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AK47!!!!!!! who else think this should be in zombies? please rate this Post! thnx
i would but i cant mate.... no internet at home and school has filters, im in sixth form btw
be sure to let me know when you do make a video, cant access youtube please post it on photobucket?
its pretty good, what would be a good gun as a backup, i was thinking thundergun but a backup gun needs to be good for ammo. i was thinking about a wall gun? i dnt know if the MP40 is as good as everyone says.
i hate five for running around... its shockingly bad, the teleporters are useless, when you use them the zombies teleport and move faster than you when they follow you and you get stuck in the teleporter jumping around and you cannot escape, this should be changed
dos anyone else think this gun is underrated, i think its pretty good, especially when pack a punched, i prefer the single pistol rather than the dual wield, what are other peoples thoughts on this, rate this post if you like it :)
so bob what your saying is that it can be downloaded onto a memory stick and given to someone without the internet?
if i bought a new memory stick, formatted it to an xbox and gave it to my friend, wuld it work, and by certain profiles do you mean an account that has been on xboxlive before, my brother has brougt his account over, its on a seperate memory card to my hard drive but it is an active live account, he uses it at his mums. Would this work.... Please get back to me [brains] for replying though
I have not got live on my xbox and i really want to get it, i have friends who have it and i want to know two things, the first is how big is the DLC for the map packs, and the second is can you put it on a standard memory stick and download it from that. the questions are vague i need to know specifics, I REALLY WANT IT!
i noticed that with some guns you can run faster than you can with the starting pistol, this makes no sense and i would like to know how much faster the guns are, i only know that the pm63 PAP'd is definitely faster than the pistol (when running and sprinting) anyone shed some light on this subject please? thanks :D
i recently found out something new to me, the ballistic can revive downed allies when its packapunched, the name is a huge hint but i never actually done it........ going off track, what are the effects of all the diff guns when they are pack a punched? please only post serious answers and that actually are true. thanks
:facepalm: well i dint know that thanks and someone PM me the glitch positions
where are the glitches?
that post was very long but i kinda do that, you should try it with tokyo and rose (pm63 pack a punched) once you have all the drinks (juggernog, etc) buy that gun and pack a punch it, the ammo goes down quickly but if you bunch the zombies up, aim for the head and keep thing up close and personal when shooting, you should make enough money to purchase some upgraded pm63 ammo. and a little bonus with this gun (i noticed this when i played five) you run faster than u do with a pistol, cos when i was on five the pentagon theif chased me and i was faster than him without sprinting and he was proper running, not walking try it and tell me what u think to my idea :)
i never really go on it on solo but i gave it a try last night and on my third attempt i really got going, i was doing well and i got thru round 20 when the xbox froze! my xbox freezes like 3 times a year roughly and it picked the wrong time to freeze! anyone dont better than round 20, bearing in mind i was shitting myself and i aint good at playing whilst panicking. ps. i only played solo three times so is this a good round to reach on a third atempt?
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