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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Already has the

    +Medic upgrade

    +Weapons specialist upgrade

    +IMS Flaming pool



    Recently got the

    +Start with Skill point

    +Start with Locker key

    +Engineer upgrade

    +Pistol ark attachment



    Currently pursuing for

    +Cryptid slayer ammo

    +Master Scavenger

    +Electric Knife

    +Vulture upgrade



    This reminds me of my zombies round 50 hunt.  I  CANT BREATHE UNTIL I GET THAT DARN CRYPTID SLAYER AMMO.

  2. Hmm some of you guys are going into too much details about kills and numbers, it is about the fav gun that you like to shoot. Ofcourse not including wunder weapons before some one starts pointing ray gun and dg2, although I wud prefer tgun.


    Anyways I like ppsh, unfortunately never got to use it in regular zombies maps as I never played waw zombies. One reason why I sometime swithch to Custom maps.

  3. @way2g00d CoD (Ghosts) and all the DLCs are on sale over at Steam. You can get every CoD with DLC for 200.

    Is it worth getting Ghosts and a bunch of DLC, just for this gamemode? No one really seems to be talking in-depth about this mode past the map that was on the disc.



    Ya, I got it for 360, hated it. Graphics suck **** I know it's a different case for pc, but then I like my xbox one, plug and play, dedicated for gaming. Although my pc is on steroids and has the best graphics card, I will have to skip it even though its on sale. I just don't have a big grp of friends on pc to play with. Also, it is very easy to find public games on xbox than on pc. I could be wrong. I bought the other game you said, barely played it on 360. I guess I am very picky afterall. But hit me up sometime if you want to kick it.


  4. To me Extinction's re-playability just went up by 2000 times after they added new upgrades for armory load outs. Skill points, challenges and everything.. was very creative from IW side, of-course ignoring the story, not too interested in that. I hope SHGames also comes up with something unique like what IW did this way their co-op mode is not as shitty as the mp sounds.

  5. Who is interested in this co-op mode? Truth be told, I am not crazy about this game unless they come up with an exciting co-op game mode, and I hope it is something unique like IW's Extinction.



    What we now so far..


    Credit goes to CharlieIntel

    Michael Condrey confirms Advanced Warfare’s Co-op will be 4 players; Controller markings not related to Co-op



    SHGames teases Advanced Warfare’s co-op mode with a blurry image

    source and Link : http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/07/27/shgames-teases-advanced-warfare-co-op-mode-in-a-blurry-image/


    COD Endowment showing cyborg image possible co-op mode.

  6. Give some extra rewards for becoming UOTM.

    For example.
    +Access to certain areas of the forum like Grave yard/Mod lounge.
    +Ability to Sticky thread (Questionable)
    +Ability to Moderate perhaps.
    +Attend Staff meetings for that month
    and so on...

    Just my 2 cents. I know most of these are questionable, but gives our members something to work on other than wearing Brent's stinky robes.

  7.  i wish they would do a double xp week, because i am rarely free on the weekends yet have untold amounts of free time during weekday evenings



    Ditto, weekends are busy and not much to do on weeknights other than hitting the gym, Lately I am scanning for tv - shows once the baby duties are over.


    Currently watching Masters of Sex  and loving it *TMI*

  8. Brains to you Naitrax. Yes, I have been in love with extinction since day 1, mostly due to game play, But I have to agree the story kept getting better. Awakening was a big turn off for me regards to game play, dark boring map filled with rhinos, the verticality was not adding to the fun at all. It seemed like running in bio dome (Moon map from zombies) with broken excavator 6.


    That said, I really loved and still like the first map Point of contact. Nightfall was also a great map and the next one, Mayday was okay. Not really a big fan of new game mode or hardcore either.


    Recently I beat Exodus on regular mode with randoms, it felt great getting 3 Platinums. My hunger to extinction and teeth kept growing with new loadouts inventory, so I tried playing hardcore with randoms, to my surprise I was able to beat with 2 average randoms no mics. I think Exodus it was a great fun with a combination of all forms of cryptids. 

    The biggest plus was addition of wonder weapon that can almost insta-kill any cryptid except rhino and phantom. It is super balanced, because you only have 10 single shots or 1 power shot, just like wave gun from Moon or Jet gun from tranzit that has a recharge time but no reload required.


    All in all, you GOT to try this map or this game mode like Nai pointed. If you have ghosts, get this map pack. Multiplayer and extinction are worth it. 10/10 from me.


    Way out.

  9. Strike zone 24/7 was so much fun, for once my k/d was never under 1 lol. Finally got a chance to break my 60 kills record on dom. and 40+ on Drop zone.


    Extinction also seems too easy when played with ppl with mics, double xp is always nice, can't believe my stats were reset. Takes forever to get to those ranks ine Extinction.

  10. /Rant why does these yt famous dipshits get every fricking map pack before us, arghhhh. I know they are VIP's  and such but still. And I am not talking about Multiplayer in particular, Just extinction or even zombies where easter eggs and suspnese is involved, they know half of the fans can't help but end up watching their videos even before they got their hands on game. Not only that, it ruins the thrill of finding easter eggs if they are not fair in their release times to general public. 

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