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Everything posted by GOaheadRAGEQUIT

  1. hey kid I'm down to help you out. GT GOaheadRAGEQUIT just lemme know your from codz and send me msg. I've done it about 15 times now so no prob if you wanna see it.
  2. You can go on youtube and see videos of the entire map nocliped weeks a go... hopefully the pc players can get into the game code better. There is NO hidden room on the map anywhere. If there is some kind of secret like that, it will have to be activate and can't be seen until then. like the clock on the wall, the letters, the monkey buttons....
  3. yep have had this before too. One time the zombie ran AWAY from us around a corner and 1/2 a second later there was a respawned zombie tearing down one of the barriers... it's irritating >_
  4. I would have to agree
  5. Did more testing. I have noticed that you can not throw gersch device over doors into an un-opened area (well you can but it acts the same as if you thew if off the map) still trying to figure out a way to at least semi control how the teleport works, still no patterns I have found yet. If anyone knows anything about the device that has not been posted please feel free to share.
  6. New radios appear when you listen to them. there is only 1 on the map when you play it and it's done you can now see the 2nd one and so on til all 6 are done.
  7. Your host should have no problem helping you. (unless they're some asses) I used InMotion hosting when I had forums and anytime I had a problem I would just open a help ticket with them, explain the problem and they would either tell me what to do or go in and fix it for me... worth a short if you haven't asked them, worst they'll say is no help.
  8. yeah it sucks it will be down but that's completely awesome they are upgrading the servers... Now for a few hours I'll have to float around CoD forums it slays me.
  9. It can spin even if you only have 1 zombie left. I've had it end rounds this way :/
  10. the 8 steps comparison theory. 7 is raise hell so some people think if after you get the dm you activate all 4 traps at once to "raise hell" atleast that's how it was explaned in what i saw on another forum.
  11. and in case we didnt notice this HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EGG. have a nice day. the egg is done so get over it, I'm just trying to find new things.
  12. Trolling my own post you moron? I call um as I see um... Guess some of the users here arn't too much better than on the cod forums. I'll be sure to share anything I find in the future :)
  13. Are you trying to be funny? If you don't have anything to add then you don't have to post :)
  14. It's like that because there is no way they can "patch" the glitch. so they hotfix'd (a fix without an actual patch update for those who don't understand) it. The only way they could was to limit what your player can do. In short when you launch the lander the game now checks to see where your player is on the map. If your player height is wrong then you get killed. (I believe that's how it works. I read into it but I'm no programmer so don't flame if I'm a little wrong) Yeah it's lame for when it happens and you're not glitching but I'm happy they did this. You can find detailed post around the net about which parameters are now regulated and exactly how the hotfix works.
  15. That's what happens to console games PC games have and ALWAYS will give users more freedom. The only reason it costs money is cause xbox users cried and they figured if they would pay for it so would pc. What ever happen the good ol' days. Total rip off for pc and I wouldn't buy it either if I was playing BO on pc... Plus I'm willing to bet you can get um free some way on pc anyways.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuMT_v0i ... re=related youtube video and there are thousands others. YOU DO NOT NEED THE BASLISTIC KNIFE. they thought you did before but we now know you don't at all. You appearently don't need the crossbow either but I have not confirmed that myself but seen enough post to believe it. It's not as much work as it seems just need the box to give you some love :)
  17. I've seen what you mean but don't think anything of it. Could mean something like what you said though and mean something as far as the story line goes in the future. When you throw in b&w and there's no background noise you can hear gersch devices really well too. They make a very powerful electric sound while they're going off.
  18. Well its not possible. You need the monkey round to happen for the 2nd node. Without the power on monkeys will never come... If you mean the first step near flopper then yes, works as normal and node 1 still activates by touching the iluminiti screen. So in theory you can start the mmegg but can't go past step 2. (I've done this all but 1 time I've played with this) I tryed a few different things this morning but nothing was out of place or new. The only constant I'm getting is when the power is off the gersch seems to always teleport me into the spawn room next to the lander. Can anyone else try this for me on solo and see if they have the same thing happen? I'm also down to do this with 4 people if anyone wants just send me a msg and lemme know your from codz gt GOaheadRAGEQUIT
  19. Never had that happen but I've been reading a lot about people having weird glitches happen recently including throwing dolls and having the image of the monkey bomb show up lol. Sounds pretty irritating though, I would be pissed :x
  20. I played with it more last night. When I throw by flopper it lights and colors the whole map but if I throw by stam-up it does almost nothing. I really don't know what to make of it. my main goal is to try and figure out if there is any possible way to use it to temp power everything. Why? Cause if this was able to be done you could purchase perks w/o having monkey rounds (Yes in exchange for no landers) The only reason I believe this MIGHT be able to happen at all is because of the fact you can buy quick revive on solo w/o power and monkeys will NOT come if you don't turn the power on... so moneys come because of power and perks not just because you have a perk. Will post more if I can find anything of interest. Also if anyone has a capture card or something and would like to record and document this I'm down just send me a msg GT: GOaheadRAGEQUIT
  21. I've thought about that before and canvased the entire map (playing til about round 15) in black and white but didn't see anything abnormal or that stood out to me, just the first time I got gersch while doing so.
  22. So I was playing solo today and the first thing I got from the box was gersch device. I had not turned the power on and threw one just to see what happens. It brings color back to the enitre map just like the power is on while its out. My friend had the idea of buying a perk and I tryed but sadly it still says power needs to be on. Just wondering if anyone else has played with these while the power is off or if anyone thinks there could be some significance to this or anything that can come from it or just the way the map lights from shading when the device is release etc... thanks for the input sorry if this has been covered but searched and didn't find any post about it.
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