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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. ^^

    Dude, just wait for the next map pack. I am sure this is just a filler, you should have all your fav monkeys/dogs/traps and gersches in next map packs.

    I have no problem handling George myself at any round. This map is as good as any other maps if not better IMO.

  2. Thanx sir :D . I use a HD PVR for recording. Im not completely sure what you can use with HDMI, i used to use an AverMedia HDMI internal capture card but my videos would capture kind of choppy i think cause my comp is not that great. Srry if im no help

    Dude this challenge is so much fun. Went home for lunch and made it to 12 rounds with all 4 perks and Sickle, had to get back to work lol so paused the game, will continue later. What's your best? Round 30 I think is good target I think.I wanted to ask does it include using all powerups including Death machine? How about claymores & Semtex?

    I am planning to get Blackmagic intenisty pro ($180) from amazon. I heard good reviews.

  3. Hell hounds/monkeys bless you with ammo. George on the other end gives you perk/Wunderwaffe.

    Just talking statistics: Let me tell you the last 10 times i killed him I only got wunderwaffe few times I got Death machine most of the times.

    Pros: In higher rounds you can actually take out zombies when almost all other weapons get weak.


    Can't switch to any other weapon.

    Can't revive peeple.

    Glitches the game when a player leaves the lobby which swithes person holding wunderwaffe with a primary or secondary gun until he kills George and gets wunderwaffe again.This is verified.

    He is only gone for a round, after that he comes back.

    Can be dangerous/Waste of ammunition if you accidentally kill a crawler which starts the next round.

    Very time consuming.

    You only get 1 wunderwaffe.

    Not enough ammo for higher rounds.May last a round.

    I am not worried about perks because I only need 4 to survive besides all the perks are lost once you go down.

    With all these cons I think you can't compare George with Dogs/Monkeys.

    P.S : that guy from treyarch said shoot everything 8-) . So trying to kill George for good should not be considered impossible.

  4. *All Scavenger fans that are aiming high on leader boards: Even Scavenger upgraded Hyena Infra dead will not kill a horde after 34, it makes crawlers so you either need 2 shots or a combination of Hyena and another explosive weapon like M&S or Law.As you progress it becomes more weaker like on Rd 40+ you need 3-4 shots and at 50+ you need about 5-6 shots. So be prepared to have enough points to put it back in the box and get it back instead of praying for max ammo. Don't worry if you want to pause the game just make crawlers with Hyena so save that last 2 shots.By this points on average both players must have about 100k points.

    I am hoping this would qualify for an ideal setup past 50.


    Me: M&S + any weapon choice below in the order of Most to least preferred.

    1.porters X2


    3.China Beach

    4.Awful Lawton


    Replaces his M&S for Lazarus on Round 40.

    partner:Lazarus + Hyena Infra dead(This combo cannot be altered)

    use Lazarus first to get more chances of getting max ammmmmo.


  5. PhD Flopper is the second perk I get, everytime, because my favourite guns are Ray Gun + Scavenger. I'd be constantly downing myself

    This is the first perk I get in case I go down and some one revives me.

    So PHD Flopper + Mustang /sally will take me to Juggernaught that way I can blast any zombies on my way there. There are countless times I went down trying to save myself from that one hit and not being able to shoot them down if I get Jug first.

  6. I like this map but it is not my favorite. it is really big but only parts of the map are really usable. like the ship where the flinger is you can use and camp by the flinger then take it and make your way back and use it again but that doesn't last very long before they spawn in front of you and trap you. really the only strategys ive been able to use in the high rounds are running in front of the lighthouse, inside the lighthouse, the speed cola slide or the main spawn room.

    I am going to agree what selectyeti89 said + I advise using wall guns and buying sickle as early as possible without routing for the box. If you run circles outside/inside the light house just PAP the AK74 and pistol. Buy Juggernaut ASAP then get Flopper, Stamin up and Quick Revive (Speed cola optional).

    Hope this helps you get past your record. Once you have enough points you will be in a position to start the game even if you die and re spawn next round. Just try this strat.

    I understand you don't like this map, Kinda like 5, that is one map I absolutely hate.

    With my limited exposure to BO maps I said this map is my favorite so far. This map is also more challenging.

    Even though I recently tried the WAW maps they have failed to impress me.

  7. I think what OP is trying to say is when We shoot Geroge and when is ready to go in the water (Kneels down and gets weak) we probably need to do something at that point to actually kill him for good.(vr11 may be)

    I believe there is a way to kill him.

  8. I haven't really tested this as it seems kind of impossible to test, but wouldn't making zombies turn into ice and explode around George damage him? I'm fairly certain those blasts can one kill a non-damaged nearby zombie in higher rounds as a comparison to the mount of damage it could do to him if targeted multiple times. I'm sure everyones done it at some point, but has any group made it to a fairly high round, gathered by quick revive and just sprayed those suckers? With maybe one or two people herding them around George every once in a while?

    And I know this isn't a lot of damage, but think about it in terms of the whole session... if you do it as much as you can, he could possibly die quicker when using non-pap weapons...

    Who knows, maybe this is why you don't get points for shooting him (other than the 10 before he gets pissed), cause you get a lot from spraying the (insert my name here)es around him.

    Good point, I will try this next time but I beleive it's only possible for 1 player that runs the circle by Quick revive. Almost impossible to combine all 4 player hordes here because these zombies are quick enough to get you in trouble and it's not worth losing all your perks trying to get 1 more(assuming George is being handled at quick revive waters). I always run around outside lighthouse by AK74, but I been thinking to run around quick revive lately to get more room and this would be a good strategy to take out Georgy if one of us players hit the scavenger in early rounds.

    TBH Killing george is just not worthy because it prolongs the game. Alternative to that is when you use the mystery box and if you happen to get a VR11 Pap it, use it on George. Not to forgot other advantages of VR11 can be useful to kill horde if you are a good team player.

    Good post

  9. Power ups are based on cumulative points made by all players in the game. I am 99% sure its not random or any event like Knifing George, lmao :lol:

    There is a algorithm for powerups. This was verified by one of the forum's member DuckCall00 a while ago although I believe they may have changed it now because there are no dogs round which means no max ammo.


    A Powerup will drop at a cumulative 2000 points. However, every round that number is multiplied by 1.14.
    For a Carpenter power-up to spawn there needs at least 5 windows destroyed
    For a Fires Sale to spawn the box needs to have moved.
    If a Max Ammo is about to spawn, and the round is 29+, then another power-up will be chosen. However, it could also be a Max Ammo

  10. i would say that lazarus is a good replacement like past lvl 40-45 because M&S is not that affective after that. Thats my opinion

    I second that but I would not replace it for M&S. I would never trade it. If anything I would replace scavenger-Lazarus-scavenger when ammo is scarce giving my partner a chance to do the same after every few rounds. Cuz at round 40 you know how ammo runs out.

  11. yea i went 30 rounds with 4 people. we all had perfect connection, no one left early or right when the game ended, and it was a public match. and for each and everyone of us it only counted our score and not the rounds played. we were pretty pissed off cause we played for like over 2 hours and made it 30 rounds.

    Best bet is to play with a different account.

  12. ^ Confirmed via videos on youtube lol.

    How the hell can you dare compare the Lazurus to the Mustang and Sally. M&S are in my opinion the best power weapon next to the Thundergun and Scavenger. One shot can kill an entire hoard of zombies and you have 60 bullets so you have plenty to spare. The Lazurus on the other hand has an extremely small amount of ammo and its puny crosshairs don't help to conserve ammo.

    Finally some one to agree.It's ability to clear the path on your way to revive some one is unmatched. I know that's why I have hard time to throw this away even without ammo. I would rather have a friend using scavenger and get myself a Lazarus with M&S.

  13. What do you guys think? Can Lazarus replace Mustang and sally? If you dare to say yes explain us why. On an average this gun saves my ash at least once every 2 rounds.So far I am only 50% convinced if this weapon can replace M&S. It's a very critical question, because your starting pistol (which turns into Mustang & sally after PAP) is the only gun you cannot get you replace it with a different weapon.(unless you die out completely)

    Also whats your and your partners preferred weapons for higher rounds(past 30)..

    *This question is only for people that have made it to higher rounds using Mustang and sally as Backup with a combination of another weapon. So if you have never used M&S or don't know how or when to use it please ignore it.

    *And guys I am not talking about replacing this gun in future maps. I am asking people that play with Mustang and sally the entire game if you can safely replace this gun with Lazarus which is another multipurpose weapon but still not as good as M&S IMO.

    BTW here is my inventory:

    Primary: Hyena Infra dead

    Secondary: Mustang and sally.

    Perks: Juggernog, PHD Flopper, Stamin up and Quick revive.


    Matryoshka Dolls


    Primary: Ray Gun

    Secondary: Mustang and sally/Lazarus?

    Perks: Juggernog, PHD Flopper, Stamin up and Quick revive.


    Matryoshka Dolls

  14. Just a quick tip to get rid of George. Just sickle him and dodge his swings. It takes about 10-15 minutes with a sickle and a wall gun to get rid of him.It's actually fun. kinda like taking a break from zombies. Also Once you get to a decent round you should have enough points to abuse the box and unload most of the ammo on him. And yes be sure to keep that crawler alive.

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