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Major ZOMBlE

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Everything posted by Major ZOMBlE

  1. Major ZOMBlE

    3 vs 1 ?

    i just don't see how a red player-name could be there to trick you, sureley it just makes him easier to spot :?: someone is controlling that astronoght, and it aint george romero!! :lol:
  2. unless the guy that plays the enemy doesnt score, he just keeps coming back each round. although, quite honestly. or else why the name tag???? i mean, a red nametag stands out a mile so it cant be to confuse you, although i am just that.
  3. can you link me theis please jase? because searching on this site can be a hassle sometimes, finding the best thread n all thanks for the [brains] btw :mrgreen:
  4. i got some quite harsh remarks there. please bear in mind it was very very late last night, nearly 3am in fact, when i read my mail and subsequently saw the video, which i watched. then i noticed what i thought was a players name in red. bear in mind, i then downloaded the video, then zipped to the relevent spot, then, in turn i opened my snipping tool and used it to grab each individual picture seperately (yes, all 2 of them!!), then i had to upload these images to my photobucket, then copy each link to my thread respectively, then i wrote my little thing, then i embedded the yt video, then i previewed and spaced out correctly, then i posted. this was the time :arrow: :!: so flame me all you like, if i could i'd give myself at least 1/2 a [brains] for effort i would!. oh then a friend spotted me on fb and she kept me up another 1/2 hr :roll:
  5. ok, so i saw this video on carbons yt. it's not on my xbox yet, perhaps it's still jetlagged, lol. anyhoo, i noticed a red name above a players head . . . :idea: and also the 2 other scoring players indicators are present, made me think. then later on you see this; that is defanately a player name, in red, above an enemy being portered right? i mean, fuck me, theres so much going on here it's unreal, and thers much, much more worth debating also, and sorry if someone else has spotted it, just it really, really grabbed me heres the video in question, see for your self, ENJOY eN56rpl-xrY
  6. If I'm richto, in shangri la i always have the rod. He only doesn't have it if the ensemble cast achievement is incomplete. As pointed out richto is seen playing in a screen at top right. He has no rod or stone, and i think it's due to my previous theory above.
  7. @aether remember in the trailer they used New profiles (rezurrection01 - 04) so perhaps he has no rod or stone because he's using a New profile without those achievements? just a thought .
  8. he is , and they are. why only just yesterday i spoke to george and aked him if he was and he said; "yes addam, yes i am!" and likewise, later on, i also bumbed into treyarch, whilst out riding my burrow. i asked them and they said "yes addam, yes we are!" so that's confirmation then guys, thread over . . . ;)
  9. what's "jizz" ? :?: ? ok, it's retorical. but i call it "god's free poster adhesive" i know it's a mouthful, but i guess that's fitting.
  10. was there really any need for that? :|
  11. i have been thinking the same thing. And i am sure others have too, it's the first time I've seen it written down though, personally. So [brains] , for you to give to your brother Lol thanks ZOMBIE ADDAM. Also, I agree with everything you said before about the moon landing and the hoax and the documentary. I can't believe there are people out there that think that was fake. Yes, I know I wasn't alive at the time of the shuttle's launch, but i've seen and heard enough to believe it was real. thanks (i wasn't born yet either, 9 yrs l8r)
  12. i have been thinking the same thing. And i am sure others have too, it's the first time I've seen it written down though, personally. So [brains] , for you to give to your brother :mrgreen:
  13. hmm except that you start carrying two weapons (excluding mele). thrice the slaying power would then mean 6 guns? i don't see this happening imo.
  14. i doubt it is a fake moon set as treyarch have said our heros are going to the moon. also, are you one of those that saw that stupid documentry that said the moon landing was faked? if so what is your opinion? mine is as follows. when i saw the documentry i was on itr from the start. every peice of "evidence" that came up i immediately could explain in my head, as trash! it was the most offensive program i had seen. how can these idiots, that knew the landing was real btw, make something that stupid people would believe, belittling one of, if not the, greatest human achievements ever made? :evil: :cry: :shock: :x are these the same people that thought wacko was a normal? i had friends that were fooled until they saw the documentry that showed the hoax documentry to be a hoax in itself, even thouugh i told them all along it was crazy, and nearly fell out with some as i feel so strongly about the subject. i still feel deeply sorry and offended for buzz aldrin, the late neil armstrong, and all the amazing atronaughts, cozmonaughts and great minds here on earth that have made these incredable things posslible, when someone says they think it was faked. when in fact, these people are gods among us as should receive nothing but apprasial sorry, ranted . . .
  15. That would be logical but it would be unfair if he still has all perks becous of the fucusing stone. Maybe the moon base is located near a big 115 rock and all the effects are neurtelised... of course he won't start with all perks, that's a bit silly to even think it, imo.
  16. I certainly hope so . . . That would be awesome. And it would accompany double tap nicely imo. That's the sort of perk i have wanted for ever. . .
  17. Awesome find! [brains] for you :facepalm:
  18. Ok. So not exactly free. But still free in the sense that i won't be paying again. I am also chuffed that all those selling their hardened issued classic codes on ebay for extortionate prices now have to suck it up. They had me for 40, many others for much more all because we thought they were totally exclusive. If i was peeved by anything it would be myself for spending more than i needed to, as if I'd known I'd have waited and saved 75%. But i am more pleased that the maps are to be shared, and i get moon and soundtrack etc., than i am upset by spending the money. That's all I'm saying, that the pros far outweigh the cons.
  19. How does what i said make me more fascinated about future maps? I just said that i found that particular comment more interesting than the phasing zombie answer. I personally feel that when J.Z. Said "I don't know" he meant just that. If he knew, he would have said something more cryptic. "I don't know" is a very solid statement, imo. please do not flame this as it is only my opinion.
  20. in the same interview i found this very interesting . . And as we know this is the last map pack, Will this mean clues to the next black ops, or even better, a New zombies game? (Maybe?)
  21. Well, that's confirmation for sure then . .
  22. I believe it will be an update for classic map owners. Seems the easiest way. I expect it will be a compulsory one. That's my theory.
  23. How will bending spoons help against the zombies? :facepalm:
  24. All things considered, and due to the title of this thread. I think the 1st thread deserves a [brains]
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