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Everything posted by trapper14
I dont know if any of you are familiar with the Uncharted series, but at the end of Uncharted 2, they go to a place called Shangri-la, also known as Shambala. It is basiaclly a paridise hidden in the Himalayas, and if Zombies are going there, it'll be awesome. Look it up, it's just a giant ancients city with ruines, lush plants and trees, and huge mountains going up the side of the valley.
I'm saying it would technically be like strong stopping power that evens out the damage on th whole body so that you don't have to get headshots to easily kill them...and it would apply to all weapons.. ...like I said... Just a thought...
It wouln't only work for snipers... It would helP with all weapons... But snipers especially because of their low fire rate and crapiness after a certain level...
the guy said that the new map would highlight sniping right...well usually snipers only work until level 15 or so.... then they suck ass. So what if that new perk, and this is only a theory, didn't home in on headshots. I think they may have made the park so that the whole body takes the same amount of damage as a headshot. that way you could kill them way longer. And maybe that new sniper that we see is actually really good till level 30 or so with the perk, then you have to pack a punch it and it stays good till level 50 or something ....just a tought...headshot auto aim would be stupid..
you can see it in the picture, and it's in the imbd description, so there's most likely a zipline :|
If the ship on call of the dead just crashed on the island, then how is there a zipline connecting the ship to the light house. Especially if they just got there? Just thinkin.
K so there's this guy on YouTube that insure you have all heard of his name is syndicate. Anyway he noticed that in the mission numbers( or whatever the snowy one is with the ship that there was blood in the shape of the grim reapor on the wall, and behind that wall was a bunch of clues or something. (actually he didn't discover this he just taught me it first). But the point is that I was playing cod 5 campaign today and was doing the out of map glitch, when I dropped into a part of the map that your in slightly later on. The exact sAme blood pattern is usd twice in the same area, exept one is flipped backwards. One was on a random wall and the other one was from the head of a guy who had just been exacuted by firing squAd next to four others. Anyway I was wondering if this meant something or if it meaningless And maybe so is the one in (numbers)
The zombie at the end of the trailer is no Dan Bunting Like everyone is saying, it's the Zilinski guy. He's the creative director for the zombie mode( duh) just thought I'd clear that up
Everybody thought that the new map pack was going to be on firing range and i understand why its just why did 3arc bother putting all those clues in it, unless..... It will be the basis for map pack 3.
Comment and leave your theories until carbonfibah opens a new section.
finally, the thing alot of people wanted, a snowy map. Codz should open a new forum secction for map pack three, in the mean time post a reply here. I think itll be in the pyramids, because apparently somebody found these three thing in the games original coding: Cosmodrome( ascension), Mountains, (call of the dead), and Cairo( posibly pyramids). Hope they open a map pack three forum soon...brains please:) im kinda new and dont have very many yet.
So dogs fit the theme for kino, as it is urban and people would have had pets, monkeys fit ascension as they were tested in space, the thief fits the pentagon as human would be the only things that can get inside, and for this new map what could we be looking at?? Something that fits a mountain, snowy, dark ,ship, and lighthouse, island theme? .............FISH.............just kidding, but seriouly what???post your comments of what you think.
OKay, so i noticed something on the escalation trailer. You know how at the end there is a zombie face that jumps at the screen, well it is actually just a clip of one of the producers getting up, with special effect applied to his face. Pause it at 2:08 seconds and you will see. It may take you a couple of tries because he moves so fast, but it's actually jimmy zinlinski who happens to be the creative dirctor for the zombies mode at treyarc
There is a screenshot up on the black ops site that shows a 2 second clip of the new zombies map. It features a lighthouse in the background with a bright beam coming out the side and top, a mountain, a ship and a building. It's very dark,and looks like a cold or snowy map. This was posted 5 mins after the trailer was released on april 19th. LINK BELOW. http://www.callofduty.com/intel/457
New Leaked Image Shows New Gun, Perks, Box Location, & More!
trapper14 replied to Red Pegasus's topic in Call Of The Dead
the pic is actually legit, just obs not the paint. -
well we kinda know what the names will be although treyarch didn't exactly "announce it'. they accidentaly put the names in with the existing maps in the theater mode filter. Icebreaker hotel cubatown Outskirts cargo and there will most likely be a zombies map
sounds promising. i hope everyone knows what it means but if the dont it means " a military rank"
Ya thanks man :|
Ya I know there's been alot of post of this before mine but I have way more info than 99 percent of all posts on the Internet on this topic.
Okay, so there's a bunch of things that point to a new zombies map on firing range/area51. Please add my PSN: trapper14. I think i have a strategie that can get us to round 45 or higher! Anyway, on with the facts: -on firing range, outside the map on the side with the white portables there is a sign that says Gateway to hell, Dewcon nla co., you are now entering Quarantaine, liberated by mike curran 2nd bn 7th cav date 7 April 68. - gateway to hell seems like a zombie apocalypse kind of thing to say. -I didn't find anything on deacon co or nla. - Quarataine is the word quarantine in French and German and that seems like a good name for a zombie map. Also it is written in blood on a torn rag. -mike curran was a hockey player(don't know how that connects, but there are books on nuktown in the buildings that say curran on them. -2nd battalion 7th cavalry fought in the Indian wars, in wwII and Vietnam. - I searched April 7th 68 and just found that it was when riots were in the streets after Martin Luther kings assassinations.this seems though like an appropriate date for a zombies map. I thought that maybe since they didn't specify 1968, I searched 1868, but still didn't immediately find anything. -If you go into the car garage in the middle of the map, go up stairs and look in the rafters you will find a bloody Teddy bear looking down at you -three PaP signs are scattered on the map. These sighns say please wait and are the exact same signs that pop up when you use the pack a punch machine on der riese. - two of them are situated onto of a pile of tires directly in front of you when you go down the blue tunnel. You will only be able to see them if you go to the other side because the side you first see is green. - the other one is under a small diagonal bar on the wooden building. Of you stand onto of the stairs and look towards the middle of the map you will see it. -in the washroom facility there is another sighn that says "Quarantaine"again written in blood on a torn rag. -Scattered in the map are wooden planks that look like barriers. -by the washrooms outside there are vodka bottles( tanks favorite) -there is a sighn outside the map that says like chu-Y, KHU VDC I looked it up and it turned out to take me to a vietnamiese text document with a lot of information about Vietnam operations.the name mike curran could be in there but I didn't read the whole thing because it's like 100 pages long. -On kino der toten there is a casket/vessel thing next to the stairs heading to the alley from the theater that has an alien looking thing in it. -remember the writing on the wall at the beginning of kino where it says beware of the 6, well, on firing range there, in the white portables, all of the computer hardrives are set to the number 6( devils number) -ontop of the water tower on firing range there looks to be a face and body of something that looks like an Indian. -remember how the 2nd bn 7th cav fought in the Indian wars, kinda wierd if you ask me. -In the flat building at the back of the map there is a sighn with a chart that says: Drac body count, the entries are: A, B, C, D, Hawk, Recon, Sniper, then Total. The total is something like 380. - 2nd bn 7th cav had those four divisions but I can't explain the other three entries. - there are signs( on a FIRING RANGE) that say " use of deadly force is authorized" -At the back of the map near the pack a punch flags there are boxes that are the exact same size as mystery boxes. -there is a sign that says come back soon( I don't know) -There is a runway with bomber planes off the map behind the welcome to hell sign. they test these at places like area51. -I was told there was a newspaper or book or something with tank dempseys name on it. -Lastly, this is just an awesome map to have zombies on! -we may be looking at a different cast though because there are news report that say four old horror movie actors said there doing motion capture for black ops map pack 2. (danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Micheal Rooker, and robert Englund. So any way I think this points to a new zombie map based on firing range. if you have noticed anything else, know how to connect the dots, can look deeper into the clues, or noticed I missed or missinterpreted something, please comment. This could be completely wrong but im sure wherever treyarc decides to put the new map,( here, an ice map, or wherever else) im sure it will be a great map and will be perfectly in place with the bizarre storyline.
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