified Call of Duty title. Escalation . . . Ascension . . . perhaps it is directly after the event? Or maybe before the event, to Ascend, you must Escalate? idk lol . . . Can't wait for this to release!!! :D
  25. Is it possible that "Call of the Dead" may be hinting to Treyarch making a separate Call of Duty Zombies game? It sounds like a bigger title than any of the Zombies map names. Would be interesting if they begin calling the Zombies section "Call of the Dead". Just a thought, would be nice. Oh, and I am hoping for a Zombies map to be in some adverse weather like snow or rain, it would be quite fitting. I wonder if JFK's team will be in this one or Richtofen's or perhaps a new team? Ahhh, this is going to be a long month . . .
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