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Everything posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. Just off the top of my head 1. Olympia only in the spawn on Shangri La 2. Play on Ascension and use the lander 1,000 times in a single game I think #2 would be fun :D
  2. Hmm, this is a very good theory on the nova crawlers! I see you've been thinking about outside the box lately But I'm still leaning towards Richtofen brought specimens back from Shangri La and they were zombified at Griffin Station(he killed them along with natives to fill the MPD with 'souls' and Schuster buried them outside) and the others at Kino.
  3. Damn, this is the best theory I've heard about that. But the one big thing is, if the sun is supposed to be between them, how come we can see it in broad daylight? And if our earth got nuked, how did the same fate become of that one? At looking at some astronomic facts, the Earth is 92,957,100 miles from the sun. So an earth on the opposite side of the sun including the sun's diameter would be 864,327 miles + 92,957,100 = 93,821,427+ another 92,957,100 = 186,778,527 miles. It's hard to see anything in our solar system that isn't a star from this distance without a telescope of some sort. Since it is hard to seen even mars from earth without a designated astronomical event, and it is only 50,000,000 miles from earth, seeing another earth at over 100,000,000 more miles away that big in broad daylight with the naked eye isn't even possible.
  4. Yeah that's Dempsey
  5. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18762
  6. lol it is true I admit I have been playing a LOT of BioShock lately. But I do believe that there will be a connection to Atlantis. I've thought so ever since I discovered about Dwarka in the game. Dwarka is the name of the song on the SP mission, Rebirth. Holy Crap, Dwarka and Rebirth! Dwarka is an underwater paradise from ancient Hindu culture! And I just noticed the Rebirth. Sam will be reborn at Dwarka!
  7. Ok I was thinking, and decided to make some changes to this theory- I was wondering recently what Sam would have to do to get her body back from richtofen. After the body swap, Richtofen was left in Sam's body, in the pyramid, controlling the zombies through Aether. While Sam was left stuck in his body. So now, what will she have to do to get it back? I thought at first she would try to switch, but with Richtofen in the way, and almost all the technology that could be used to do it now destroyed by the nuclear bombs, there's only one way: REBIRTH Let me explain this. Dwarka, or Dwaraka, is an ancient city from Hindu religion. It was supposed to be the home of the God Khrisna, I believe it was. But for some reason it was deserted and lost to the sea. It is said the leaders killed each other in conflict and the sea submerged it. And Just recently, it was re-discovered: vid of dwarka story of legendary dwarka under 'Dwarka Kingdom' when you scroll downhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarka So what does an ancient underwater city that used to be inhabited by ancient races mean? Atlantis: Okay so here's how this theory would work into zombies, long ago, at the start of 'human' civilizations, these 'Gods' as the people called them, helped humans create civilization. Of coarse the people were not yet capable of these achievements alone. So the aliens would have to help. But on earth they discover the deposits of 115 in the earth, and the cities leaders fight for control, since 115 seems to trigger extreme greed and lust for power, and other dangerous side effects. To silence this the other higher beings end them by submerging the city deep underwater. But 115 reanimates, even under the icey waters of call of the dead. So the reanimated zombies of the ancient cities inhabitants would still lurk here. (so we would have somebody to fight of coarse! you can't have zombies without zombies, plus we already have played zero gravity on the moon, why not in a diving suit!) So now you're wondering, BlindBusDrivr, this is cool :roll: , but what the heck does it have to do with Sam's body, or remotely connected? Well it's, somewhat, simple! The Nazi's searched for his Atlantis, and we don't know if in zombies they were successful. But likely an advanced race such as those from the ancient Hindu cities were capable of having the technology to allow Sam to be reborn. But where is the whole Reborn concept from? A song. I discovered it when for some reason, I wanted to here the song from the campaign mission on Black Ops. So I looked it up and found it was called Dwarka, typing it in once youtube suggested, 'dwarka-underwater city'. Intruiged, I selected it and was drawn into a whole other atlantean meaning behind Dwarka. And guess what mission had the 'Dwarka' song in the soundtrack? REBIRTH
  8. My observations: first off, that circle doesn't look like the sun. It looks like that Ying-Yang symbol, except in yellow and white. If You look closely you can see it will. PS this is the Ying-Yang symbol: But back to the mural. That's almost surely an N1 rocket over there on the left, It was russia's failed attempt at a moon rocket. It's project was terminated shortly after the US won the space race. And in the mural, it looks like some super cartooned thrust flames below it. So I'm pretty sure thats the rocket. The people clearly appear to be scientists, the three farthest to the right appear to be holding up something to it, is that a baby?! Something is peculiar about the guy sitting with the glasses though, he is the only one not standing in appraisal, but he is not. And looks at those lines in the picture, the could form something if we look closely, especially that blur of them towards the middle.
  9. We know that at the Area 51 on Moon, it was just their 'linkage' to the Moon base. Since all we can really see is the shelf, the tele porter, and the pack a punch, because that's all we can see. But there's still stuff unanswered back at the Hangar 18 map, and a little on the Moon part. First of all, I have confirmed that those weird hexagonal plates in the one top secret building at Area 51 are part of the James Webb Space Telescope. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Webb_Space_Telescope But this raises more questions than it answers. Why, does the government at Area 51 have the parts of the Golden plated beryllium mirror in a hangar, decades before the project actually went into service? Could this be a sign that they had already mastered time travel? And begun to bring back things from the future? But an ever bigger mystery lies in the plates themselves. The beryllium gold plates, are used to create a casimir effect on the vril generator in the Easter Egg. But why? What does the beryllium have to do with it? Or perhaps the Gold plating has something more to do with it? I know that I've brought this up before, but now I just can't seem to dismiss it as much anymore. And more importantly, if you HAVE a moon base, WHY do you need a mirror for a telescope, when you already have a moon base? Something big was going here and I can't seem to figure it out. Something else that we can draw from Area 51, is that the Hangar 18, is that the tele porter technology can be used to create a force field, displayed around the apple on the MP map. Now another thing, was the bodies. You can clearly see bodies in the morgue, of unknown origin or name, but appear to be human like in many ways. But the most intriguing thing about them is what they meant to the Russians.... In the map description, it says that the base has just been infiltrated by them, so why would Russians want one of these bodies? Clearly, one of the tables has been smashed over into the decon. shower, and they blasted out through the back. Now maybe these could have been from the Firing Range, but that's a shot in the dark. The monitoring array, we all know that they were broadcasting signals to and from space and that's what we heard on the smashed TVs in the Archives buildings by the torn chain link fence the Russians escaped through. So there's not much mystery there. But the last mystery, is the Ascension engine that was at the back of the SR71 Hangar behind the Blackbird. Why is there a jet engine from Ascension in Hangar 18? It could have been implied as the J58, the Blackbirds turbojet, but it was to long. And more importantly, why would a Jet be at an astronautical research base? Jets are useless in space, because there's no oxygen! And the engine doesn't appear to be a TurboFan either, and obviously not a turboprop, so it's really unconfirmed. For now I'll stick with that it's a crude way of implying it's an SR71 engine. And just another one that popped into my head, What's with how the perks appear? They come down from a twinkle in the air and float down, like a more graceful Hellhound spawn. Now it's not just for gameplay, if they wanted it to be different every time, they would just have it there when it starts, they're trying to hint something here, but again, it's hard to put it all together. So what we've got here is all the piece of puzzle, not we just have to start putting them together....
  10. Hey guys, I'm back for a little now because I have a huge school break coming back. And I was thinking of zombies lately I came to this thought, after ALL the conspiracy and alien stuff from the hollow earth theory all the way to the nazi bell. But we have never mentioned Stone Henge, it seems like such an intriguing subject for zombies, there's a lot of stuff they could do with it. So is there anything that has already been connected to it, and/or could it be zombies next stop, or perhaps might appear in the finale of Sam getting her body back :twisted:
  11. Hey guys, I'm back for a little now because I have a huge school break coming back. And I was thinking of zombies lately I came to this thought, after ALL the conspiracy and alien stuff from the hollow earth theory all the way to the nazi bell. But we have never mentioned Stone Henge, it seems like such an intriguing subject for zombies, there's a lot of stuff they could do with it. So is there anything that has already been connected to it, and/or could it be zombies next stop, or perhaps might appear in the finale of Sam getting her body back :twisted:
  12. I would like to have even more zombies, some more guns in multiplayer, and make the killstreaks cooler, like screw attack dogs I want an AC119 STINGER:
  13. If you haven't beat the campaign, don't read this. At the end of campaign, in the diamond mine mission where you have to save Alena and the President. When the Blackhawk picks you up for extraction, The President, Price and Yuri get in, but Sandman, Grinch and Truck stay behind and give you cover. Is there anything that hints towards them living or not? Because they kind of did the same thing where they make us think someones dead at the end of CoD 4(price).
  14. Well, if it is the same Der Riese plates, then there is something with 6 then. The number 6 is always coming up in zombies the hexagons the number of lights in top of nazi tele porter Nova 6 Devil's # Fluffy's number the 6th dimension(on movie poster on Drive In) PaP Wunderwaffe shots And if you play with the groups 9-3+5=11 - 6-0+1 = 6
  15. I doubt that they would show us in the MP map hose plates on the grid of whatever was holding them up and then have the same ones but stored on a shelf in a tele porter hangar, just seems like they wouldn't have them be different. I mean they are exactly the same, just not assorted on that device.
  16. They were, except they were stacked on that shelf. You have to knock them off with the grenades and then use the gersch to suck them up and teleport them with you. Unless area 51 was making 2 of the same looking plates, which is just silly sounding, I'm 99% sure they're the same.
  17. Look, they're exactly the same.
  18. My best is 37 on Underground with one of my friends. We just camped in the tunnel below the double decker, and ran loops when the Juggernauts came, but it went fine but when wave 37 came, both the sentry's died and the enemies just wouldn't go down.
  19. Well I can't seem to find it a coincidence how the picture above of the telescope with the scientists around it looks EXACTLY like the ones in Hangar 18. And the plates are beryllium, which is an Alkaline earth metal, which I believe could be used to create a casimir effect.
  20. Ya I liked the campaign. I think it would have been possibly the best campaign, except my friends brother told me the spoilers before it came out, which made me incredibly disappointed because knowing all the endings isn't fun, but it still managed to amuse and surprise at moments.
  21. I can agree with you on the campaign, but I believe it was supposed to be like the others to be the last one. haven't tried spec ops much, but I'm surprised you could withstand 5 hours of it. I think the multiplayer is great, a blend of all the modern warfares. It looks like MW2 but plays oddly different. If your a Treyarch MP fan, you won't like it much but if you an IW MP fan, you'll love it. The guns, I'm very pleased with, giving a lot of variety, unlike Black ops. Every gun was the same. AK47, Galil, Enfield, Commanda=same G11, M16=same famas,faug=same, mpl, specter, kiparis, mac, = same. etc. etc. But in MW3 They all have different fire rates, recoils, attachments,now even mobility varies, just a lot of great stuff.
  22. I don't want to sound like the idiots saying ghost is alive, after he got blasted by a .44 cal Magnum and lit on fire, but there's some convincing proof Shepard might have a part, in the MW3. It's a little easter egg in the trailer, I found out about it in a video, which of coarse I can't find now. If you listen at :55 v=rUenaveVupc&feature=related You can hear "WARHORSE 5-1" This is Shepards Pave Low in MW2 So could he be back? Shepard with an eye patch would bring a literal meaning to "I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an EYE..."
  23. I guess i was looking into Beryllium a little to much. But I'm still puzzled why pieces of a modern space telescope would be in the 70s and HOW they are useful to Vril Rod? Why did Richtofen need them at the computer, what did he do? What did they do? Just always adding more to the mystery Treyarch. There's always more stuff for us to find, we just found this and the maps been out since Summer! Who knows whats next?
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