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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Thanks :D

    If anyone is up for the challenge I'm on now til late on xbox GT is my username. Add me and drop me a message saying you are from here.

    It is currently 10pm GMT

    I am not available on Fridays. But add my gt: way2g00 Will try some other time. Also you should join us for playdate this sunday.

  2. I agree with your thought process for this but not all the steps for it I'm afraid. I'm up for a world record attempt and I reckon with the right team and the right communication it is achievable in an early round.

    However round 10 is a push, each chest takes about 30 zombies.

    I agree that is essential to have the staffs before round 8 and that is achievable and by round 9 they should all be ultimates.

    Here is my thoughts on how to achieve it and I think round 12 in around 40 or 50 minutes. Beating the current record by about 19 or possibly even 25+ minutes.

      Round1: - Let zombie come through the barricades, one player needs to get the most points, doesn't matter who, but two players should have a maximum of 750 points. One player should have a minimum of 1000 points and one player should have a minimum of 2050 points. Why, because gen 2 & 3 will give an additional 200 points allowing workshop to be opened.

      It is imperative, that the two players with 750 points open the doors from gen 1 to gen 2 & 3, the player with 1000 points open either 2nd door to gen 2 or 3 and the players with 2050 points opens the door to gen 2/3 as they will have enough to start both generators.

      Round2: - This will allow a couple of things to occur, one player getting 1500 points to get no mans land opened, one player getting 1250 points to open gen 5 and one player receiving 1250 points to start gen 4, start gen 5 and open church. The other player should be concentrating on digging whilst it snows to get all the dig sites done and maximise the chances of getting all 3 ice staff parts and getting into the robots foot at gen 2/3, excavation site whilst another player gets robots foot at church for the 3rd wind staff part.

      Forget about jug, get the shield built as you should have all parts.

        Round3: - If everything has went according to plan, free for all. As long as one player has 1000 points, to start the tank at the end of the round with one zombie remaining. Keeping it out of the way of the tank tracks. Two players jump on the tank and get all 3 lighting staff parts.

        Round4/7: Players concentrate on getting the 4 chests filled, starting at jug so you can buy jug, working your way around to excavation site, gen 5, then gen 6. Preparing yourself for round 8. This should allow you to have all generators filled. Get the wind, ice and lighting staffs. This will allow a quick take down of the pandzer.

        If you have managed to fill all the chests, get it done
          Round8: - Take down that pandzer and get the last part for the fire staff. It is ideal that once the Pandzer has been taken down, that all players head down to the crazy place, ice, lighting and wind get the puzzles done. Fire staff player fill those cauldrons or whatever they are. Keep a zombie alive, get the remainder of the puzzles done.

          Round 9: - All players head to the church, 3 players hiding by the mystery box, the remaining player filling the souls. If all players are at church and 3 keep by the mystery box, they will allow the stone to be cleaned quick. 2 players go in front of the player with the stone, 1 player remain at the bank to keep them protected. Get back to gen 2, place stone and get the airstrike.

          Now get all the maxis drown parts if you haven't already grabbed them along the way. Get that remainig last zombie away over to jug. Keep it away from the pandzers that will spawn. Kill those pandzers

          Get Zombie blood from the 3 carts, kill shoot down the plane and kill the zombie running round the excavation site.

            Round 10: - Get the staffs in the robots foot, or even do it the other way and get the fire staff done in the dig site. I think it would be cheating so the feet is the way I would do it. Get your staffs back, get in that foot, get that button pressed and get that airstrike thrown.
            Round11/12: - Get down to the bottom of the dig site, upgrade the one inch punchwo at the steps, once upgrade, swap. Two players, stay back at the pedastals, the two players at the back keeping an eye on everyone's back. It should now be possible to get back down to the crazy place and shoot til your hearts content, get the end game

    40/50 minutes and I think that's not a hard task to be very honest, I'm up for it if anyone else is and wants to record it for proof?

    Excellent job. Very nice job formatting the post, it was very pleasant reading and very precisely explained. I am sure we can get this down to round 11/12 as you mentioned.

  3. When we playing Way?

    My first deep taste of each BO2 map were with you. I'm waiting for you to hold my hands on Origins.

    oh-man if I can't get ps3 this weekend I am buying a new one and I will just bill it to your card. :lol: No seriously we need to play. I need to catch up with Paolo, Jolteon and Lizzy. Feel like Jolteon could use some training :)

  4. Although I think this is a wild goose chase, I can swear this will be something of sort we can do it or die trying. Lets come up with a detailed plan.

    To Op: Can you write up a round by round plan of what people should be doing and I will add my thoughts to it. Lets try for a record, who cares if we can't make it till 10, At least we will get it on 13!!

  5. I'm not sure mate.

    Best I can do or have seen is ready to camp at end of 15, 28 minutes. Rounds complete tickover starts at like 70 seconds, gaining on average 1 second per round. It's not possible in an hour mate.

    Thanks for the info. With the variables you provided I made a little spreadsheet which tells us "in order to get to round 50, we need to get setup to camping with staffs under 11 minutes by round 15."

  6. I agree that airstrikes and punch is unnecessary heck even monkeys are not needed. I absolutely agree to the point that having setup with everything just to down to panzer at round 8 is depressing and waste of time than cruising your way to round 8 and spending an extra minute to kill panzer with a wall gun.

    Staff's and few box hits is all we need and we can compensate and save some time there. I think I am getting fired up for a solo game with all this talk :)

    Oh and my downs were mostly because I was trying to speed my way to 50.

    Chopper, what do you think is the record? an hour?

  7. I almost forgot I made this guide.

    Going to bump it as I made this when the map was only out for Xbox.

    Please tell me if you dislike something or could have done differently.

    Now my play style for this map is completely different.

    I am very careless and play with no sound, I go straight to the box, get monkeys jugg , then I go for staffs in solo that is. I never made it past round 20 doing this though and has acquired several downs :lol:

    I rank this map Hard for co-op i.e 7/10 to make it to Round 30.

    and 10/10 being one of the hardest maps in solo for high rounds simply because there are too many elements in the map that can cause death. And when you have the right setup then you get stomped or get shitted upon by panzer while reloading.

  8. O

    The OP is talking about doing the full EE, and I'm talking about just the Ultimate Staffs.

    You 100% can't do the EE on round 10. Even if you could get all the staffs by then, you can't get the airstrikes. You can get the airstrikes earlier using Way's great guide but you don't then have enough points to get all the pieces....

    Thanks Chopper, here is the guide chopper was referring to. How to setup for high rounds without touching mystery box.

    This has also sparked my interest, I know you could get fire piece at round 8. So we can have all the staffs built and upgraded at end of round 8 with 4 players in game? Let's say you have also gotten the one inch perk (punch) from box prior to that with an excellent zombie holding and killing after the robots pass. One player has gotten the airstrikes also before round 8. Then you still need about 100 zombies to get iron fists (25 each player..) unless you do a custom game and three players leave the game so only player needs the fist and finish the Easter Egg at round 9?

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