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Beware of the Docter

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Everything posted by Beware of the Docter

  1. You missed out the teddy bear in the rafters of the car shed, and Quarantine, written every where! Sounds like a zombie map name...
  2. I was thinking about this yesterday, and noticed that when everyone's dead, (Five only) a small ball of electric is above, as if being teleported? But my question is, who is getting them out of there? In my opinion it's the theif. I know this sounds weird but, he's a technican, so would understand teleporters, he dosn't seem to be zombified, and he probaly dosn't want to kill the player, hence why he runs away after taking your guns. Discuss your theories...
  3. CRUD! It'd be almost identical to Acension!
  4. I saw this, I'm just wondering who's teleporting them out, maybe it's the theif! Because he's a technician, so he could have teleporters knowledge, and he dosn't seem to want to directly kill the player. Maybe he's the next character! Doubt it though, just a weird thought...
  5. I find the fact that this 'happened on round 29 and your highest round in your sig for Acension is 27. Would you kindly STFU!
  6. Thanks for the welcome. I swear, I didn't make it up, but I can't really get a picture, as I'm posting through my PSP. But I can add that the magazine is called Exposed, and that the large monkey IS actually zombified. It's mentiond in the 'Trivia' section of Five's COD Wiki page, search it out please...
  7. Yes, theres a pool he was stood on that makes your eyes green. Maybe it's 115? They're turning into zombies so...
  8. What you failed to mention is, it leaves a power up in the Pack a Punch room. ONLY if you destroy the rocket, which must mean the rocket is somthing bad, cause why would you be rewarded for doing evil?
  9. Thunder Gun! Could never replace the DG-2 though. SOB :(
  10. I was thinking this th other day, but had no evidence. I agree, and think you're a genius. [brains]
  11. May I say that IMO, don't bother, the trap is almost usless... :facepalm:
  12. Continued... Pack a Pack Chair: On 'Five' when you go into the Pack a Punch room, there are chairs around the room. On one there's a magazine on top of it. Crawl underneath and you can see a photo of three rockets like the one in Acension. Nocliping inside the chair you can also see the Cosmic Silverback not zombified. Hoped you liked my first post. Discuss... :D
  13. I was browsing the forums the other day, and I noticed one that said there was no evidence of Acension, I disagreed, so heres the evidece I've compiled... Rocket Model: Now, I know this is on Kino, but the room is in the Pentagon. When you get teleported through the random rooms, if you spawn in the dark room with a large table in the middle, look around and there's a large model of a rocket... I'll continue this below...
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