Awesome Beast. Make sure you go for B flag, and just keep capping. My favorite maps for that class is White out and strikezone.
Few tips using that class:
1. When you see someone rushing don't wait, pull your c4 out and detonate right away.
2. When you see someone using smg CBJ don't wait, pull your c4 out and detonate right away.
3. For most other weapons, wait until they pause for split second, then use c4's. It will kill the enemy in the time they switch for equipment. One thing is for sure you will win a lot of gun battles.
Pistols are extremely OP. Why p226, it has a very large clip.
Night owl will protect you from explosives. If you see a lot of people spamming explosives even before you get there, run a trophy system instead of strong arm. If you happen to play a team of fierce looking prestegers simply run this class below.
Same primary/secondary combination but here is perk setup.
Danger close.
Extra lethal
Strong arm.
Remember you will come across lot of people that will rage quit and some even have a class to counter this. It normally involves Danger close + kastet + AR with grenade launcher. So, remember to have a class with trophy system. Use Ballistic vest and make sure you equip your sqadmate with those. Every time you use Ground jammer you get 200 points, and when you destroy equipment like enemy sat com, ims, sentry guns, you get double points.
If you think your team is shit and enemies are insanely good, run a Air Superiority to destroy hind. But I would choose ground jammer over that any day. Those IMS are painful to deal with sometimes. This is merely a troll class that gives you insanely good amount of xp. I chose this because i suck at game's multiplayer and I always go negative. With shield I actually break enemy defense and with a decent team I am most likely the MVP of the game.
Let me know how this goes.
Sorry for lack of formatting, I typed all this in hurry.