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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Hi,

    You can call me way. I'm 27, live in Chicago.

    Very lazy person, hate winters in Chicago.

    Got my Bachelors degree in Computer science from JNTU, India, 2004.

    Work at ** ********** as Software developer.

    Excel in C#.net with sql server.

    Favorite game is Tekken3 & MW2

    MW2 is my first FPS shooting game.

    Play COD almost every day except in summers.


    I play Volley ball and cricket.

  2. I got to round 38 a couple of hours ago and it didn't show up on the leader board. We was playing for 4-5 hours and should be rank 35-40 in world. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. I feel really disappointed after playing such a long game :x

    According to Current leader board getting to Round 46 and surviving for about 7 minutes will get you to Rank 100.I believe Round 38 will probably put you on rank 2000 on leader boards .

  3. It took us long time. I was playing with this person I met online a day before. I let him do George and I was taking breaks most of the time..lol..Overall it took us about 6 hours for 3 people to get close to 40. I am sure it will be quicker for 2people.

  4. This was in response to one of the challenges with a member here in this forum (@ooooUNKNOWNoooo)


    Made it to round 42 last night. Had to down ourselves because there was a power cut/storm here last night and my XBOX and router was on temporary battery fortunately. But anyways just for the record me and my buddy got about 15 wunderwaffes in the game after killing George every 2 rounds.I skipped wunderwaffe every time but once. Here are some pics I took using iPhone.





    (35) http://flic.kr/p/9LA6BQ


    (Ray) http://flic.kr/p/9LxiN2

    random) http://flic.kr/p/9LA6zS

    *pictures should work now.

  5. Why do these threads keep popping up everywhere? Without Taks, there is no honor. Without honor, there is no satisfaction in killing zombies.

    Your lack of honor, dispreeeses me!


    hahahahahah! That's right. Takeo the man.Love takeo.

    *I see this box still dispenses dis honor.

  6. Khan's postings usually draw 1,000 to 3,000 hits in a week. This one — posted Monday — got 30,000 within a day. By Friday, it had gotten 963,000 page views and was the top item viewed on the agency's Web site, thanks in part to media coverage that began mid-week.


    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110520/ap_ ... _zombies_3

    Okay guys it's time to remind every one rules of zombieland!

    The Rules:


    2.The Double Tap

    3.Beware of Bathrooms

    4.Wear Seat Belts

    5.No Attachments

    6.The “Skillet”

    7.Travel Light

    8.Get a Kick @#$% Partner

    9.With your Bare Hands

    10.Don’t Swing Low

    11.Use Your Foot

    12.Bounty Paper Towels

    13.Shake it Off

    14.Always carry a change of underwear

    15.Bowling Ball

    16.Opportunity Knocks

    17.Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)

    18.Limber Up

    19.Break it Up

    20.It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint

    21.Avoid Strip Clubs

    22.When in doubt Know your way out


    24.Use your thumbs

    25.Shoot First

    26.A little sun screen never hurt anybody


    28.Double-Knot your Shoes

    29.The Buddy System

    30.Pack your stain stick

    31.Check the back seat

    32.Enjoy the little things

  7. PS3 - 3 year old, backward compatible but never played a ps2 game

    Recently bought a used Xbox 360.

    Toshiba 42 inch 240Hz refresh rate (Had a Sony Bravia XBR KDL-52XBR4 52-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV before I got this.)

    PC - Gateway FX6803 -i7-930 2.8GHz, 9GB DDR3, 1.5TB HDD, Blu-ray ROM/DVDRW, ATI Radeon HD 5850!

    Monitor: Dell Ultra Sharp U2410 24-inch With HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort and HDCP.

    I also have a Chymbal monkey sitting right next to my tv just in case.Sometimes I can't see what round I am because he likes to cover the tv and makes me mad :)

    Will post a picture soon.

  8. @DeckChairsFTW

    Yes, Private matches do count as long as it is online.


    I am not sure about split screen dude. I don't consider playing solo and split screen because there is no way to record your score/record.But yea just for fun it's good. Next time you make it past 40, do me a favor and post a picture of it.Until then I will think you are lying.

  9. I was playing CoTD today with my friend and I had Jug, staminup and quick revive and I had the packapunched python and the rpk. Then I went to buy speed cola and suddenly I started to lag. When the lag stopped I only had my python and lost my rpk :x Then i tried to use the box and i wouldn't let me. Then I used the zipline and when i was on the ground my cobra was as if it was still in the zipline. This really sucks, Treyarch please fix this.


    I usually notice these issues when I am playing online with a friend that is from a different country I live. Last time I played with my friend from Germany, I found missing Landers in Ascension. I have never seen that before when I played locally here in United states.

    I bet you should not see any of these issues if you try solo.

  10. why is it bullshit, you are not good enough.. the map is not that hard and if you have a friend who is really good at it, you can hold it long enough. so dont cry and play you newb

    If you have told 85 in Ascension I would have said may be, but in call of the dead! If you did make it to 85 , show us the proof. BTW The best record for this map is still 60 rounds last time I checked the leaderboards. You are definitely dreaming. Wake up!

  11. I spoke too soon. VR11 upgraded does more than getting rid of George for one round.

    According to some youtube videos,

    -VR11 upgraded (Lazarus) can make a player invincible for 15 seconds when shot.

    - Any player shot by that gun can kill zombies instantly with one hit or can kill an entire group with a grenade.

    I have not verified this yet. But it will be much useful if it does all that.

  12. It won't kill any zombies, when shot zombies turn into human. You have limited ammo.

    Monkies in kino are known for 3 things.

    1. Distract zombies for few seconds, so you can buy time.

    2. It's a bomb so it explodes and kill zombies around it.Duhh!

    3. Monkies don't replace your secondary weapon slot like VR 11 gun.

    Which is why I think this gun sucks except if you wan't to get rid of george romero for a round or two just shoot him when he is in water. It probably takes about 3-4 shots.

    4:Instead of the MB Or GDs There is the Scavenger which can be pretty handy to heal people

    @Samantha Maxis, Scavenger cannot heal a downed teammate.

    I don't think scavenger is even good weapon to use before reviving. Best method to revive is not to kill any zombies at all or turn them into crawlers which won't spawn any more zombies on the map giving the downed player enough time to buy crucial perks like Jugg and Flopper to get back in the game.

    With all that said I love Scavenger gun.I just don't use it to revive people. I am a big Mustang and sally fan.

    *overall all v. good post and I am sure ps3 owners will make use of it, Brains to you.

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