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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Secondly I could barely read your post as it was poorly structured. Please dig deeper for effort next time.

    I clicked on this thread 3 times and I had to skip it without reading simply because of the fact that I cannot read so many lines of text without a break. I clicked on this thread because it is my topic of interest.

    Thanks for sharing and please format this when you get a chance.

    Enjoy your stay.

  2. I made a video documenting my stats with a friend to prove that k/d is not the only factor to rank up as it was thought.

    way2g00's K/D: 21960/129 = 170.23 Rank : Shotties

    Friends K/D: 21140/93 = 227.31 Rank: skull & dagger

    As you can see my friend has a relatively higher k/d than me and still has a skull and dagger.


    I have also updated the original post with what I think is happening with rank after Jimmy's tweet mentioning rank versus downs in low rounds and high rounds.

  3. I must have stacked up too many downs, as I've gotten into the mid thirties on TranZit, MotD, and Buried, and 44 on Die Rise, and I am still a skull.

    Glad you finally got a dagger though. I'm going to have to try the crazy place for running. To do so, you need to not take any staff crystals, yes?

    Yes,that is correct. Once you pick up the crystal from crazy place, the walls start falling.

  4. I knew rounds and downs impacted rank but did not know that low rounds downs impacted more than high rounds. Based on that I came up with this theory.

    Category Detailed Description
    Downs Survive 5 rounds without a down past Round 15 to get a A.
    [/td] Survive 20 rounds without a down to get a distinction.
    More than three downs per round gives you D.
    Rounds Survive 5 rounds or less in a game, you get D.
    Survive 20 rounds or more to get B.
    Survive 30 rounds or more to get A.
    Head shots Get a total of 500 head shots per game to get a distinction.
    Earn 115 head shots to get a B.
    You get a B for having 15 or more revives in a game.

    Get three or more revives at any round past 20 and then clutch the same round to get a distinction.
    Big spender You get a B for spending 30,000 or more per game.
    Quit midgame You get a D if you quit the game after getting a kill.
    Kills Get a total of 500 kills or more to get B.
    Get a total of 1000 kills in a game to get A.
    Get less than 10% of team kills in any round past 15 you get a D.

    Distinction A+ and D's can only be earned once per category.

    Any other grade can be achieved more than once.

    A+ 40 points (Distinction)

    A 25 points

    B 10 points

    D -10 points

    F -100 points

    Note: 3 D's will earn you a "F".

    "F" will leave you bankrupt and give you a total of -100 points for that game.

    Grief and turned stats will not be accounted for Ranks.

    So lets take some test cases:

    Case 1:

    Player A joins a public game and these are his stats.

    He survives 26 rounds, 4 downs( round 3, 5, 24, 25) 254 head shots, 12 revives, 800 kills and spends 50,000 points.

    1. Downs: Total 4 downs, Survived 5 rounds without a down past round 15 twice (15-20, 20-25).

    He will earn 2 'A's.

    2. Round: Survived 20+ rounds earns one B

    3. Head shots: Has more than 115 head shots earns one B

    4. Revives: No grades earned.

    5. Big Spender: Earns B here for spending more than 30k.

    6. Quit midgame: 0 N/A

    7. Kills: Earns one B for 500+ kills.

    Total : 2A + 1B + 1B + 1B + 1B = 2A + 3B = 2 * 25 + 3 *10 = 50 + 30 = 80 points.

    Case 2:

    Player B joins a public game and these are his stats.

    He survives 36 rounds, 34 downs( round 20, 27, 33(10 downs inactive),34(5 downs inactive),35(7 downs inactive),36(10 downs inactive, trolled by teammates) 474 head shots

    , 12 revives, 2500 kills and spends 50,000 points.

    1. Downs: Total 34 downs, Survived 5 rounds without a down past round 15 twice (15-20, 21-26).

    He will earn 2 'A's.

    Has more than 3 downs per round, gets a D. (Round 33)

    Survive 20 rounds without a down, gets a distinction. (1-20)

    2. Round: Survive 30 rounds or more, gets A.

    3. Head shots: 115 head shots earns B

    4. Revives: No grades earned.

    5. Big Spender: Earns B here for spending more than 30k.

    6. Quit mid game: 0 N/A

    7. Kills: Get a total of 1000 kills in a game, gets A.

    Get less than 10% of team kills in any round past 15, gets D.

    Total : 2A + D + A+ + A + B + A + D = 4A, A+,1B, 2D = (4*25) + 40 + 10 - 20 = 130

    Point calculation and rank determination:

    So the point average you earn from every game determines your rank. Numbers below are average of all public games played.

    100 points or more for shotguns.

    50 points or more for knife.

    25 points or more for skull

    10 points or more for crossbones


    This is a theory and the numbers are made up. I am definitely not certain about some things (like D grades and distinctions) but I believe I am right on target with downs and rounds. Basically not going down in the low rounds will give you better grades like A and that adds up to your rank.

    I really wish hope quitters get punished hard.

  5. Quick tip to deal with panzers if you don't have a oh-shit gun like boomhilda or raygun or upgraded fire-staff. Simply run around the generator. Best to have a gun with good fire-rate. For example I prefer AK74u over MP40. It is so easy you don't even need Jugg to do it. Thank me later.


  6. Mess around with your search settings to get what you need. If it's set on the normal option, then it will take either connection and try to pair you in a lobby so you can get a game in. Making your NAT strict also gives you the chance to do 2 or 3 player games (given that you're in a party).

    We never had an issue with this in private matches for BO1. Why fix something that's not broken?

  7. Odd. Did you swap the bh for the Mauser? Or did you swap another gun and your bh disappeared?

    I could definitely hold both at once without issues, regarding the stg and spatzz.

    I think that was the problem. I had Boomhilda equipped. And I dug a mauser off the ground and I took it. So, It replaced my existing gun with this. I see your point.


    I almost did that. I think i recall you telling that story: that you thought it would give you ammo, but no.

    I almost did, but thought about it and passed on the idea, only to read someone's (your?) Post the next day and thought 'i dodged a bullet there'. :)

    Haha, that's good. Now I learned that it is possible to have two similar guns.

  8. Odd. Did you swap the bh for the Mauser? Or did you swap another gun and your bh disappeared?

    I could definitely hold both at once without issues, regarding the stg and spatzz.

    I think that was the problem. I had Boomhilda equipped. And I dug a mauser off the ground and I took it. So, It replaced my existing gun with this. I see your point.

  9. Okay to answer your question my educated guess is you will refill ammo on the gun that is equipped.

    Last time I checked, getting a Mouser off the ground removes Boomhilda from my inventory and leaves me with a mouser only. I could be wrong but you could lose your upgraded gun, perhaps add that as a third option :)

  10. This is a very effective method. I've used it several times when I did 2 player high round game. It is an UTTER shame that treyarch has limited us with 4 player games or solo games and us players have to go through this workaround.

    MrRoflWaffles once told me of another sweeter way to do this. Simply start a 4 player game even if you want to do a 2player and as soon as the player search starts upload a youtube video this will almost entirely stop the player search process and make it ridiculously slow, mean time you both can ready up and the game starts. Remember to change the preferences to "Best" connection, this also slows down player searching feature in public lobby. Remember to cancel the upload as soon as the game starts to avoid lag.

  11. you do realize that one person can have one staff at a time,right? just build the others and then you will still get one. unless if they constantly switch them out. then its annoying.

    i had this happen. usually i just keep on playing and i get a staff,even if its not my favorite wind staff. everyone gets one,everyone wins :mrgreen:

    wind staff > other staffs :twisted:

    I think he is simply upset about the fact that someone steals his staff when he puts in work going through the mud to find Parts for ice staff and robots foot for wind staff or fire staff. Something you typically expect from randoms unless you are playing with me and infest.

  12. I always go for Raygun and monkeys while these fools (randoms) waste their time on staffs only to get killed. I steal their kills and get the most of everything. I already know these randoms are not going to help me beat my high round close to 30. Even if I make it someone would always end up quitting because they bitch and moan for their favorite staff they didnt get.

  13. CoDz is not the same anymore. Biggest problem is most active XBOX players gets the map first plays like hell for a month and move on. I tried to provide several tips and they were not well received or barely replied to. And I blame the fact for late release on ps3 users.

    Besides I think CoDz is not as competitive as before. High rounds is thing of a past and I am losing interest. Only person I look forward to do high rounds is InfestLithium and he does not have same play schedule as me and he is Pacific time.

    I agree some CoDz users are either MIA or simply moved on to other games.

    GTA *cough* *Cough*

    Get over it Jay.

  14. This guide is great and really did help me a lot. Just a couple suggestions:

    As has been mentioned a lot, the incorrect notes had me frustrated for a while. Ended up wasting my max ammo and half of the staffs ammo again after that before trying elsewhere (I figured I was just messing up).

    Also I didn't see locations for Maxis Drone parts, those would be nice in there.

    Lastly, when I was doing the easter egg, none of the places to place the staffs were appearing (After getting them all Ultimate) in the robots or bottom room under PaP. After a few rounds of wtfing, I turned on all the generators and they showed up. If I missed it my bad, but I don't think I saw anything about that in the guide.

    Again this is a great guide, thanks for taking the time to put it together.

    Thank you for taking time to write. It has been a community effort overall to bring this together. I tried my best to jot down everything I know.

    As far as the Lightning staff, It is the only staff I have never upgraded so I cannot guarantee exactly what the sequence is but I was told that is the right one, again sorry that you have to waste time on wrong ones. If some one can add the right sequence and PM it to me I will edit the main Guide. Thanks. Credit will be given.

    For the Maxis drone parts, I can link a thread in main guide soon. Thanks for your input friend.

  15. Staff of Lightning/Kimat's Bite (Purple)


    Here is the right order 1 3 6 3 5 7 2 4 6. (*New)

    Can I just point out that this order does not work for me at all, the only way it works for me is 613 357 462. So It may be that their is several different ways of inputting this or this particular step for the lightning staff is wrong?

    Sorry about that. I cannot confirm this at the moment. But thanks for letting us know.

  16. I found a really good map online for anyone having trouble locating stuff.

    http://maps.achievementhunter.com/guide ... ov/thecity

    I love how you can add/remove filters for a specific hunt.

    September 30th, 3:36pm: Almost all items are now linked. Still need to finish nuclear waste. Real estate signs are finished.

    September 25th, 2:56pm: All Knife Flights are now posted with videos.

    September 24th, 5:17pm: All Spaceship Parts now live, all Under the Bridge locations live.

    September 24th, 10:35am: All Spaceship Parts up to #33 now have YouTube links added.

    September 23rd, 5:19pm: Added all Hidden Packages, added Spaceship Parts up to #33, linking video guides soon.

    September 23rd, 12:06pm: Added all Stunt Jumps, Paper Scraps. Currently updating Spaceship Parts.

  17. Mato died on 100 due to monkeys ignoring zombies. I have myself experienced this in first few days of Origins launch. It could be intentional or not for treyarch to have sloppy monkeys.One reason I always go for Airstrikes right away.

    How do airstrikes work mate?Im just wondering,im a ps3 guy :lol:

    Google "CoDz AIrstrikes" to search anything from CoDz or use the regular search feature here.

    If you are too lazy then check out this thread below.


    At the end of round 3 head out towards tank station, your mission is to find all the parts from the ground for ice staff and also obtain airstrike grenades before round 8. Pick up brofist stone from the table in tank station. Open up to the workshop leading to no mans land. Find parts for the "zombie shield". If not go the other way towards generator 3. Use Mauser whenever you can to maximize points. Get Jugg right away, Craft zombie shield next to wind cave build-able. Get Stamin up and MP40. Head up to church and Place bro-fist stone in church fountain and kill some zombies using zombie shield. If shield wears out simply run away if you can or horde them up else where then re-buy shield and lead them back to the church near the stone. Patience is the key. Also you can get lucky with insta-kill. Head back to tank station at the end of round 6 or earlier so you can get some kills there to obtain Airstrikes.

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