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Everything posted by selectyeti89

  1. I used to like syndicate but he thinks hes the best and he only plays solo, thats just pathetic. try getting to 80+ on co-op and then tell me hes the best and I will believe him. Im not saying I get that far but some people from cure4zombies do and they are so much better than anyone on this website or syndicate.
  2. hahahaha, I hated that soooo much!! Its not bad at all though on this, just like on kino. sometimes though you can get those ninja dogs that kill you in 2 or 3 hits with jugg.
  3. HOW ABOUT YES!!!!! :lol:
  4. I dont mind either because in cotd the sprinters were easy to deal with because of such a open map, but in verruckt it made it very hard.
  5. oh, and what I do on kino is just kill all the walkers only for a minute, then just spray at the 15 crawlers I have. but I also like it to be easy sometimes to, just to chill and play some zombies. :)
  6. they are so @#!*% small thats what she said, oh got you. btw I bet your not even 13.
  7. you like it easy right? ;)
  8. I hope it is like with five were not many of them spawn, and they only spawn in certain areas. I think they add variety to the maps and a skilled player knows how to deal with them.
  9. I am glad they are back because they ad variety to the game, and they can kill other zombies when they explode. what do you think?
  10. no, I ran at flopper first, then pap, a little in the first room, and finnally I just decided to run by the fire trap where jugg is. right next to it where the piece of a rocket is, just running around that little thing.
  11. I gave it a try and got to round 56 then my brother made me kill myself because he wanted to play. just got a max ammo to. :facepalm:
  12. I think it would be awesome to see stopping power and deep impact combined into one. It could let you kill zombies faster and shoot more than 3 at a time. It would also make sniping more worth it. fireworks and flopper would be an awesome combo with mustang and sally or the pap law.
  13. but the cosmic silverback...! is cool??,,!! why you be mean for me posting about the silverback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I still think the japanese got it form aliens somehow. I know maxis actually developed it but he didnt MAKE it.
  15. I know alot of people think that maxis created the ray gun but I dont think so. The reason why I say this is because I was playing five and nixon said, I new the aliens were real, and on kino a minute ago I got the ray gun as nikolai and he says, this comes from space, no? I think we will learn alot more about the ray gun in moon. Also go easy on me if this makes no sense because this is my first post relating to the story. :D
  16. I hate the ray gun past round 30 it take like 4 to kill them. and by 40 its useless.
  17. LIES! Well... Non upgraded the Waffe Pwns 10 zombies! Upgraded It has no LIMIT! Well this is obviously someone who hasnt used the waffe in black ops.watch from 35 to 40 and tell me it kills them all. T6Ayf72nxI4
  18. CLAYMORE should just make a new account before even more people hate him. Its annoying when you post five different threads just to say something you could have said in one.
  19. glitcher noob!!!!! I made it to 61 with the wunderwaffe and ppsh.
  20. Im pretty sure that n the moon its not going to be dempsey, takeo, nikolai, and richtofen.
  21. I think its a new wonder weapon, the qed, and a new perk(thats three)for three times the zombie killing fun.
  22. ok, what I do(I got to 41 with this) is make sure jugg is on the mpl side. you can tell by jumping near the debris to see over it if its speed cola or jugg. if not just restart till it is. shoot then knife for the first three rounds then open the door near the olympia and make your way to the bridge. have whoever has most points open the next door, both buy the mp5k. hold off the bridge till round 7 or 8. buy ammo on your way to the power and also open up to jugg and buy it. once you run out of ammo buy the ak74u or mpl depending on which are you like best but keep your pistol. save up 7000 and pap to mustang and sally and buy flopper. now save up and buy quick revive and your choice of any other perk. save up money usingthe ak or mpl until round 28 or 29 then pap the ak and buy spikemores, bowie, try box or whatever else you need. at about 35-40 you should try for the JGB and have the person running the ak bring their zombies and merge hordes with the mpl guy. shoot them with it, horde them up and reapeat. also guns you should have at round 40+ are one with the pap crossbow, and one with jgb. just keep shooting them with the ak and mpl even though they dont kill to get points up at that round so you can have a more impressive leadeboard. thats it really [brains] if you like it. :D
  23. HA, Ive been farther on ascension than syndicate!!! :facepalm:
  24. the guy has no pupils and super sharp teeth. I think he already is a zombie.
  25. if you look at the high rezolution pics you can see a guy in an astronaut suit and he is a zombie.
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