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Posts posted by pureninja

  1. Noobcake?

    Hey its not nice to be mean to the uneducated (towards nazi zombies) people. Just have a firm "Yes we've known about this for the last year almost, sorry."

    im not uneducated i just dont come here alot anymore (busy feeding my solo obsession)

  2. i just saw a thread about the WW names, and what they mean.

    then while playing CotD a thought just came out of nowhere

    its spelt in 1337 speak and that the numbers are letters

    which brings me to this




    now, before you discount this think about the shots from the vr-11, they look like a phasing nova zombie on moon, and the nova zombie phase by using VRIL energy

    cant believe i didnt think of it before

  3. It's also on Der Riese, just got off playing it and was stunned to see it there. It's right next to the box in the teleporter B building (I think it's B) but downstairs. Just round from the Thompson on the wall. Wasn't on there yesterday when I played it so guess it's been added today.

    same for me only i thought it was a glich and went to nacht and saw it in the start room and started knifing whilst screaming: SINCE WHEN SINCE FUCKING WHEN!?!?!?!

  4. there is no relation between Moon and the Kino easter egg song "115".

    treyarch even said they came up with moon last second, it was supposed to be in Paris, but they didnt want to end black ops zombies with Paris, so they came up with moon, So no, there is no hints or tips of the moon in "115"

    oh look hes back

  5. 75G cryogenic sleepover: complete richofens grand scheme

    this hit me like a huge fist

    obviously its complete the egg, but cryogenic sleep?

    people cryogenicly freeze themselves for one reason...

    to be woken up in the future!

    this hits me as this: modern warfare z is coming, because the cold war was too short, and uneventful for treyarch to ride on like they did WWII

    prepare yourselves my brethren because one of two things will happen...

    modern warfare 4(modern warfare z) or blops 2

  6. this may not be official, i heard it from one of my friends

    trigun tequila

    it probably goes without saying what it does but heres the specifics


    2.gain ability to carry three guns

    3. do the now four gun glitch :lol:

    on to the spawn theory

    i believe that moon will have a verruct style spawn where two people are in one area while the other two are in the other

    on to the good stuff

    in the interview one of the guys said something that caught my attention:

    "this is our season finale"


    moon is to black ops what der riese was to WaW, the end... for now...

    send it off with a bang treyarch... send it off with a bang

  7. Wow none of you get my thread at all..pshhh no losers.

    Some of us get it. Its just that there is no evidence. Cargo could just be like shipment for all we know. And like putzee said we already have the Galil and Commando. The AK would be pretty useless...

    Could not agree with this more. That's smart. [brains] AK with flamethrower would be fun though.....

    its the only attachment we dont have on a PaP gun

    it just came to mind that unless the m60 has a drum mag like the mg42 youd be out of commission for like 3 rounds at a time trying to reload

  8. At round 10 Robert Englund alwaysn says "It's finally over" then round 11 begins lol...I don't think her quote

    means anything. If theres one think I know about zombie maps is that there is no way out. You play until you die...I do hope that one of the maps has a way out though. That would really be cool. Maybe if we get 100,000 points or something we can open a door that takes us out of the map.

    the last map will have a way out

    or maybe a cut scene

  9. I love the AK47 in multiplayer, but I don't think it would be an overly impressive gun for zombies due to the clip size.

    The M60 though... :twisted:

    if we get the ak it better get the flamethrower when we pack a punch it

    and using the m60 in zombies would be the equivalent of an AC-130

  10. all of you who say crap like its not confirmed are NOT real zobie players thats all i have to say!

    and Area 51 is done thing!if you would have some deduction than you would know that WHAT Hangar 18 means!!!

    The majority of people on this thread know that hanger 18 is set @ groom lake/ area 51.

    Real zombie players wait for confirmation from 3arc/Activision - before they say that 'IT IS' the next map :)

    when the frig did i post this?

  11. nXeoNkmtVJs

    Right I'm officially freak out now...

    The brotherhood of the snake, The brotherhood of the Dragon are one in the same.

    What got to me was the title:

    The Illuminati Deception 05/13 - Brotherhood of the Snake

    I was born on 13/05/1981, decades later I chose Alpha13Snake as a random handle.

    Years after that this clip just pops into my life. What are the chances of this happening?

    Synchronicity is scary.

    Regards Alpha.

    holy sh*t man

  12. ok so i was playing CotD and just solo'd the egg, feelin proud so i was hanging around the ak74 area and noticed those little saucer things so i was all like "hmm maybe..." so went up held X and BWAAAAAAAAAAAA

    theres 4 of them two in the AK area two just outside the speed cola hallway

    if its already known i understand, if its not than this could be big

  13. our friends in Australia leaked retaliation and activision took it down in under 20 minutes (mainly cause it only just started development) anyway we know everything about it

    even the release date september 6 zombie map name: quarantine

    MP name: retaliation

    now everyone shut up

  14. "This could reference the how the Pack a Punch machine is activated by fire, which would make sense, because it's a rocket, and what do rockets need to launch? Power what gives power? FIRE!"

    This may be relevant, may not, but you're talking about how the Pack-a-Punch Machine needs fire. I think I read on one of AlphaSnake's posts that the Pack-a-Punch skins your gun receives, contain satanic symbols. As we all know Satan is from Hell, you know, the place that's always on fire.

    also that the PaP'd olympya is the hades, unt it has incinidary rounds

  15. its not the end, he still needs another component or two end of cotd egg he says: I JUST NEED THE (thanks alot teleporter i cant hear the name of the epic item) and the (damn teleporter) and then the plan will be complete

    hes one step away from the epic finale

    we're one item away from the long awaited final battle

    its almost over...


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