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way2g00d last won the day on February 13 2019

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About way2g00d

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  1. Is it worth getting COD BO4 season Pass or should I just buy the classified zombies add on? I care about Zombies and black out. Not so much about mp. I recently purchased Bo4 and started playing, so far I love it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. way2g00d


      How many zombie maps are out till date? Just classified right?


    3. InfestLithium


      DLC 3 and DLC 4 are Aether maps. Not sure how much you enjoy Aether compared to Chaos but getting Classified alone is already a plus. Assuming you get the last two DLCs I'd say just buy them separately to be honest.

    4. Lenne


      Dead of the Night is the first map which got released back in december and in march there will be the second map.

      Dead of the night in my opinion is very good.

  2. Is there an EE guide for VOD? Just curious. Not asking anyone to make one. I completed this last night, so I wanted to check back on few steps. Is there a place you guys recommend? 

  3. How are you Pinnaz. Long time no talk. Let's get some cod games going. Are you still around on psn?

  4. Hi Guys! 

    1. anonymous


      Way to good to see you again. And that wordjoke was way to bad.


      Good to see you again!

    2. Lenne


      Hey, hey, hey hope everything is going fine and you are doing good, way. Really nice to check back in. ❤️

    3. way2g00d


      It is good to be back. I am back in cod playing black out mostly. But I enjoy playing zombies content. Mostly playing with randoms for now, I don't know if any OG players are still around. Chopper, Eye, InfestLithium, Grill, Flammen, Superhands. Damn. 

  5. Anyone here play destiny/?

  6. Why do I feel like I have no motivation to play this map after seeing videos of it? If someone is patient enough to carry me and teach me the basics of the game let me know and we can party up some point before my XBOX Live expires. I will be grateful. @InfestLithium Sorry didnt' mean to threadcrap bud.
  7. Destiny has playlist that awards legendary marks that play weekly or daily playlists. They rotate these game modes to encourage and award players that do so.
  8. That is why Giant remains my most played map, because I can just kick it with randoms and shoot zeds in the head with new weapons.
  9. I agree. I miss kino styled maps. Simplicity and ability to play with randoms without having too many expectations.
  10. Yes I miss the transit crew as well. But it's funny, when we played BO2 most of us wanted the O4 back, well they are back unfortunately they are not the same O4.
  11. Welcome to the site Tom!
  12. Anyone still play Destiny on PS4, add me. way2g00 is my psn

  13. What are everyone's thoughts on Cross platform gaming for COD? Next COD game might support this, if Sony and Microsoft hold hands and co-operate. Microsoft really want to seek Sony's attention this time with this trick. Fingers crossed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      With the exception of PC. Sorry guys you're just too OP. 

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Well heres the thing, I have my Playstation account and my main system being the XBox One, it's not that technically difficult to be able to pair the accounts, so that stats, available gumballs, guns etc are all available on all the different system and prestige levels etc are the same no matter what.

      I've got two different prestige levels, two different gun setups and we should be able to have them available no matter what system.

      What am I more interested in? I'm more interested in them bringing back the fantastic stats site they had and releasing an API for it, so we can utlise that API and start auto awarding based on the stats from in game - it's utter nonsense that they removed it, it's even more idiotic that they never had an API with it in the first place.

    4. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      *Makes subtle unfunny minecraft api joke

  14. BO 3 is under $25 on pc on amazon

    1. way2g00d


      Actually it is for 26 something if you order PC disc version of the game..

  15. Tried Xbox one matchmaking last night, and i have to say it is very messed up, takes forever to find people and once the game starts and someone leaves, host migration is even worse and kicks you out of the game or leaves you alone 99% of the times. Vent over.

    1. Dopey Legend

      Dopey Legend

      Yeah, I have had the same problem. Even when I get into games I only last 5 rounds them people leave and host migration and boom! Back to the main menu. 

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