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Major ZOMBlE

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Everything posted by Major ZOMBlE

  1. Indeed! I have a good, tingly feeling about this map. me too. rdr, i searched your gt on xbox.com it says your score was reset due to cheating? wtf?
  2. yeh ok. you're probably right. also i'm 33, and the guy could be a young lad. i sometimes forget that when i was young i used to show off and exaggerate. and on reflection i was a bit rude for which i apologise, sorry. :oops: although, still a bit too far removed to be taking credit like that imo. that's all
  3. yes, it is indeed an upgraded claymore. however i doubt it's a papd claymore. although now i ponder on it it really could be, because when you select claymore you hold it in your hands, so in theory you could use the pap whilst it's selected. unlike all the grenades we've seen (standard, monkeys, gersh, dolls, semtex) which aren't held until throw is pressed, and obviously thrown upon release, so unlikely they can be papd. as i started this post i was sceptical, but after a little thought i think you are right, moreso i hope you are. +brain. (edit) i brained some other guy and can't brain you now. remind me that i owe u a good brainin'.
  4. wow, your head really is stuffed right up your ass on this. no one from treyarch ever read any of your shit, let alone acted on it. moving platform/cart escape only remotely simalar, and as for the maze escape? no proof my friend, no proof, and even if there were i bet your idea was only slightly simalar. if you were responsible for helping out treyarch with ideas i'm sure they'd be thanking you and not the other way around. mmpphh.
  5. I don't think he's being racist fella, he's just pointing out that his Moroccan theory is backed up by the different type of Zombies in this map and their dress. Good find in my opinion. [brains] that. (i shld have read this first.)
  6. What kind of racist bastard are you!? :shock: i'm not sure that he is being racist, he is just comparing the zombie attire with that of a traditionnally dressed Moroccan to further proove his theory on a moroccan connection. . . at least i hope so.
  7. eeql9x-jb7I maybe this should be in another thread but hey, i thought it so good i gave it it's own!! WAHEY. . . MONKEY BOMBS, i'm so glad to see you again cos the vr11 sucked ass!!
  8. in which case the door that leads to the ice slide/staminup must have been open giving an alternative one way access to the said area. hence this is the only way you can get "stuck" down there with all escapes closed. however just run in circles, bunch em up, take em out and by the time you got loads of points someone else is bound to buy a door for you
  9. you need the top of lighthouse to be accessed. you need access to zip line landing. you also need access to the area under light house where you can fall to from the zip line start. as soon as these areas are open from either direction she set is no longer closed and you can use the zipline.
  10. you mean this? the guy mentions random box . . (edit: can someone tell me where i go wrong with the you tube link function?)
  11. speak spanish? these guys completed the egg www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwzIge7Am2g
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwzIge7Am2g anyone speak Spanish? HA HA HA, . . .
  13. i am guessing from the lack of response that it must be wrong. i think they may have wound me up. cos i just told them "you can't get dm for 3 minutes!!" and they both started laffin @ me. so i was fooled . . . i am happy for a moderater or staff member to remove this thread to help keep the forum cleaner.
  14. i have just been playin cotd with some friends. these particular friends are hardcore players, both have all achievements in black ops (or did until the new map). these friends tell me that 90 second dm is old news and they get it for 3 minutes, i have no reason to doubt them as they are cool ppl. anyone else heard about this?
  15. Shouldn't you post a picture of said article, for the general audience?
  16. god i'm such a rick moranis fan he is ace, an all time favorite of mine. . .
  17. i am a die hard believer of another step to this egg. but even i have to say now that it is over. u can only use letters once as they disapear when you collect them. god i wish it were not over but it is. it's a good egg tho, despite what others say i say it's a good egg.
  18. basiccally, there is more to this.. . . . . . . we must have faith
  19. aaagh i just wrote a whole essay and switched pages and lost it all. ho hum. xbl gt ZOMBIE ADDAM
  20. there must be more because samantha(?) clearly says "come find me" when you get the dm (so i'm told). i hav'nt done these nodes yet as i don't play often enough and need the right group, i WILL get round to it though. also i was by the switch thingon left of nog same wall pressed x and heard a noise, another egg? we may just have to wait until the creaters decide its time to show some1 online, or the modder guys do some hard graft looking around in their modded lobbys (do u stil get modded lobbys like in waw, or is it all personal mods in bo?). there must be something, i mean, 90 seconds, there must be something? maybe it all happens in the next map, but i hope not. come on creaters, you must be reading this it's top of google!
  21. :oops: :oops: :oops:
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