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Major ZOMBlE

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Everything posted by Major ZOMBlE

  1. it clearly appears to say that. whether or not it means anything is irrelevent, it's a nice find anyway. possibly a bit of hidden humour from the sound guys @3arc, who knows. for that i say!
  2. that may just get you a red square on your brains [brains] list, that I don't see a dislike button anywhere, is it the report switch? by a red square i mean minus brains, btw green squares for brains you got, red square for a brain you lost . . . so i heard :oops: (only privaliged members gan give neg.brains)
  3. that may just get you a red square on your brains [brains] list, that
  4. how about colours like in the game it's self? seems self explanetry and staring right at us :?: ; Richtofen=green Dempsey=white Nikolai=blue Takeo=orange although, perhaps this would interfere with the current mod colours and such like. and i'm sure you won't be changing their colours around any time soon. hmm, seemed a good idea when i started . . . :oops:
  5. *choke* *cough* *splutter* are you actually trying to kill me :?:
  6. first you must apply to join like this; go to "user control panel" at top of page, then on the left click "usergroups" , then mark the button to the right of the group(s) you'd like to join, then click "submit" at the bottom of the page. hope you find this informative . . . ;)
  7. wow, thanks again. i love [brains] , i'l eat them l8r with some toast and butter, mmmm. all out of them myself, but as soon as i got em, you'l no about it! no need 2 reply, let's keep this thread as tidy as possilbe. thanks again.
  8. thanks blade, to you and your bro. but it's not my video, it's just one i found after searching for the best out there!! ;)
  9. [brains] for clearing up the missing video. i just wrote a whole essay saying why i prefer the one i posted, fancy colours and all the trimmings. then i pressed backspace outside of the box, and went back a page!!! basically the timeline does it for me, in the description you can click to goto each step, which makes the 80 second intro irrelevant. also the item locations, every possible stone location is clearly shown. and the commentry, very, very clear and well thought out, no ums and ers. i can see how blade may prefer a video he made himself but he must be a little biased, surely :?: i will add blades video to the first post so others may decide for themselves.
  10. i'll be honest, i'm not so keen on the grey name, bit close to normal. but still i'm sooo happy to be part of a group @last. UK ZOMBIES had it's day and this was a great idea, esecially as codz is so big now. else it would be; UK ZOMBIES, AUSSIE ZOMBIES, FRENCH ZOMBIES, BRAZILIAN ZOMBIES etc., etc., etc.
  11. So all I need is the picture? yes, i think, then you will be told a xbgt or psn to message so they know it is you! . . . i presume :?:
  12. WOW, I'm first member in nicoli! awesome, i'v never been picked first for anything, ever! *as a tear wells up in my eye* thanks carbon, sir. you are beyond awesome, and some. .
  13. i think that's why, it's ok it'l get moved if needs be. (perhaps to general zombie discussion, idk :?: )
  14. do we send our leaderboard pics straight to you? . . . i'd love to join nicoli, but my leaderboard pic isn't great, i'l get a better one later when it gets dark. (i'm the name at the top)
  15. oh dear, i could have shot myself in the foot with my suggestion then . . joke :lol:
  16. just a thought sir. would it not be better to have points/kills as an entry requirement, as anyone can be "carried" to a higher level?
  17. welcome, and enjoy the forum, i hope you find all you are looking for, if you have any problems ask a mod, or anyone that seems to know what they are doing and help will be yours. (tlh loves that troll pic )
  18. yep, i love woods too . . . if woods does return, will my avatar have to give his outfit back? cos he don't look too happy about that!
  19. ACE, i wonder if carbon will post a thread when he reaches 10,000 [brains] :lol:
  20. as i said bladechurch that link you left is bad (it's incomplete) so i have no way of seing if you're right . could you please ammend it? then anyone that sees this thread can see it. if it's better i'l add it to the first post, give you credit for telling me, and brain you too!
  21. Not that it would matter. Guys we are all hoping for a fourth map pack but dont get your hopes up. The F.E.A.R thing is just a theory. There is a whole list of words the begin with (F.E.A......) not many 4 letter words though, and as waw had 4 dlcs after release, maybe black ops will be the same. and let's face it, i'm sure richtofen isn't carrying a rod and a stone for nothing. only 4 letter words i ever use beginning "fea" are FEAR and FEAT, and i rareley use feat (cos that's a feat too far for me). although there is no gauruntee that any word will be spelt at all, i suppose. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE MY POLL
  22. i'l probably not get any then!! @bladechurch, that's a bad link, buddy. is it the ngtz version cos this one is much better. this one took the guys a very, very, long time to make and to edit. with all locations of all items clearly shown, cuts to solo occasionally to clearly show which ways to go, what to do, very useful watch and see. also in the description is a time line so you can jump to each step easily and quickly. these guys are relatively new also, and could do with recognition SO, PLEASE, PLEASE LIKE THEIR VIDEO ON YOUTUBE! , and subscribe too, if you are inclined to. thank's . . . :D
  23. mmmm, buffed-buffy!, mmmm
  24. welcome to codz, i hope you enjoy the forums . . . :D
  25. long, detailed version . . hope you find this as helpful as i am . . . i suggest that you watch this on youtube itself and see the description to goto each step directly, very, very useful. [brains] fjDT-PRbUj0 CLIICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE basic, text based guide, wwT1x2p5Q64 CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE
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